Friday 29 May 2020

Redemption Chicken

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Tonite we had redemption chicken 🤣😅😂 which means that I felt the need to redeem myself after the epic fail of two nights ago.  The thighs (and one odd leg in the pack) came out crispy, garlicky with just a poke of heat... perfectly juicy.   They were served alongside the leftover rice and pasta from this past weeks meals and a fresh green salad.

Ta da! My perfectionism is once again satisfied and I am none the worse for wear 🤣😂😅

The last two days have been a bit humid with passing showers interspersed with bright sunshine.  Today the hubs built the form for a cement pad outside to accommodate the exterior condenser unit for the split system we purchased to replace our old (read, expensive to run) room air conditioners.

The forecast for the summer is hot, humid and an unusually active hurricane season.  Perfect... COVID19, killer hornets, UFO's and now hurricanes... seems to me 2020 isn't going particularly well 😳
How was your day?  And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Thursday 28 May 2020

Eggplant & Tomato with Penne

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Many of us, myself included, tend to post photos of our successes when we are proud of what we have created in our kitchens.

Tonite I want to post my dinner from last night... which by all measurements was a complete flop.  The homemade sauce, diced eggplant... plenty of delicious herbs and spices... slow simmered in juice left from twenty diced fresh tomatoes used the day prior, tasted wonderful.   However when it was served with the al dente penne,  I realized that I failed to reduce it sufficiently.... the juices separated from the eggplant leaving the dish with a watery residue that never managed to adhere to the pasta.  I probably should have used the tomato juice itself to cook the penne... afterthoughts are almost always 20/20...

We ate it anyway, of course, but it was a disappointment.  The hubs added Tabasco to his but when I asked he said dinner was meh...

I felt it was important to post it anyway... letting us see the failures makes the successes all that more enjoyable.

Tonite was leftovers from our earlier chicken leg supper with a side of dumplings from the Chinese takeout this past week... food shopping day and all...

Hoping your supper was delicious 😋
How was your day?  And what's on your plate?

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Chicken Legs, Brown Rice & Brussels Sprouts

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was another gorgeous day here in the Big Apple.  The sun shone, the temperatures rose and the garden beckoned...  weeding... watering... it was the perfect day to fuss over the plants.

The hubs completed his trimming of our bushes and we cleaned out a section of the garage... all in all a productive beginning to the week.

Supper was a quick melange of chicken legs roasted in cumin, coriander, garlic, onion & smoked paprika served over leftover brown rice sautéed with olive oil, spices and chicken stock with a side of roasted Brussels sprouts.  Wine rounded out the meal... Sauvignon Blanc for me... and a full bodied Spanish Tempranillo  for the hubs. We finished off dinner with a slice of marbled banana bread (still delicious and won't last more than another day)
How was your day? And what's on your plate?

Monday 25 May 2020

Memorial Day - Burgers, Potato Salad, Tortas & Marbled Banana Bread

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Hoping everyone had a safe and fun Memorial Day celebration.  We practiced social distancing, having a backyard picnic with friends who live nearby.  We enjoyed burgers, potato salad a green salad and of course, wine.

Dessert was a first attempt at Smitten Kitchen's Marbled Banana bread (something I've been itching to bake ever since I saw the recipe) which although delicious, moist and a perfect combination of chocolate and banana, was insufficiently swirled resulting in more of a checkerboard look than a marbled look... however, the flavors were spot on and oh so scrumptious!

We didn't have any buns for the burgers so the no knead bread recipe made delicious tortas which we used instead... so glad for the yeast ordered a few weeks back.

The potato salad was a mash up (pun intended) of a recipe from Ina Garten and the hubs Mom's potato salad.  It came out so tasty with a dressing made from lemon juice and zest, Dijon mustard and good mayonnaise... red potatoes, red onion & celery were the components and the extra dressing left from the potato salad mixed with red wine vinegar and oil made for a yummy green salad dressing.   All in all a successful day.

