Thursday 18 March 2021

Crustless Chichen Pot Pie & Salad with Avocado and Lime Vinaigrette

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

A grey rainy day in the Big Wet Apple...  splotches of color on the sidewalk as folks skitter by...  umbrellas ☂ hiding their masked faces...  the rhythmic swipe of wipers as cars 🚘 pass...  the exhaust a cloud of steam against the dark pavement...  thrumming raindrops against the office windows providing a musical backdrop.

Coffee ☕️ a crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich...  the hubs breakfast treat...  chicken 🐓 the dinner choice of champions.  Dropping the hubs off to PT...  heading over to the post office...  a couple of errands to mark the day.   

Boneless skinless chicken breasts...  staring up at me from the sheet tray...  defrosting on the cooktop...  my least favorite bit of chicken.  Determined to keep it moist and delicious...  the mind wanders... a thought...  chicken pot pie...  but we are trying to keep at least part of our meals lower in carbs...  a light bulb 💡 moment...  crustless chicken pot pie?  Why not 🐓 

And so...  presented for your consideration...   crustless chicken pot pie...   diced seared chicken breasts...   peas...  corn...  herbs and spices...  in a thick creamy chickeny sauce...   topped with Parmesan and panko.   It isn’t the most visually appealing dish... but the flavor was so warm and comforting...  and we didn’t even miss the crust!  Served alongside an avocado, roasted tomato, roasted red pepper, cucumber, red onion salad on a bed of romaine seasoned with lime vinaigrette...  a perfect counterpoint to the rich casserole...  a glass of wine 🍷 capping off the meal.

Covid variants increasing once again in 15 states thus far...  the UK variant dominant...  in NYC our homegrown variant spreading  rapidly...  the local infection rate in the tri-state higher than most of the US...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution... in the interim...  double mask up...  dance through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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