Thursday 4 February 2021

Penne with Broccoli Rabe... Tomatoes... Parmesan and Sausage

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

And the sun shone...  and the snow began to melt...  and the people were happy 😃...   temps rose into the low 40’s today...  outside it felt warm on the face...  no wind... all bundled up in coats, scarves and gloves...  ran an brief errand enjoying the brightness...  sun reflecting off mountains of snow piled in streets and on lawns...  the cold air unable to stem the warmth of the burning orb.

Coffee ☕️ meeting conversation vacillating between family worries (covid patients condition) and supper considerations...  time to use up some veggies nearing the end of their lives....  and by the way... what’s for dessert?  

Mr Sam fell in the basement and injured his back left hip and leg area...  he is very sore and now confined to the kitchen (no stairs) or living room (same floor) when we are about...  he is able to walk on the leg but it gives out now and then.  He will have a bit of a wait until he fully recuperates.  We are spoiling him silly with attention and extra love.  (Any vets willing to give advice???)

Supper tonite was a mash up of veggies nearing the end of usefulness roasted in the oven ...  broccoli rabe...  grape tomatoes... mixed with sliced sausage...  penne...   dressed in olive oil, black pepper and Parmesan.  Served alongside Line 39 Cabernet... It was hearty and flavorful...  didn’t stress the cook at all...  just exactly what we needed on this worrisome night.  Mr Sam snacked on sausage bits following his own dinner...   still able to walk over to the kitchen table and give us those soulful eyes 😽

Covid variants have now been found in our area...  trying without success to schedule Mom and hubs for a vaccine...  not giving up!  Glad to see Johnson & Johnson’s one shot vaccine 💉 apply for emergency use authorization today...  they’ve committed to 100 million doses in the first quarter of 2021...  that could be a game changer for us all.  In the interim...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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