Wednesday 14 April 2021

Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Mushroom and Queso Frier with Homemade Flatbreads

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

The sun magically reappearing bringing smiles to faces and warmth to chilled bones...  temps climbing into the low 60’s...  folks outside...   gardening...  planting...  chatting with neighbors...  mowing lawns...  little peeks of normalcy amidst the pandemic.  Squirrels digging everywhere...  helping aerate the soil allowing new growth to emerge.

Iced coffee ☕️ turkey salami mini wrap...   the hubs savoring his steaming cup...  trying a new dish tonite...  special thanks to Liz Gutter for her recipe and inspiration...  meatless Tuesday? Off he goes to continue re-organizing his workshop...  telephone calls... video chats... paperwork await...  sun ☀️ streaming in office windows making for a pleasant day.

Dropping the hubs off for a late PT session...  supper prep...  chopping vegetables...  sautéing onions... olive oil...  a little salt... black pepper...  adding in sliced red peppers...  minced garlic...  sliced mushrooms...  cubed eggplant...  blooming spices...  smoked paprika...  cumin... coriander... cajun seasoning... time to add the chopped tomatoes... a little wine...  chicken stock...  a bit of agave nectar...  dark red kidney beans...  then simmer covered...  Turn off the heat...  pick up the hubs from PT...  back in the kitchen...  return to simmer cover off...  finally off the heat add two thick slices of queso frier...  meantime roll out the flatbreads...  coat lightly with olive oil... into the 475°F oven for 10 minutes...  rotate the pans...  10 more minutes...  voilá...  supper is served!  Whew...  that glass of Cabernet sure was extra delicious tonite 🍷

Covid variants continue their march through the Great Lakes region...  infecting unvaccinated folks with a more contagious form...   vaccinations are the way out...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution... along with almost half of Americans...  until then...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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