Monday 18 May 2020

White Bean Stew & Onion Bread

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
I have been trying to get the hubs to agree to meatless Monday's forever...  he just wouldn't budge and eventually I just gave up.  However, the other night we saw a post online of a white bean stew and he was intrigued.  Soooo, tonite I decided to give it a whirl and guess what... he LOVED it.  I am so thrilled, I can't tell you.  It was scrumptious... we ate it along with some onion bread purchased last week during my weekly food foray and it made a fabulous meal... and inexpensive too.

It is such a simple supper, and so satisfying, and on this dreary rainy Monday (when soup seemed to be the order of the day) it made me smile and be excited to take the next spoonful... and that is such a blessing in this time of worries and shortages... so, whatever you cook, enjoy it to the fullest... celebrate the flavors on your tongue and the warmth in your heart the way only a delicious meal can accomplish...
What's in your bowl tonite?

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