Monday 18 May 2020

Quick Braised Greens & Beans with Bacon & Chicken

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Tonite was the time to use up leftovers... had some roasted lemon chicken breasts, a baked red potato, a baggie full of cauliflower florets left from last weeks frittata, some dandelion greens that were on their last legs and a few wrinkled grape tomatoes.  Add in a couple of rashers of bacon and a delicious stew was born based on the NYTimes recipe for Quick Braised Greens & Beans with Bacon. Normally the recipe would have been followed as is, but the goal tonite was to empty the fridge of leftovers.  The basics of the recipe, however, made a delicious stock in which to simmer the goodness.  Paired with a crisp Sauvignon blanc it made a delightful supper.

Today's weather was very odd... partly cloudy turned into a black sky around 2:45pm with whipping winds and rain... morphing into beautiful blue skies by late afternoon followed by a lovely sunset.  It was like having fall, winter and spring all in one day.  The freakish weather spurred on the siren song for stew...  chilly windy weather brings the need for warm comforting bowls of hot steaming stew or soup right to the fore.  Luckily the leftovers in the fridge did their job tonite.

Cooking comforting food in the kitchen is my outlet after a day of counseling.  It brings me back to my center, grounding me in tangible tasty results... something I desperately need after listening to broken souls.  Of course I want to fix everyone and solve all their issues... but that's not my place, and so I need something I CAN fix at the end of my day and cooking does it for me.

How was your day? And what's on your plate?

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