Monday 18 May 2020

Roasted Chicken with Lemon & Farro

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today the sun emerged from its incredibly loooong nap and shone its face down on us here in the Big Apple 🍎... the temperature soared to a mild 64°F and we crept out from inside our homes and peeked at the neighbors for the first time in a week.  They looked as scary as we did... messy hair and wrinkly skin... but we waved frantically at one another shouting hellos and smiling across backyards... just happy to see other humans again...  we smiled and waved at the few passers by taking walks or riding bikes... and their eyes crinkled up as they smiled back from behind their masks and waved back... and for a few short hours life seemed all right again... and we remembered that someday it would be okay again in a new and careful world.  And we sat on the back deck and drank in the sunshine while Mr Sam (our cat) lounged nearby.

This past week when I ventured out for the weekly grocery forage the hubs asked for a whole chicken... sooo, tonite he got his wish... one whole chicken coming up!  It came out nice and moist... with a quartered lemon stuffed up its... ahem... um, well... oh yes, cavity 😂🤣😅...  and topped with olive oil, salt, pepper, Penzey's chicken seasoning (so good), minced onion and minced garlic.  Roasted the critter for about an hour or so at 375°F and the skin was oh so crispy ( I know, I know, were not supposed to eat the skin... unhealthy fats and all...  but this is a PANDEMIC... eeeek... so skin eating was ON!  And it was so totally worth whatever calories it came with... ~sigh~ and of course the inevitable bit of fat that certainly went straight to my butt.) But I digress... we ate it alongside some roasted broccoli and the remainder of the last package of farro I had in the cupboard.  After the farro had its photo op I gave it a nice pat of butter to soothe its little soul (and mine too).  Consumed with the rest of the Bogle Sauvignon Blanc... and eyeballing the unopened bottle of Malbec sitting next to it for tomorrow.
Following our repast we indulged in a wonderful movie 🎥 "Love Never Ends"... recommended to us by Andrew (thanks for that, it was wonderful) the sequel to Phantom of the Opera... one of the first Broadway shows the hubs and I saw many moons ago.  It brought back so many memories and didn't disappoint.
How did you spend your day, and what's on your plate? (photos welcome and appreciated)

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