Sunday 17 May 2020

Quarantine supper... live from NYC...
Tonite's repast included chicken thighs seasoned with adobo, garlic, onion, paprika and turmeric... a baked yam and sautéed broccoli, corn and diced onion completed the meal...  dessert was an apple crumble served alongside homemade ice cream churned from this past Christmas' leftover bottle of Coquito (ooops, I guess I made one too many... or is that even possible?)... the hubs ate most of the dessert before I got a photo taken... we quenched our thirst with a bit more of the Josh Cabernet... still a bit left for tomorrow (going to have to do a wine run at the liquor store pretty soon... eeek)
The weather today was nice in the afternoon... we got a bit of sun and were able to enjoy it on the western side of the house where the office has two chairs available.
What's on your plate? (Photos if available please)
Stay safe & healthy everyone... we miss you but we'll be together again soon ❤️

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