Monday 8 March 2021

Turkey Bolognese with Pappardelle Parsley and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Another cold day of ineffective sun...  the weather on repeat these last five days...  temps expected to rise into the 60’s by mid week...  so looking forward to that...  spending time in the greenhouse...  clearing out the winters debris...  readying for new plantings...   life’s circle beginning once again.  

Day two post 2nd jab 💉...  the injection site a bit tender...  slept nine hours like a rock!  Super tired yesterday...  felling good today...  no other issues.  The hubs slept 12 hours...  woke up with joints aching...  took two Tylenol... helped take the edge off...  other than that no other issues... no fevers or any other symptoms.   

Coffee ☕️ with oatmeal craisins and cinnamon today...  keeping food usual...   took out ground turkey for supper...  not sure what will come of it...  but making a decision to defrost something in time for an evening meal.  

Off to Moms to deliver her groceries and have a visit.  She is feeling very well...  cheerful...  looking forward to the upcoming Passover holiday when we can all share a meal together...  had planned to surprise her but realized the anticipation would be good for her to enjoy as well.  

Got back earlier than usual...  supper...  a quick turkey bolognese with the remaining pappardelle...  parsley and Parmesan...  so satisfying and comforting...  just what was needed for the hubs after a day of mild discomfort.  

Covid infections are finally slowing...  this is not the time for fatigue...  until you #GetYourJabOn you know what to do...  double mask up...  dash through  the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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