Wednesday 7 April 2021

Porterhouse, Sautéed Mushrooms, Roasted Asparagus and Baby Turnips & Mashed Sweet Potatoes AND Matzo Crack

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Another stunner...  light breeze...  high 60’s...  no jackets required.  Magnolia blossoms opened today at the neighbors...  stunning pink and white magnificent 8” flowers...  all the local bees 🐝 instantly investigating...  a beautiful sight for eyes tired of winters doldrums.  Neighbors out... waving...  tending to gardens...  faces lit up with smiles as we crawl out from under our cold weather nests.

Coffee ☕️ and a banana out on the deck with the hubs... sunshine warming   cold bones...   Mr Sam spread out across the boards soaking in the rays.  The hubs working on his latest project...  buffing the scratches out of the  kitchen table.  Time to plant the lettuce seedlings 🌱 in the new planter...  three planting bags of soil...   a couple of heads of lettuce in each...  so psyched to see how they grow over the next weeks.   Planted dill seedlings in a long planter on the deck adjacent to the rosemary and thyme...  maybe call it Herb Way 😂?   Doing research on companion plantings...  nasturtiums and marigolds help tomatoes and cucumbers along...  providing a bright floral note as well.  Considering adding basil and mint to the greenhouse to help ward off pests...   so much to learn ☺️

Supper tonite...  porterhouse 🥩 rare (of course) with sautéed mushrooms and roasted asparagus over mashed sweet potatoes 🍠 a few roasted baby turnips alongside...  a glass of Cabernet 🍷 for the hubs...  enjoying the last of the leftover Champagne from Easter brunch.   Dessert... matzo crack...  (special thanks to Dori Levy for another winning recipe) addictive...  toffee...  chocolate...  roasted salted almonds... phenomenal 😋

Covid spreading rapidly among young unvaccinated folks...  all those 16 and over now eligible for vaccines in NY...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...   until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit interactions...  gallop through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

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