Tuesday 6 April 2021

Spring Flowers... Crisp Green Salad and leftover Matzagne

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Gee how lucky can we get 🎶 another gorgeous day here in the Big Rosy Apple...  temps in the high 60’s...  humidity at 10%...  feels delightful on the skin.  A perfect day for a mammogram!  Ladies...  have you had yours done lately?  Learned recently that the incidence of breast cancer increases with age (geez... thanks 😕)  and so those annual screening become more and more important the older we get.  Such a pleasant activity (NOT) but vital...  Skipped mine in 2020... pandemic and all...  so it became a necessity this time.  

Coming back from the appointment...  cherry trees and magnolia flowers...  ready to pop...  buds already fat and juicy will open in the next days. Favorite time of year...  spring...  daffodils...  hyacinth...  forsythia...  tulips...  bright green baby tree leaves...  maple flowers...  bees buzzing around the mountain laurel in bloom in front of the house 🐝 

Met the hubs for a late coffee ☕️ and quick catch up before his PT session...  bagels and cream cheese 🥯 on the menu left from our Easter brunch...  off to the races...  dropped the hubs off at PT...  scooted back for a quick hour of work before pick up time...  looking forward to  planting lettuce seedlings tomorrow...  too busy today 🌱 

Supper a fresh tossed salad with roasted red peppers... sliced grape tomatoes 🍅 and cucumber 🥒 on a bed of chopped romaine...  lime vinaigrette a welcome acidic note against the richness of the leftover matzagne.  

Covid variants continue to spread among younger unvaccinated folks as vaccines proceed at record pace.  Within the next two weeks all adult Americans will be eligible for their shot...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution along with 65 million fully vaccinated  folks here in the US...  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up... limit interactions...  fly though the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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