How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Composed Salad

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Dinner and a movie has moved to Sunday nights during quarantine thanks to the CBS Sunday Night Movie... tonite was the big one... Titanic... hadn't seen it in many years... it was still an excellent movie... we both enjoyed it thoroughly.

Just prior to movie time we chomped on a composed salad of grapefruit, eggs, beets, garbanzos, tomato jam, olives, ricotta salata, cucumber, grape tomatoes, romaine and arugula with a grapefruit lime vinaigrette... we had a bit of Chinese food left over from last nights supper... a small side of brown rice and broccoli filled out the meal...

Today the hubs trimmed our bushes while I ventured to the local nursery to replace tomato seedlings that didn't survive our cold snap in early May.  It was fortunate that in addition to the tomato plants, I was able to acquire eggplant, Brussels sprouts and basil to fill out the garden.  It will be my first time growing Brussels sprouts... I am looking forward to the challenge.
How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Friday 22 May 2020

Stuffed Artichokes

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Stuffed artichokes... deliciousness crammed into every nook and cranny of these marvelous vegetables.  Bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, a bit of olive oil, lemon zest and its juice...  fabulous.  Sitting at the kitchen table eating them with our fingers... getting all messy... stuffing slipping out of the leaves into our mouths... teeth pulling the goodness out... it was an experience worth the work of snipping off the thorns, digging out the choke, stuffing them then waiting 45 minutes while they steamed.

The best part of eating tonite was having a virtual dinner with Mark & Andrea... they ate their steaks and grilled vegetables (which looked amazing) while we dug into our artichokes.... laughter and drinks later we had a delightful visit.

Today we began the onerous task of cleaning out the storage in our attic... four generations of junk to sort through... how to decide what to keep and what to discard.  The hubs carried some of the discards out to the trash  to be carted away tonite.  So many memories...
How was your day?  And what's on your plate?  (Photos welcomed and appreciated)


Quarantine activities of the day...
Today was the day that shopping for food occurs... it's the day we plan to have leftovers cause after shopping it's generally too late to start supper... and oftentimes I'm too tired to fuss.  So, today, instead of a photo of our Gin & Tonics I submit for your consideration one of my most favorite foods... chocolate...
Chocolate has been a thing in my family for as long as I can recall. My Dad told stories about WWII when his rations contained a Hershey Bar... and that began my families long term love affair with chocolate.  As a child I adored milk chocolate... any form... but I found as I got older my tastes turned to the dark side.  Chocolate ice cream... chocolate candy... chocolate cookies... chocolate cake... chocolate mousse... you name it... I've loved it...
So what chocolate do you like?  Has it changed over the years?  Have you gone over to the dark side too?

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Collards & Bacon with Pork Tenderloin

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Collard greens and BACON... who doesn't love bacon... bacon makes everything better... I could go on and on, but unless you're a person who doesn't eat pork, bacon rules.  In true New Orleans style the collards would have been made with pulled pork... but I didn't have the right cut to make that dish so these collards were served alongside pork tenderloin seared in the cast iron to a tender and juicy medium rare.

This past week we enjoyed dandelions greens...  bok choy and today, collards.  All those lovely stems went into my vegetable soup pot for a nice warming prelude to the main course.  I discovered a while back that if I saved the skimmed drippings from my roasted chickens, it made a delicious pot of soup when diluted with either water or wine.  Why not... the goodness from the chicken and all it's flavorings dripping into the pan make a fabulous soup base.

The winds were calmer today here in the Big Apple as Arthur seems to be veering off into a storm for the fishes... so glad... between the pandemic... the killer hornets 🐝...  the protests going on all over the country... a hurricane is the last thing we all need right about now.
How was your day? And what's on your plate?

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Andouille in Tomatoes Peppers and Wine

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Cajun andouille... nothing else needs to be said...  the quintessential sausage of New Orleans... prominent in every dish that gives joy to our taste buds and a flutter to our hearts.  Tonite, pan seared, then braised with wine, onions, peppers and tomatoes resulting in a spicy melange of flavors and aromas.  Served alongside roasted cauliflower and broccoli florets making tonite's dinner a trip to NOLA.

