Thursday 15 April 2021

Piggies in Blankets and Crisp Green Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

🎶 Rain rain go away...  come again another day 🎵 ...  and it rained...  and it rained...   the puddles growing larger...  and deeper...  kids in galoshes splashing on their way home...  cars driving by...  wipers swishing...  teeny dogs in little pink rubber booties and rains slickers out for a walk...  visible beneath umbrella holding owners huddled into their jackets against the cold damp breeze.  

Hot coffee ☕️ cottage cheese and a mandarin inside the warm kitchen... the hubs warming his hands on his steaming cup...  the rest of the house feeling a bit raw with falling temps outside...  waiting for the heat to kick on.  Teriyaki chicken for supper planned...  the hubs off to his workshop to continue his re-organizing...  which is coming out very nicely...  phone calls...  paperwork...  tax prep await....  plus a closet to clean out...  back to decluttering.  

Supper tonite apparently not teriyaki chicken 😂 still marinating in the fridge...  the rice alongside cooked as well...  also stashed.  Found a pack of mini sausages in the back of the fridge nearing expiration...  hate tossing food...  so pigs in blankets for supper...  along with a fresh green salad (so we can pretend this meal is healthy) and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.  The hubs was positively thrilled...  he said...  and I quote... “Oooh a treat tonite!!”  When Mom asked what we had for supper I just said...  hot dogs 🌭 So glad they tasted good and actually made for a fun... albeit weird...  supper 🤪

Covid cases sill infecting 70,000 Americans each day.  Dr Fauci has indicated that we cannot fully re-open the country until we are below 10,000 new infections daily.  Please do your part and get vaccinated 💉 make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then... you know what to do...  So DO IT...  mask up...  limit interactions...  jog through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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