Monday 24 May 2021

Sauteed Grape Tomatoes and Cauliflower over Sautéed Ground Turkey and Brown Rice with Sliced Mango

 ??? supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Still searching for a new title...  many really excellent suggestions so far...  

Please give your suggestions and thoughts too 😷💕

Cool down arrived...  from 90’s to 60’s...  maybe the old thermometer has a zipper installed?  From hot and sweaty to cool and comfortable...  so grateful...  wasn’t ready for the intense heat just yet.  

Spotted the pair of cardinals singing back and forth to one another...  their new male offspring sporting bright red plumage...  practicing his song not far away...  his chirps growing more confident with each passing hour.  Mockingbirds have nested in the neighbors hydrangea bush...  saw them scoot into it this afternoon.  Makes sense...  they’ve been around often lately squalking at one another...  reminds me of having neighbors no one cares for (we don’t...  we’re lucky) when they’re loud and noisy 😂

Iced coffee 🧋and a banana...  the hubs enjoying his hot java with a tomato, salami and cheese omelette...  nursing his leg a bit today...  overdid it a smidge over the weekend 😕 time to rest and recuperate.  Busy day...  lots of catch up chores to be done now that tax season has passed...  finished laundry...  cleaned out the AC filters...   made a couple of MD appointments...  still need to finish the filing...  least favorite post tax chore...  there is always tomorrow 🙃

Spent late afternoon in the greenhouse...  moving the pepper plants and basil from cribs to full size beds...  they look happy and relaxed  in their new digs.  Tomatoes growing taller...  cucumbers reaching for their trellis...  will have to help a bit...  leeks sending up new shoots...  all the babies looking healthy and strong thus far 🤞

Supper tonite...  sautéed ground turkey with smoked paprika, chili powder, ground oregano, ground coriander, garlic, onion, salt and pepper...  on a bed of brown rice...  topped with sautéed cauliflower florets and grape tomato halves...  dessert...   mango slices 😋

As the US approaches 70% of adults vaccinated, infections and hospitalizations are down to levels not seen in over a year...  vaccinations work!  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  glide through  the market and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?  Title? 🙃

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