Today was catch up on chores day... laundry...  dusting... organizing supplies and placing orders for missing items... the hubs created a preliminary schematic and parts list for the installation of an additional ductless air conditioning system for our second floor.  The window AC units have been doing less than a stellar job for the past two summers and it's time...  and since we have the  time (time... something we all seem to have a great deal of these days) we thought now might be a plan for installation.

Arthur has been approaching all day... it was blustery and cool, clouding over as evening approached.  Although we don't seem to be in for a drenching, the outer bands of clouds and scattered rain might be in the forecast over the next couple of days.  Perfect time to make the collards I have resting in the fridge as well as the two artichokes that will get stuffed.
How was your day? And what's on your plate? (photos welcomed and appreciated)

Monday 18 May 2020

Rotisserie Chicken

Today Mark & Drea made a delicious rotisserie chicken in their new barbecue grill.  They ate it alongside asparagus, corn and Brussels sprouts.  Unfortunately due to the quarantine I didn't get to see it in person but they were kind enough to forward  a couple of photos and a video of the effort.  It looked moist and delicious and most importantly was approved by Charlie (their feral inside/outside cat).

Having a rotisserie in my oven (which I don't use... I don't know why) and seeing their delicious bird, reminded me to use my rotisserie sometime soon.  Maybe I will try cooking something other than a chicken that way... though a chicken is so succulent!  Food for thought (pun intended)...

Cheesy White Bean Tomato Bake

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Hooray!  Another successful meatless Monday!  This Cheesy White Bean Tomato Bake (NYTimes recipe by Ali Slagle) was the basis for a fantastic meal.  In addition to the base recipe, the chopped leaves of one large bok choy (plus two additional stems) made this filing enough to be a meal all on its own.  A few variations turned this into a mildly spiced cheesy skillet of comfort and warmth.

Mr Sam has been getting more arthritic as his age progresses (he is going to be 14 this July) and today he had his first dose of Glucosamine mixed into a bit of Greek yogurt... hoping it relieves some of his discomfort.  I have noticed when he jumps down to the floor he winces... 😿... that hurts my heart.

Today the hubs spent time caring for his hydroponic garden while I chatted with clients via video and phone.  He ate his first hydroponic salad tonite... a bunch of romaine leaves in a light lemon and olive oil dressing.  I tasted them... they were delicate and mild... nothing like the romaine bought at the market.  Delicious... and 100% home grown. Success!!  He is also growing peas, radishes, peppers and tomatoes.   It's exciting!

Outside, the sugar snap peas have sprouted on the deck in their pot... now the trick is to keep the squirrels from eating the seedlings as they did with my tomatoe plants... one of a dozen survived.  My French breakfast radishes have sprouted along the edge of the herb garden... I am so looking forward to eating them in a few weeks.

The weather has turned cooler here in the Big Apple once again... to our great pleasure... spring will be gone soon enough and we aren't relishing the heat and humidity of summer.  Folks are beginning to congregate in groups here and there once again and that concerns us, since we aren't sure the results will be positive... only time will tell.  The long quarantine has made us crave outside activities... we are lucky to have a backyard and deck where we can garden, relax and feel safe.  I feel for those stuck in apartment buildings who must be itching to get outside again.  Tomorrow we will begin to feel the effects of tropical storm Arthur as the outer bands of clouds approach the area prior to it swinging out to sea.  It was a pleasure to have the sun with us again today.

How was your day? And what's on your plate?

Street Corn Nachos & Banana Walnut Cranberry Bread

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was special... it was warm enough for us to visit with Mom... her apartment balcony and hallway doors wide open to protect her from any virus we might be carrying...  we were able to sit apart and chat at a distance for a couple of hours regaling her with humorous stories and giving her the company she so desperately misses...  the breeze blowing through at a nice clip keeping us all safe 130 feet off the ground.

