Tuesday 2 March 2021

Chili Night

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Ineffective sun...  azure skies...  blustery gale...  single digits early morning...  midday a whopping 35°F...  the Lion of March roared today.  

Coffee ☕️ meeting brief this morning...  Vaccine day for Mom...  her second shot.  Picked her and our sweet aide up early and drove them both out to CVS...  set up...  incredibly efficient...  in and out in 30 minutes...   back to Mom’s by mid afternoon.  She is thrilled!  The pharmacist said the vaccine will be at full efficacy in two weeks...  freedom!!  

We already have a date selected for a first dinner with Mom, us and the kids for the last Sunday of the month when all of us will have received two shots and have passed two more weeks...  it’s a surprise for her...   spoke to Mom tonite...  she is feeling well...  no apparent side effects 🥰

Brought the hubs to his late afternoon physical therapy session...  he is progressing well...  beginning exercises to build muscle...  leg presses today...  his slight limp improving.  Mr Sam is coming along...  his head tilt and slight imbalance improving in teeny increments each day...  his appetite, however, is fully restored and he makes no bones about letting us know it...  loud meows to indicate he is dissatisfied with his food levels 😹

It’s chili night in the Big Spicy Apple...  ground turkey...  red kidney beans...  crushed tomatoes...  a beer...  spices...  served with a sprinkle of fresh parsley and a bit of grated Gouda...  alongside a cold Newcastle Ale.  So warming on this bitter cold and windy night.

Covid vaccinations forecasted to be proceeding ahead of schedule nationwide...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  buzz though the market aisles...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

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