Monday 18 May 2020

French Apple Tart

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Tonite's dinner was chicken left from yesterday's bird paired with the remains of the farro and a fresh salad...
But two wrinkly apples remained in my basket amongst the fresh crisp Granny Smiths that I bought for the hubs this past weeks food foray.  They looked so sad, sitting there, uneaten... and so a tart was born.  At first I considered a galette... but the dough wasn't enough for covering the outer rim... and thus the decision was clear.  

As I peeled the apples, slicing and arranging them on the dough round, I felt the tension of the day melt away.  It must be the focus needed to complete the tart (so I don't skip steps or leave out any ingredients... I'm sure that's never happened to any of you... only me, leaving out the sugar or adding twice the butter...  ooops) that helps me forget the non-stop conversation in my brain.  It is a respite from the stresses of daily life now that each trip out of the house is fraught with extra steps to disinfect myself each step of the way (and no, I am not drinking Clorox or having a Lysoltini 😂😅🤣) so as not to bring the virus home with me.

The hubs ate his with a scoop of Coquito ice cream and I enjoyed mine plain... eaten out of hand like a slice of pizza (how do you eat your pizza???  Corner first? Or gnaw from the side of the crust? With a fork and knife? Or just folded down the center and mowed through?) It was a delicious end to another dreary Sunday wrapped up at home with my kitchen appliances, my ingredients and the hubs...
How was your Sunday?  What's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

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