Supper followed our visit...  street corn salad with lime tortilla chips was an excellent complement to our porterhouse steak masterfully grilled by the hubs to a perfect rare... and of course, a crisp green salad to round out the meal.  Following dinner the itch needed scratching and although I had truly wanted to bake the Smitten Kitchen Marbled Banana Bread... alas, I only had one banana available (the recipe calls for three 😕) Thus was born the one banana bread... a riff on a recipe from Abeautifulmess...  adding craisins and adjusting the ingredients a bit for the massive one banana on hand.  The result was a moist mildly sweet quick bread that made the taste buds sing.
How was your Sunday?  What's on your plate tonite?

Black Beans & Corn and Watermelon Salad with Empanadas

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today's weather was something to crow about... mild, sunny, breezy 76°F... perfect 😊  A great reason to break out the watermelon salad... one of our favorites... some skewered chicken kebabs and black beans and corn.  We were able to sit out on the deck enjoying the afternoon sunshine and have supper al fresco.  A glass of Sauvignon Blanc for me... a glass of Malbec for the hubs while he tended the grill.

Since we were able to relax outside the family stopped by for al fresco dining... Mark, Andrea, Danicha & Eduardo... all of us sitting apart... together...  Danicha & Eduardo bringing empanadas...  it was a lovely visit and a quick and easy lunch for us all.
How was your day? What's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Stuffed Cabbage, French Bread & Dolmas

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was cool and sunny... the skies were bright and cheerful as the sun reminded us that life continues despite the pandemic...  morning coffee was a breezy affair on the deck with the hubs... tending to tomato plants that have suffered severely as a result of the recent cold snap.  It appears some of them have not survived... the squirrels have been no help, digging in the planters for nuts that aren't there and uprooting young seedlings trying to survive the chill.

It was cool enough tonite for stuffed cabbage and the warm aromas drifting from the pot simmering on the stovetop tickled the nose and spurred the appetite.   Leftover cabbage leaves and rice made a lovely dolma, slow simmered in olive oil and water while everything else cooked.  Mr Sam 😺 wandered around the kitchen watching the food and making sure there were no mistakes (he is a terrific supervisor) A few days ago my 1 lb bag of instant yeast finally arrived.  Last night before bed it was time to make bread.  The no knead dough mixed quickly by hand just before bed sat on the kitchen table overnight and into the afternoon for its long rise.  Two loaves of crusty yummy bread were the result. Our opened bottle of Sauvignon Blanc accompanied the meal nicely.

How was your day? What are you drinking? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Pasta Primavera with Turkey Meatballs

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Today was a beautiful, bright, sunny day with a touch of coolness here in the Big Apple.  It was nice enough for us to sit out on the deck and have coffee and breakfast.  Mr Sam joined us as well... relaxing on his mat... he loves it when the sun is shining... stretching out and absorbing all the warmth he can.  The hubs spent the day doing some tree trimming and weeding while my clients and I chatted away via video.  The sun was energizing and following my sessions I charged into the kitchen to cook.

Tonite we enjoyed pasta primavera with roasted broccoli, roasted red and yellow peppers, penne and lots and lots of Parmesan (is there such as thing as too much cheese? I think not.. 🧀)accompaniments included mini turkey meatballs, roasted balsamic eggplant 🍆 rounds, roasted string beans and a salad 🥗 ... one of our favorite wines... Line 39 Sauvignon Blanc... rounded out the meal.  The hubs enjoyed a scoop of his Coquito Ice Cream 🍨and coffee ☕️ following our repast.  Tomorrow is supposed to be another bright sunny day... it's so cheerful to see the sun!

