Saturday 17 April 2021

Sashimi, Wakame Bimimbop and Japchae Supper

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

🎶 Here comes the sun... do do do do... here comes the sun...  and I say... it’s all right 🎶  Bright azure skies streaming down on the Big Sunny Apple...  brisk breeze bringing a touch of chill to the mid 60’s...  birds celebrating the glorious return of the golden orb...  singing...   twittering...  squawking...   squirrels stuffing their chubby selves...  nibbling tree flowers...  young baby leaves...   chittering to one another as they race up and down trees playing catch me if you can.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana... the hubs enjoying his oatmeal and hot java...  fish supper gleaning 100% of aye votes.  Details to be determined at the market.  Off to our days...  his a continuation of workshop organization... tax prep...  calls...  and paperwork await.  By late afternoon a much needed break from the drone of work...  tea with the hubs... off to the market to fish for supper 😂

Tonites meal courtesy of H Mart...  sashimi plate...   japchae (Korean cellophane noodles with veggies) wakame (Japanese seaweed salad) and bibimbap vegetables (no rice or broth today) as a side dish of salads...  served alongside soy sauce with pickled ginger slices and wasabi for some heat...  and orange juice spritzer.  

All incredibly fresh and delicious...   enough left for another meal.  Looking forward to making rice and broth next time.  Fun to experiment with new flavors and tastes...  some familiar...  some not...  all delicious and beautifully prepared.  Picked up frozen goyoza dumplings for another meal... one with leek...  one chicken and pork.  Our H Mart has a huge salt water tank at the back of the store...  live fish 🐟  makes for incredibly fresh sashimi. 

The J&J vaccine pause has ended...  10 million doses available for immediate use... risk of serious side effects rare...  if you are hesitant select Moderna or Pfizer...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution bringing herd immunity to America so we can end the variants and resume our lives.  Until then... you know what to do...  mask up...  limit interactions...  trot through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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