Saturday 13 February 2021

Chinese Food and COVID Vaccines πŸ’‰

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Today was the day!  Made the one hour drive out to the vaccine site and got our jabs πŸ’‰ on!  It was such a happy experience...  everyone giving and getting the vaccines in great spirits...  smiling...  all the recipients feeling like we won the lottery πŸ₯³  a cold gray day...  28°F at the warmest...  snow...  freezing rain...  sleet...  all taking turns throughout the day.  No matter...  we were to thrilled to care.

Coffee ☕️ and oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon to start the day...  both of us nervously excited.  Vague discussions of supper inconclusive...  to pumped to focus that far ahead πŸ˜‚   Arrived early for our jabs πŸ’‰ quick in and out...  stopped for burgers πŸ” and a shake to munch in the car on the drive home.   Two hours post vaccine feeling a bit of soreness at the vaccine site and somewhat sleepy.  Took a power nap and a couple of hours later both of us feeling ready for food.  Ordered in from a local Chinese take out...  enjoyed our supper with a delicious full leaf tea courtesy of Xouxie Que...  

thanks so much...  it was a perfect accompaniment to our supper πŸ˜‹

Our family is once again whole...  no one hospitalized...  recovery well on the way.  We are incredibly grateful for all the love and support ❤️

Mr Sam’s appetite has returned... his balance improves daily.  The hubs getting stronger and more able to ambulate... his physical therapist pleased with the progress he is making.  

Inoculations outpacing new covid infections...  52 million doses of the vaccine πŸ’‰ have been administered in the US...  1.6 million per day...  soon as you are eligible get your jab πŸ’‰ on!!  Until then...  you know what to do...  mask up...  short market trips...  limit all interactions...   and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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