Tuesday 27 April 2021

Turkey Meatballs with Roasted Grape Tomatoes and Mini Peppers, Sautéed Asparagus Rounds, Parsley and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Temps inching up...  each day a bit warmer...  bright sun ☀️ cool breeze... mid 60’s on the thermometer 🌡 light jacket...  scarf and gloves left at home...  kids out bike riding 🚴 neighbors raking up piles of magnolia flowers fallen from their tree...  cherry blossoms raining across the street...  teeny leaves 🍃 unfurling...  lots of bees 🐝 about...  slurping nectar from the mountain laurel...  lilac blooms almost ready to open... waiting for Mother’s Day.

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana 🍌 the hubs enjoying his hot cup and oatmeal with cinnamon...  meatballs getting 100% of aye votes for tonites supper.  Fitting in all those check ups we missed in 2020 due to covid...  today a visit with the gynecologist to review mammogram and sonogram results and complete the annual physical.  Discovered that older women are more likely to develop breast cancer...  thankfully all is well... a clean bill of health.

Returned just in time to take the hubs to PT...  saw a stunning cherry tree on the way...  then tax prep...  the task not a favorite.  

Supper tonite a welcome diversion...  meatballs atop fresh orecchiette, roasted grape tomatoes and mini peppers...  sautéed asparagus rounds...  turkey meatballs...  olive oil...  parsley and Parmesan.  Alongside a glass of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷 decaf coffee and the last of the Häagen Dazs vanilla bean ice cream for the hubs.   

CDC recommending new guidance for vaccinated Americans today...  less masking outdoors when in small groups or exercising...  still recommended for large outdoor gatherings...  and of course indoors in public spaces as well.  Do your part...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then...  you know what to do...  mask on... limit interactions...  hustle through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

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