Sunday 7 February 2021

Hummus and Chips... Spicy Chicken Cutlets and Summer Squash Pizza... Cream Puff Shells with Coffee Espresso Chip Ice Cream

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Super Bowl Sunday!  What an odd day...  rain until mid morning...  followed by snow...  coming down in earnest from noon till about 4 pm...  flurries through late afternoon...   sunset and clear skies by days end.  Was it time to wear the rain coat?  Nope...  get out that snow shovel 😂

Sunday brunch called for pancakes and coffee on this unusual weather day...  hubs had several project to complete...  of course, mounds of paperwork await attention...  and so the day progressed...  snow piling up outside eventually leading to us both shoveling...  many hands making light work... all finished in just under an hour... the fluffy large flakes easy to dispose of...  neighbors outside waving and calling to one another as we all worked to clear sidewalks and driveways.

Supper tonite...  game side...  olive tapenade hummus with wavy chips... spicy chicken breasts with summer squash pizza...  Sauvignon Blanc to accompany...  cream puff shells filled with coffee espresso chip ice cream...  and a football pool with the kids...  everyone a winner! 

Excellent news on the home front... DIL’s Dad beginning to see and feel the improvement!  Doctors told us he will be returning home for continued recovery once his oxygen needs are normalized!  We are ecstatic! It may take time, but he seems to be out of the woods...  a HUGE thank you to all for your support...  prayers... well wishes and good vibes... YOU made a difference ❤️

Covid continues to spread throughout the US...  please folks...  as you become eligible for the vaccine 💉 make an appointment for your shot...  until then...  double mask up...  shorten time in the market...  limit interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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