How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Quick Braised Greens & Beans with Bacon & Chicken

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Tonite was the time to use up leftovers... had some roasted lemon chicken breasts, a baked red potato, a baggie full of cauliflower florets left from last weeks frittata, some dandelion greens that were on their last legs and a few wrinkled grape tomatoes.  Add in a couple of rashers of bacon and a delicious stew was born based on the NYTimes recipe for Quick Braised Greens & Beans with Bacon. Normally the recipe would have been followed as is, but the goal tonite was to empty the fridge of leftovers.  The basics of the recipe, however, made a delicious stock in which to simmer the goodness.  Paired with a crisp Sauvignon blanc it made a delightful supper.

Today's weather was very odd... partly cloudy turned into a black sky around 2:45pm with whipping winds and rain... morphing into beautiful blue skies by late afternoon followed by a lovely sunset.  It was like having fall, winter and spring all in one day.  The freakish weather spurred on the siren song for stew...  chilly windy weather brings the need for warm comforting bowls of hot steaming stew or soup right to the fore.  Luckily the leftovers in the fridge did their job tonite.

Cooking comforting food in the kitchen is my outlet after a day of counseling.  It brings me back to my center, grounding me in tangible tasty results... something I desperately need after listening to broken souls.  Of course I want to fix everyone and solve all their issues... but that's not my place, and so I need something I CAN fix at the end of my day and cooking does it for me.

How was your day? And what's on your plate?

Gunpowder Irish Gin & Tonic

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
Good afternoon folks... it's COCKTAIL time in the Big Apple this Saturday... on the menu are Gunpowder Irish Gin and Schweppes Tonic with lime  ~please note the use of a measuring device for the Gin... I do tend to be heavy handed when mixing 😛~
Today was cccccold and windy 💨 here in NYC... overnight temps dropped to a bristling 36°F with a trace of snow... eeegads, snow on May 9th for petes sake.  The tomato plants shivered but managed to survive the chill... for them it was like a night in the fridge... brrrrrrr.  For us it was shock... if you recall, last Sunday it was 80°F... thats a 44°F drop folks.

Dinner was a repeat of last nights goodies... leftover frittata and two uneaten empanadas with a fresh green salad.  Tomorrow we'll have to see what jumps out of the freezer for supper.

The hubs is waxing everything within reach... today he waxed the office floor... the kitchen floor and the kitchen table. We are simply shining over here.  Luckily he is utilizing his time to do positive chores in the house.  Guessing when the weather warms he'll be out there waxing the house and the grass... 🤣😂😅

How was your day?  And what are you drinking tonite?

Cauliflower, Arugula, Cheddar & Tomato Fritatta

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Tonite we enjoyed a frittata made with sautéed onions, cauliflower, arugula, sharp cheddar and roasted tomatoes... it was a huge success (surprisingly) and thrown together as an accompaniment to the fabulous empanadas we were gifted earlier today.  Appetizers were Brie wedges with the remaining roasted tomatoes and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc for me... Malbec for the hubs...

Today was chilly and rainy... a great day to stay inside... snuggle into a blanket and read a great novel... of course neither of us followed that logic.  I spent the day baking cookies for Mom and the hubs spent the day creating a waterproof box for his hydroponics.  Apparently books will wait for another day...

Our usual Friday night date is now moved to Sunday again... this weeks Sunday night movie on CBS will be Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks and Sally Fields... a classic... be sure to tune 8:00pm EDT in so we can all go to the movies together... at home... and don't forget the popcorn 🍿

How was your day? And what's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Grandma's Almond Cookies

Quarantine activities of the day...  Live from NYC...
Sunday is Mothers Day and during this time of virus and social distancing Grandma has not been able to spend time with us... we have missed her smiling face and sparking personality... what makes Grandma happy are cookies... specifically her mothers almond cookies.  They are light & buttery... when you bite them the cookie crumbs come apart in a delicious burst of almond flavor.  Her mother used to make them for us with a cookie press fitted with a star tip.
Happy Mother Day to all the Moms and Grandmas out there...
Enjoy your celebration and know that we all miss you and are grateful you are safe & healthy ❤️


Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Tonite was leftover night... finishing beans & rice from meatless Monday, lemon Chicken from Tuesday and sausage and pasta from Wednesday... no photo worthy meal for us... HOWEVER, you are being treated to photos of Mark & Andrea's ribs... the glaze oozing over the edges of the succulent meat...  the sauce tantalizing taste buds...  your mouth beginning to salivate just looking at the pictures...  we can only imagine how delicious it was as we jealously ogle the photos...
Enjoy your evening folks...  maybe ribs will be on your plate soon 😉

Sausage with Broccoli Rabe & Mozzerella & Mini Penne with Olive Oil & Parmesan

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
It was a cloudy rainy cool day here in the Big Apple... a perfect day for comfort food.  Sausage with mozzarella and broccoli rabe accompanied by mini penne bathed in fine Greek olive oil, black pepper and Parmesan.  The entire meal was a giant hug of comfort... Trapiche Malbec rounded out the meal nicely.

Following client sessions via video chat and paying bills, Mom and I video chatted for a bit.  She was very pleased with the books that were delivered last night.  Her appreciation made my day 😃... nothing feels better than doing something wonderful for those we love...

How was your day?  And what's on your plate?  (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Bacon Fat Roasted Lemon Chicken & Cinnamon Buns

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today it was time to try something new... roasting a whole chicken is a favorite supper and tonite it was made even more luscious by stuffing the bird with a quartered lemon dipped in salt... and rubbing the skin with a thin coating of bacon fat prior to seasoning with salt & pepper, Penzy's poultry seasoning and ground sumac berries.   The skin crisped up beautifully and the fat made the chicken taste decadent.  Served alongside roasted Brussels sprouts & broccoli... paired with Trapiche Malbec for a delightful dinner.

Dessert were mini cinnamon buns baked while we enjoyed our supper.  The hubs had his coffee alongside...

Today was book delivery day.  Mom almost finished her last book and so around 10pm when all are asleep in at Mom's, the hubs and I took a quick drive over in the car... while I ran up to leave her books just inside the door to her apartment to surprise her in the morning, the hubs kept an eye on the car.  We were there and back in under 30 minutes and Mom will be thrilled in the morning to have five new novels to take up her days.

The weather was chilly today... high was only around 60°F... a sharp drop from Sunday's stunning 80°F day... but the sun winked at us from behind partial clouds, letting us know that warmer days are ahead.  As we watch the number of cases decline in the NYC area and climb in and around the U.S. we feel for those families who may experience the loss that we have experienced here.  We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy throughout this crisis...
How was your day?  And what's on your plate?  (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Red Beans & Rice

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
SUCCESS... It's meatless Monday for the second week in a row here in the Big Apple. The hubs agreed to give it a second try and it went well.  Tonite we hail from New Orleans (NOLA) to enjoy red beans and rice.  It was windy and sunny here today, so it felt like the right day to make a bean stew... spicy and comforting it warmed our cockles (don't know where those are, but they sure felt happy 😂😅🤣) and gave us a healthy and economical change from our usual flesh eating ways.  It was paired with a favorite Malbec of ours... Trapiche... and the flavors combined beautifully.

For those who enjoy a nice vegetarian meal this was a riff on the NYTimes red beans and rice recipe.  You might notice the olives and capers in the bowl subbed for the chorizo because it was to be meatless... and some smoked paprika added for that typical long cooking smokey flavor the chorizo brings to the party.

The hubs missed his flesh at dinner tonite but was happy to enjoy a true NOLA favorite of his... only mentioned the lack twice ( that's very good for him).  Overall it was a success with big flavors and full tummies.

