Monday 29 March 2021

Chag Pesach Sameach... Gefilte Fish, Noodle Kugel, Red Cabbage Slaw, Charoset, Young Chicken, Asparagus & Macaroons

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Blustery...  rainy...  cool...  tree buds swelling preparing to burst forth with spring flowers...  garlic ramens and chives tall heads popping up between short grasses...daffodils and crocus blooms bobbing under the weight of raindrops...  low clouds encircling the tops of Mom’s co-op complex... the buildings disappearing into the sky...  crowded parking area...  so many folks coming to visit Grandmas and Grandpas for Passover.

Packing up supper to bring to Mom’s...  gefilte fish & spicy horseradish...  noodle kugel with dried cranberries & ricotta cheese...  red cabbage slaw with carrots and red onion...  charoset... a mixture of chopped walnuts, apples, honey, cinnamon, allspice and grape juice (no wine for Mom)...  roasted young chicken...  roasted asparagus... matzoh...  and for dessert homemade chocolate chip macaroons.  

It was delightful...  familiar...  heartwarming...  such a pleasure to simply BE together...  the five of us...  the hubs...  Mom and her sweet aide...  Andrea (Mark away for the weekend for a bachelor party) and yours truly.  We drank wine...  chatted...  ate our meal...  told stories...  shared news...   Mom drank it all in...   enjoying the festivities...  the company...  simply being alive and able to enjoy her family again.  Grateful really isn’t enough of a word to describe the overwhelming feelings we shared on this second day of Passover...  as a dear friend recently said...  “out of the darkness and into the light” 

Hoping your holidays...  whether Palm Sunday or Passover...  we gratifying and delicious 😷💕

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