Tuesday 25 May 2021

Spatchcocked Grilled Chicken, Roasted Eggplant Squash Onions Peppers with Sliced Mango & Berries

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Trying out a new title...   opinions please...  

Another stunner in the Big Apple...  low 70’s...  delightful...  light breeze...  no jackets required...  spotted a stellars jay...  squalking...  flaring his wings...   a pair of house finches with their little red caps...  must be mating season for sparrows...  they’re busy on every light pole... males hopping on and off their mates...  incredibly quick...  haven’t seen our local squirrels for a few days...  tending to their broods.  

Iced coffee 🧋and a banana...  the hubs enjoying his hot cup with cottage cheese and a banana of his own...  zooming to drop him at PT...  then off to the market for a quick shop before picking him up.  Feeling better today...   knee not as unstable...  therapist explaining that collapsing occurs when the muscles tire.  

Checked in on the greenhouse babies post transplant...   peppers and basil nice and perky...  good news all around.  Picked up a bag of mixed garlic, onions and shallots today...  one of those 5lbs for $2...  inside were three garlic heads...  5 of the cloves had sprouted little green tips...  planted them...  we shall see if they grow new bulbs and shoots 🤞 Crimson clover seeds planted in a pot by the greenhouse door earlier this week sprouted already...  they will be feed for the bees 🐝 

Supper tonite...  spatchcocked chicken on the grill with roasted eggplant, peppers and summer squash...   glazed plantains...  sliced mango and berries for dessert. Served alongside Ménage à Trois Cabernet 🍷 

The US is emerging from the Covid pandemic...  more than 50% of adults are fully vaccinated... almost 70% have received at least one dose...  restaurantsd have re-opened at full capacity...  inoculated people are gathering in groups to socialize and enjoy one another...  vaccinations work!  Not jabbed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  zip through the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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