What on your plate?  (Photos welcomed and appreciated)

Meatballs & Pasta, and Mr Sam

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Meatballs and pasta... the essence of comfort food... the meatballs tender and moist... the pasta al dente... olive oil luxuriously draped over the macaroni studded with freshly ground black pepper and topped with grated Romano... it was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Today was absolutely gorgeous in the Big Apple... temperatures soared into the low 70's... the sun shone... skies cleared and people ventured outside to enjoy this city for the first time in almost 7 weeks.   The air was crystal clear, the wind just enough to take the edge off the suns heat.  Although there were face masks and social distancing, it was marvelous to be outside on the deck.  The hubs spent time grooming Mr Sam... who purred loving every minute of it... then fell asleep on the bench.   While Mr Sam enjoyed his well deserved attention, the garden got weeded and the planters on the deck prepped for the coming tomato seedlings that have been nurtured these past weeks.

A couple of friends dropped by... driving to one place or another ... stopping on the sidewalk to chat while we stood ten feet away on the deck.  Since there are few cars now it is much more pleasant to be outside and we can easily chat with neighbors across the street, or backyard.  Even our son, Mark and his other half Andrea were able to come by for a hour or so and visit outside.  It made our day to see them and reconnect.

What did you do on this stunning spring day?
And what's on your plate? (photos welcomed and appreciated)

Cajun Smokey Catfish, Garlicky Roasted Potatoes & Asparagus with Parmesan & Pepper

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Survived the food foray of yesterday... slept well and feel much more relaxed today... Had a virtual chat with a friend last night who made fried catfish for supper... she is a fabulous cook and the thought stayed with me all through the night and into today... kept on thinking about that fish and salivating. So today a couple of frozen catfish filets swam out of the freezer and into the kitchen.  Today's supper comprised Cajun style smokey catfish with oven roasted garlicky potatoes and asparagus with Parmesan and pepper...  our appetizer (no photo... we ate it too quickly) was Brie, a few almonds and the rest of the New Zealand Malbec.  All in all a wonderful meal.

Usually Friday night is dinner and a movie, but CBS has revived the Sunday night movie... 8:00pm on your local CBS station... and this week it's going to be, "Indian Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark"... one of our favorites!  So, we have postponed our Friday night ritual until Sunday to enjoy a movie we both love.

A package arrived yesterday and after its 24 hour rest in the front coat room it got opened today.  Inside were a couple of food items ordered over the past week.  Smoked paprika was among them (allowed me to make the catfish recipe) as well as sesame seeds and a bag of almond flour.  Thinking the almond flour was a great value I purchased it without checking the weight... just off the photo... when it arrived... surprise... it wasn't the 12 ounces I was expecting... but 48 ounces!  Now it's an even better buy and it looks like almond cookies, tarts and whatever else pops into view will be on the menu.

What's on your plate tonite? (Photos welcome and appreciated)

Ugly Meatloaf vs Sausage & Penne with Parmesan & Peas

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Tonite we had a really ugly meatloaf... it was moist and tender... it normally gets covered with plain ketchup or barbecue sauce but that seemed tame, so I mixed together bit of Worcestershire sauce and more than a little Sriracha plus the ketchup to give it a bit of zing... well... it was so spicy when cooked that I had trouble eating it... the hubs, on the other hand, said it was mildly spiced... whew... I can't even imagine what hot would be like (I'd need a fire extinguisher for sure).  Even Mr Sam turned his nose up at the meatloaf (🙀geez huuuman... the meat is fire 🔥) At least the wine was delicious... cheers 🍷

So instead of a photo of ugly meatloaf, here is a gorgeous shot of Andrea & Mark's delicious sausage and penne with peas and Parmesan... definitely drool worthy...
What's on your plate?

Fresh Ricotta & homemade Crackers

Quarantine activities of the day... Live from NYC...
Today was another chilly cloudy day here in the Big Apple...  it drizzled on and off in the afternoon and the hubs and I settled into our individual activities in the house.  While he took an afternoon nap I decided to try a couple of new (for me) recipes that had been wiggling around in my head for a few weeks.  We had some extra milk in the fridge and so it was time to try making fresh ricotta.  With the quarantine still in effect there would be no running to the market if another ingredient was needed so reading through the recipe and making sure all the items were ready was essential.  The only item missing was white vinegar, but a fresh lemon fit the bill.

