Sunday 7 February 2021

London Broil with Latkes and Garden Salad topped with Grated Salt Cured Egg

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

SUCCESS!!   Finally secured appointments for vaccines for Mom and us!  Mom on Tuesday and we are scheduled for Saturday...  couldn’t be more relieved to feel that lifting of pressure...  the light at the end of this very loooong tunnel...  fingers crossed that all goes as planned.  

Bright skies...  light breeze...  mid 40’s...  comfortable with only a jacket...  squirrels digging little round holes in the melting snow sniffing out nuts...  birds chirping...  life returning to the little blue ball 🌎 

Coffee ☕️ and oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon today...  100% of votes for a meat and potatoes supper...   spent the afternoon with Mom...   hubs came to visit as well...  sporting his brace and a slight limp...  expecting another winter blast tomorrow.  Stopped off at the market on the way home for last minute items...   filled up the car...  storm dropping about 5” or so on the Big Frigid Apple 🍎 

Super Bowl menu planning completed during our breakfast meeting today...  appetizer...  hummus... celery sticks and oven toasted chips...   main...  spicy chicken tenders...   summer squash pizza...   glazed plantains...   salad and vino to accompany...   leftover cream puff shells filled with coffee chip ice cream for dessert...  of course...  final planning left up to the cook...  which could change at a moments notice 😂

Supper...  London broil...  rare...  potato latkes...  crispy outside soft inside with a sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt to finish...   green salad with roasted red peppers, cucumbers, Kalamata olives and grated salt cured egg yolk on a bed of romaine leaves...   Line 39 Cabernet to accompany...  dessert a scoop of coffee espresso chip ice cream 🍦 

DIL’s Dad

making small improvements over the last days...  still in hospital...  still fighting exhaustion...  all positive vibes gratefully welcomed ❤️

Covid variants in most states across the US...  more virulent... more contagious...  the only way we get through this pandemic is to work together to stop the spread...  please folks...  double mask up...  shorten those visits to the market...  limit interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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