Thursday 18 February 2021

Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup and Biscuits

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Ineffective sun...   34°F on the thermometer...  stiff breeze...  cold blowing through jackets...  last day before storm arrives tonite into Thursday with 6” to 8” of snow and bitter cold.  A few brave souls out for walks today...  huddled into heavy coats...  faces hidden behind scarves shielding noses from the chill wind.

Made a foray into the greenhouse...  growth at a virtual standstill...  radishes...  turnips...  beets...  tiny baby lettuce...  collards...  leeks...  rosemary and thyme...  all alive...  survived the persephone phase thus far...   gave them all a big drink of tepid water...  steam rising from their soils as they drank in the moisture.  Another couple weeks and seed planting begins indoors...  getting excited to begin the process once again. 

The hubs getting better each day...  strength and elasticity slowly returning to the thigh muscles...  showing signs of being housebound...  spent part of the day vacuuming and straightening up his office...  productivity helping him to feel accomplished.  Mr Sam regaining his appetite...  eating more of his kibble...  as well as human proteins...   less dependent solely on canned food...  still exhibiting some wobbles and soreness.  

Supper tonite...  Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup...  thick...  hearty and warming...  served with buttered biscuits...  a glass of Sauvignon Blanc alongside.   Made enough to share with our recovering family...  Andrea stopping by to pick up and deliver to her folks...  as well as for herself and Mark.  A successful day of work...  and time to play in the kitchen...  it’s all about balance 🍜 🤓

Folks in Texas...  the Midwest and South getting pummeled by snow...  ice and the arctic blast pushing temps into the single digits...  without power heat or water in some counties...  this has become a national emergency...  we send our hopes for an easing of the weather and a resumption of utilitiy services to these devastated areas 🥺

Covid vaccination supply being assailed by storms and cold...   when eligible sign up for your shot 💉and get your jab 💉on.   Until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  brief dashes to the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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