Saturday 20 March 2021

Salmon, Asparagus and Tater Tots with Chopped Liver on Triscuit and Salami Appetizer

 Quarantine supper tonite tonite...   Live from NYC...

Thermometer made it all the way to a shivering  42°F...  sun peeking out from in between clouds...  basking in warmth streaming through office windows...  cold and blustery outside.  Folks huddled into jackets and scarves...  hair flying in the wind...   teachers hustling back to cars after school...  clutching papers against the breeze...  too much chill to enjoy the sun ☀️ 

Coffee ☕️ oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon...  needing a hot breakfast to insulate against cold bones...  brought the hubs to the lab for blood work...  zipped over to the bank then onto the market for the weekly grocery grab...  a few bits and bobs for us and Mom’s weekly list.  

Supper tonite...  a schmear of chopped liver on rosemary and olive oil triscuit with a slice of Genoa salami made a delightful starter alongside a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.   Salmon with oven roasted asparagus and the last of the tater tots...  a quick as easy supper given such a late start after the trip to the market.   Dessert...  a mandarin and a piece of 82% cocoa chocolate.  

Covid variants still spreading rapidly...  Europe having their 3rd surge amidst lockdowns...  about two to three weeks ahead of the US...  vaccinations proceeding ahead of schedule just passing the 100 million mark yesterday...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  dash through the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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