Sunday 25 April 2021

Greenhouse Update & Leftovers

 Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...

Whiplash weather...  cold one day...  warm the next...   Mother Nature unable to make up her mind if spring has sprung yet...  trees 🌳 not confused...  their blossoms adorning branches...  feeding hungry critters and birds...  cherry trees in bright pinks a favorite...  their summer fruits gobbled up by birds and squirrels long before humans get a chance to taste.  Rainy morning followed by clouds and chill...  by sunset skies cleared and revealed the glowing orb as it descended beyond the horizon.

Greenhouse update...  the babies are growing up... teenager tomato 🍅 plants...  nasturtiums have popped through the soil and are growing rapidly...    

slow growing pepper plants still infants (red coloring is from the nearby heat lamp) basil growing their second set of leaves...  mint, parsley and marigolds all doing well...  gave everyone a big drink today...  all happy on their benches.

Supper tonite a melange of leftovers from the weeks meals...  last nights burgers had two remain... a chicken thigh... leg and wing left from our spatchcocked bird...  a few bites of potato salad and coleslaw and baked butternut squash rounds filled out our meal.... orange juice and sparkling water spritzers accompanying...  the hubs enjoying his Wild Berry Zinger tea and vanilla bean ice cream for dessert.

The J&J vaccine back in action after a two week pause...  now coming with a warning for women under 50 years of a rare side effect affecting 2 per one million patients.  If you’re in this group and need to chose Pfizer or Moderna for comfort... that’s all right...  but do make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution to knock out covid!  Until then...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your weekend?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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