Sunday 17 May 2020

Cheese & Parsley Sausage

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Cheese and parsley sausage paired with a luscious onion loaf and a crisp green salad graced tonite's dinner table...
Saturday night quarantine here in the Big Apple and its dinner and a movie... watched Julie & Julia tonite... what a fun concept, cooking one's way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child.  As I watched the recipes unfold through the movie I thought... "why don't the French all have high cholesterol & heart disease with all that butter?"  I don't know why, but they must have figured it out long ago to be able to eat those scrumptious meals and not have their arteries clogged.  Maybe it's the wine?  Well, our supper was paired with the same hearty Cabernet, Josh... haven't finished the bottle yet, so we'll get to enjoy it once again tomorrow.  What's on your plate tonite?

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