Wednesday 31 March 2021

Tagliatelle with Olive Oil, Kalamata Olives, Roasted Tomatoes, Black Pepper and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bright blue skies...  no jacket required...  lots of folks out and about...  walking dogs...  running errands...  flock of sparrows bathing in the dust at the bottom of the drive...   chittering as they hop about...  dove nesting on the neighbors arbor...   she sits on her eggs through downpours and sunshine...  pair of red tailed hawks riding thermals circling overhead.  

Coffee ☕️ cottage cheese and black pepper as we discuss supper.   Gums still tender...  best choices for dinner include options for softer foods.  Busy day ahead...  dropping the hubs off for PT...  scooting over to the bank...  then on to the pharmacy to pick up a script for mouthwash.   A short line...  one couple in front...  pleased to be able to get out quickly.  

Quickly?  Nope...  disaster... First... disagreement over script pricing...  second... confusion in dosage...  third... errors in number of days...  fourth... several scripts unwanted...  finally...  complete meltdown...  eventually being asked to step aside to allow the line to move ahead...  the pharmacist stepping in to address the multitude of issues...  30 minutes later  <not quickly at all>  finally leaving to dash back to pick up the hubs.   So glad I squeezed in a moment to pick up milk...  whew 😅 

The babies getting taller each day...  stretching their necks out of the nursery to look about and find the sun...  still only dressed in cotyledons...  waiting for the first real set of leaves to appear...  then onto their spots in the greenhouse to grow into full size seedlings.  

The hubs working furiously on the new planter...  4’ long...  15” wide...  18” deep... hip height... it will rest on 4 legs above the ground giving easy access to the plants within...  positioned along the side of the garage will allow for sun most of the day.  Excited to plan the vegetables it will hold.

Supper tonite...  fresh tagliatelle with olive oil, black pepper, roasted tomatoes with basil,  Kalamata olives and Parmesan...  tomato avocado and lime salad...  a glass of Cabernet 🍷 alongside...  dessert...  macaroons and decaf coffee for the hubs.  

Covid now spreading throughout half the states...  more contagious variants infecting unvaccinated folks at an alarming rate...  expected to spread to the rest of the US in the coming week or two...  CDC director warning we are headed into a fourth wave...  this time also affecting children between 10 and 19 years.  All adults over 50 eligible in NYS currently...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution.  Until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit interactions...  dash through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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