Friday 16 April 2021

Chicken Teriyaki Kebabs with Yellow Rice, Tomato Cucumber and Feta Salad and Acorn Squash with Agave Nectar

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sunny but chilly morning devolving into mid afternoon clouds...   by late afternoon a steady drizzle...   busy early in the day...  landscapers blowing...  neighbors gardening...  new songbird singing out his melody from the treetops...  couldn’t find him amongst the branches...  squirrels busily stuffing themselves with last seasons acorns dug from lawns and planters.

Iced coffee ☕️ and a mandarin... the hubs enjoying his steaming cup and burrito.  A few moments to chat about supper...  yesterday’s marinating chicken teriyaki on the menu...  some paperwork... then off to the races.  Hubs to PT...  zoom through the market...  sliding into home plate...   scooping the hubs up from PT to head back...  all in under 90 minutes...  whew...  what a ride!!  

Supper tonite...  chicken teriyaki kebabs with orange juice, lime juice and soy sauce...  yellow rice flavored with turmeric and paprika...  a beautiful tomato, cucumber feta salad with parsley and feta (forgot to take a photo 🤪) and acorn squash baked with agave nectar (forgot to take a photo of that too...  I think my brain is getting mushy 🙃) alongside a glass of Sauvignon Blanc...  dessert for the hubs... Echinacea tea, crystallized ginger leaf and ginger snaps.

Covid cases soaring to 200,000 daily in India...  terrifying...  Brazil also enduring an enormous surge...  never forget how fortunate those of us in America are to have a government that makes vaccinations a priority 🥰

That being said...  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  

The J&J issues have created nervousness amongst those who are frightened...  please remember...  50% of Americans have already received at least one dose...  66 million are fully vaccinated...  the variants are more infectious and more deadly...  please protect yourself and your loved ones.  Until then...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit interactions...  zoom through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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