The ricotta came out soft and pillowy with a slight tang from the lemon juice that was especially fresh and delightful.  A cup of the whey went right into the dough for the olive oil crackers.  It was a good use of time and made the afternoon fly by.

Following his nap the hubs came wandering into the kitchen looking for something to eat.  We enjoyed the ricotta and crackers immensely.  Lesson learned... trying a new recipe was fun and yielded delicious results... and... the entire two bags of crackers cost under a dollar...
What did you do today?

NY Strip Steak & Tater Tots

Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...
Today was just gorgeous... sunny, bright with a high in the low 60's... we had to get outside and bask in the warmth and feel the sun on our faces.  The hubs was such a good sport yesterday about having meatless Monday that today we grilled NY strip steaks.

Cooking steaks in the house isn't my favorite use of the meat, so we don't generally eat steak unless it's nice enough to grill... even in the winter... if it's sunny and bright the hubs likes to fire up the grill and cook outside (of course it's much more pleasant in the warmer months... but he does enjoy a good fire regardless).

Served alongside pan seared corn, broccoli and sautéed onions with the few remaining tater tots (egads... hahahaha) that we had leftover from another recipe (they were crunchy and salty and filled with unhealthy fats... but we ate them anyway and loved every minute of it). Accompanying our repast was a mellow New Zealand Malbec that was a bit smokey with a hint of blackberries at the finish...

We were thrilled by the NYC flyover this afternoon... 12:20pm EDT the Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy Blue Angels graced our skies honoring the frontline health care and essential workers... we were able to see them from the back deck... we are blessed to have the most capable health care workers in America right here in NYC...
What are you drinking?  And what's on your plate tonite?

White Bean Stew & Onion Bread

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
I have been trying to get the hubs to agree to meatless Monday's forever...  he just wouldn't budge and eventually I just gave up.  However, the other night we saw a post online of a white bean stew and he was intrigued.  Soooo, tonite I decided to give it a whirl and guess what... he LOVED it.  I am so thrilled, I can't tell you.  It was scrumptious... we ate it along with some onion bread purchased last week during my weekly food foray and it made a fabulous meal... and inexpensive too.

It is such a simple supper, and so satisfying, and on this dreary rainy Monday (when soup seemed to be the order of the day) it made me smile and be excited to take the next spoonful... and that is such a blessing in this time of worries and shortages... so, whatever you cook, enjoy it to the fullest... celebrate the flavors on your tongue and the warmth in your heart the way only a delicious meal can accomplish...
What's in your bowl tonite?

French Apple Tart

Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...
Tonite's dinner was chicken left from yesterday's bird paired with the remains of the farro and a fresh salad...
But two wrinkly apples remained in my basket amongst the fresh crisp Granny Smiths that I bought for the hubs this past weeks food foray.  They looked so sad, sitting there, uneaten... and so a tart was born.  At first I considered a galette... but the dough wasn't enough for covering the outer rim... and thus the decision was clear.  

As I peeled the apples, slicing and arranging them on the dough round, I felt the tension of the day melt away.  It must be the focus needed to complete the tart (so I don't skip steps or leave out any ingredients... I'm sure that's never happened to any of you... only me, leaving out the sugar or adding twice the butter...  ooops) that helps me forget the non-stop conversation in my brain.  It is a respite from the stresses of daily life now that each trip out of the house is fraught with extra steps to disinfect myself each step of the way (and no, I am not drinking Clorox or having a Lysoltini 😂😅🤣) so as not to bring the virus home with me.

The hubs ate his with a scoop of Coquito ice cream and I enjoyed mine plain... eaten out of hand like a slice of pizza (how do you eat your pizza???  Corner first? Or gnaw from the side of the crust? With a fork and knife? Or just folded down the center and mowed through?) It was a delicious end to another dreary Sunday wrapped up at home with my kitchen appliances, my ingredients and the hubs...
How was your Sunday?  What's on your plate? (Photos welcomed and appreciated)