Wednesday 24 March 2021

Samin Nosrat’s Buttermilk Brined Chicken, Salad, Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower & Chocolate Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sun spent her day playing peek a boo with cloud...   each time she hid, the creatures on earth felt the chill of her absence...  whenever she came out from behind cloud the creatures celebrated, dancing and singing with joy.  Sun was having so much fun she forgot about the earth creatures...  she played all day and when she grew tired she went to sleep.  The earth creatures were cold and shivered while sun slept.  When the new morning came sun was too tired from playing the day before and rested letting cloud have the day to himself.  The earth creatures were sad and cloud seeing this sadness, wept.   And this, earth children, is why we often have cloudy rainy days after a day of mixed sun and clouds.  

Iced Coffee ☕️ out on the deck today...  Mr Sam warming his bones on the heated boards...  the hubs enjoying a turkey and salami on rye along with his steaming cup.  Mom’s dryer had a bit of a meltdown over the weekend...  stuffed with lint, it refused to function...  thank goodness we didn’t have a fire.   Time to teach the aides how to empty all the lint traps to prevent debris  from clogging the dryer again...  apparently there are two... who new? Lucky for Mom the hubs was able to clean it out and make the needed repairs.  

Spent the late afternoon post work in the greenhouse...  removing semi-hardy perennials... rosemary and thyme...  to their spots on the deck... collards, arugula and beets to an exterior table for full sun...  washing down the greenhouse benches, floor, walls and ceiling to remove any lingering buggies from last year...  readying it for the babies currently sprouting in the dining room.  Left it open to dry for about 8 hours...  just closing up and turning on light and heat lamps to warm the space...  expecting rain tomorrow after today’s warm afternoon.

The hubs PT session went well today...  tuckering him out after a day in his workshop de-linting Mom’s dryer.  He is making good progress.  We are both very pleased.  

Last night we had our very first dinner with family...  DIL’s Dad, now recovered from a serious bout of Covid, looking happy and well...  able to enjoy supper and an evening of laughter and conversation...  we are all so incredibly grateful for his continuing improvement as he regains his strength.     His wife looking so much more relaxed now that her husband is on the road to full health 🥰

Samin Nosrat’s Buttermilk Brined Chicken finally graced our supper table tonite...  served alongside roasted broccoli and cauliflower and a crisp green salad with roasted tomatoes...  roasted red peppers...  red onion and basil...  complemented by a glass of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷 Probably the moistest chicken breasts we have ever enjoyed.  Chocolate cake by KAF for dessert along with crystallized ginger and Echinacea Tea for the hubs.  

Covid variants continue to infect folks across the US...  this is not the time for lax protocols...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... you know what to do...  double mask up...  skip through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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