Monday 29 March 2021

Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup and A Very Blustery Day

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

As Winne the Pooh would say... it was a blustery day.  Bright skies...  warm sun... but that wind chill...  brrrr...   jacket essential...  scarf too... keeping the neck warm...  brought the winter survivors out of the greenhouse for sun and fresh air...  the babies in the dining room await their chance coming up this weekend.  Rosemary and thyme bushes back on the deck adjacent to the back door...  squirrels digging in their soil already...  little round holes magically appearing in the morning.

Too cool for coffee ☕️ on the deck today...  the hubs and yours truly retreated to greenhouse benches to enjoy our cup without the breeze.  It was warm and pleasant inside...  the sun making its presence felt...  a relaxing few moments amidst our busy days.  

Trip to the dental hygienist today...  teeth getting a deep cleaning...  gums a bit tender post scraping...  soft foods on the menu for supper.  Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup...  the perfect supper.  Incredibly flavorful...  gentle to eat...  warming... soothing to irritated tissues.  The hubs enjoying leftover red cabbage slaw and matzoh with butter along with his hot bowl.  

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, became quite emotional today during her press briefing...  warning folks that a fourth surge of covid is likely as some states lift mask mandates and spring breakers return from vacation.  The numbers not telling the story we would like to hear...  increases in almost half the states happening.  Please folks...  the virus is not gone...  this is not over...  we all must remain vigilant...  taking precautions and keeping the safety of our loved ones in mind as we make choices.  When you are eligible...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  double mask up...  limit interactions... glide through the market...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What on your plate?    Thoughts?

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