Friday 19 February 2021

Chicken, Sausage, Mushrooms and Onions Over Brown Rice and Peas with Zucchini Pizza

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

Persistent snow...  angel kisses from heaven a friend called it...  teeny flakes ending up as giant ones this afternoon...  the storms last gasp before moving on...   by sunset the storm finally ebbed.  It’s quiet...  deep cold freezing whatever melt accumulated into sheets of ice.  

Coffee ☕️ oatmeal with cinnamon and craisins today...  needing a hot breakfast to ward off the chill...   Mr Sam turning up his nose at his portion preferring his kibble to a warm meal.   Leftovers on tap...  fridge clean out...  market day.  

Dropped the hubs off for his hour at PT...  brought supper to DIL’s folks  recovering from Covid...  stopped at the market dashing though the aisles...  picking up bits and bobs for us and Mom’s groceries for the week.  Collecting the hubs... the snow flakes immense...  their visible patterns so pretty landing on the windshield.  Made it home just in time to escape the cold...  the storm exiting.  

Supper tonite...  leftovers from the weeks cooking...  roasted chicken...  oven roasted potatoes...  cooked sausages...  a few mushrooms and an onion needing to be used...  couple of zucchini...  some brown rice from our Chinese take out...  half a bag of frozen peas...   sautéed the onion in a good glug of olive oil...  added the shrooms until nicely browned...  scattered the chicken, sausages and potatoes...  poured over some white wine and steamed until hot and bubbly...  made its own delicious sauce which we poured over the rice mixed with remaining peas...  rice and peas heated covered in the oven (since our microwave died and the one on order hasn’t arrived yet) alongside roasted zucchini topped with mozzarella and Aleppo pepper flake for a poke of heat.

Brutal winter conditions still paralyzing Texas and many other states as the temperatures plunge...  the arctic blast enduring through the weekend.  Our hearts are with you...  we hope for a break in this severe freeze...  return of services and safe drinking water.  

Meanwhile vaccinations stall as storms slow delivery of supplies...  when you are eligible be sure to make an appointment quickly and get your jab 💉 on...  in the interim...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  dash though the aisles at the market.... limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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