Tuesday 20 April 2021

Spatchcocked Grilled Chicken with Sautéed Portobellos in Venison Gravy, Roasted Broccolini & Homemade Rolls

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Stellar sunshine...  temps climbed into the low 70’s... woo hoo...  felt like springtime...  no jackets required...  mountain laurel blooming with cascades of flowers...  loads of honey bees collecting nectar...  our bossy bee 🐝 a large single female carpenter bee... patrolling the property chasing away all other cavity nesting bees...  she patrols during day light hours...  hasn’t understood the greenhouse yet...  she is relentless.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana out on the deck...  the hubs enjoying his cottage cheese and hot java... Mr Sam sprawled out on the warm boards soaking in the sunshine...  light breeze caressing skin on our arms...  just enough to keep us cool.  Spent time in the greenhouse...  everyone growing beautifully...  leeks and carrots that survived the winter now exploding with new growth...  all the babies getting taller and fuller each day...  gave them all a drink and patted their heads. 

Dropped the hubs off at PT...   the race is on... skittered to the bank...  off to the market for a few small items... a quick stop at home to unpack... then back to PT to collect the hubs...  all done and dusted in 70 minutes!  Just in time to hear the verdict in the Chauvin trial...  accountability...  it’s about time! 

Supper tonite...  spatchcocked chicken on the grill...  roasted broccolini...  sautéed portobello mushrooms with remaining gravy from the venison stew...  incredibly delicious...  the chicken moist... skin crispy...  heavenly...  washed down with the last of the bottle of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷 

Echinacea tea... a leaf of crystallized ginger and a scone for the hubs dessert.  

A quick comment...  for years in the US the only way we ever heard about crimes against minorities was when the news decided it was worthy of a report.  Since the advent of cell phones with cameras and video it has become increasingly apparent that these crimes are frequent... blatant and often done without thought or remorse.  The guilty verdict in the Chauvin  trial is a beginning...  but look how blatant and outrageous it needed to be before society paid attention.  Accountability for ones behavior cannot be excused...  regardless of race... color... ethnicity...  wealth... position or job title.  We must all be held to the same standards...  otherwise there is no justice. 

Covid is still with us...  as vaccines 💉 progress at more than 3 million per day...  Americans are still succumbing to the virus...  new cases still top 70,000 daily...  please... make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... you know what to do...  mask up... limit interactions...  skip though the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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