Friday 22 May 2020


Quarantine activities of the day...
Today was the day that shopping for food occurs... it's the day we plan to have leftovers cause after shopping it's generally too late to start supper... and oftentimes I'm too tired to fuss.  So, today, instead of a photo of our Gin & Tonics I submit for your consideration one of my most favorite foods... chocolate...
Chocolate has been a thing in my family for as long as I can recall. My Dad told stories about WWII when his rations contained a Hershey Bar... and that began my families long term love affair with chocolate.  As a child I adored milk chocolate... any form... but I found as I got older my tastes turned to the dark side.  Chocolate ice cream... chocolate candy... chocolate cookies... chocolate cake... chocolate mousse... you name it... I've loved it...
So what chocolate do you like?  Has it changed over the years?  Have you gone over to the dark side too?

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