Monday 31 May 2021

Memorial Day BBQ - Grilled Chicken & Steak with Butternut Squash & Corn and Avocado Tomato Cucumber Romaine Salad

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

FINALLY!!  The rain stopped...  clouds parting...  allowing blue skies to peek though...  breeze feeling cool on the skin...   birds returning en masse to celebrate...  a pair have built a nest on our exterior light fixture...  it will remain until they’ve fledged...  not sure which birds have chosen the spot yet...  will find out soon...  excited to have tenants 🐦 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana out on the deck...  Mr Sam stretched out in the sun...  the hubs enjoying his hot cup with oatmeal a swirl of strawberry preserves and banana...  quick chance to chat and relax before it’s time to set up for our Memorial Day barbecue...  the deluge of rain left the deck  table and chairs sparkling clean...  one less chore to attend to. 

Sat outside for a bit with company... by supper time chilly temps drove us  indoors to eat...  grilled spatchcocked chicken...  grilled steak...  rare please...  roasted corn with olive oil salt and pepper...  baked butternut squash crescent moons with cinnamon...  avocado tomato scallion salad on a bed of romaine with lime vinaigrette...  a delicious Chilean Cabernet accompanying the meal.  Dessert...  petit pastries brought by our guests...  delightful fruit tartlets...  mini eclairs...  coffee, espresso and tea ☕️ a delightful evening with vaccinated family to remember & celebrate our nations freedom because of those who gave their all. 

Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  in the interim...  mask up...  limit interactions...  speed through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tomato & Cheese Butterfly Salad, Cream of Celeriac and Fennel Soup and Baked Salmon

 Restoration supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Day 3...  cold... wind...  drenching rain...  heat still on in the house...  heat lamp warming the greenhouse...  53°F the high temp...  another record for lowest high of all time...  5pm rain stopped for a bit... checked the greenhouse...  5°F above outside temp...  everyone snug and comfortable without the wind or rain.  Birds and animals Invisible these past few days...  hiding from the weather.  Tomorrow afternoon sun expected to reappear with somewhat higher temps 🀞

Hot tea ☕️ and Sour Cream Cranberry Banana Crunch Cake for breakfast today...  the hubs enjoying his hot java with oatmeal and raisins.  No outside plans...  a bit of straightening up...  keeping warm...  the hubs in his workshop doing the same...  a lazy Sunday.

Supper tonite...  tomato and cheese butterfly salad...  cream of celeriac and fennel soup...  baked salmon with olde bay seasoning served alongside a glass of Sauvignon Blanc...  coffee and cake for the hubs dessert.    First time making the soup (recipe in comments) simple and delicious...  needed something to warm the bones.  

Tomorrow we are supposed to be hosting a barbecue for Memorial Day...  temps expected to rebound a bit...  probably too cool to be outdoors... we will enjoy our company either way.  Gratitude to all those who have served our Nation in times of conflict including my Dad (WWII), the hubs Dad (Vietnam) and his son (Afghanistan) as well πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 

Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...   mask up...  limit interactions...  glide though the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 30 May 2021

Spatchcocked Chicken with Roasted Corn, Roasted Fennel and Onion & Use it Or Lose it Fruit Salad

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

64°F in the bedroom this morning when we woke up...  47°F on the thermometer last night...  frozen toes...  had to relent and put the HEAT on in almost June!!   Heat lamp on in the greenhouse...  poor babies shivering out there πŸ₯Ά Rain... wind...  ccccold...  broke all records here in NYC for the coldest high temp of the day...  50°F 

Hot tea ☕️ and a hot coffee for the hubs with leftover frittata for breakfast...  too rainy and miserable to be outside...  spent some time doing paperwork while the hubs worked on Mom’s dryer for a bit...  then groceries at the market...  scored a few bags of reduced produce (5lbs for $2) to fill in for the week ahead...  lemons, limes, peaches, apricots, kiwis, tomatoes, celeriac, fennel, corn, broccoli, scallions and one oddity...  a chayote...  anyone know what to do with it?  We have one...  

Grocery drop off and a visit with Mom...  she is psyched...  her first group supper in the atrium restaurant in her complex with friends in over a year scheduled for Sunday.  So glad to see her looking forward to meeting everyone and having fun πŸ₯°

Supper tonite...  use it or lose it fruit salad (fruits needing to be eaten today) with fresh lime juice atop...  roasted corn...  roasted fennel and onion...  leftover spatchcocked half chicken...  a slice of Sour Cream Cranberry Banana Crunch Cake and hot tea...  on this cold almost June night 😳

Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  make up...  limit interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands ☺️πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 29 May 2021

Ricotta Squash Tomato Frittata with Spicy Sausage for him and Shrimp for her... Sour Cream Cranberry Banana Brunch Cake

 Restoration supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Filtered sunshine early...  afternoon clouds rolling in...  storms and rain tonite...  temps nearing 70°F at first...  dropping into the low 50’s by nightfall...  Bald Eagle spotted early in the day catching thermals over the East River...  this majestic bird rarely seen in the City...   wing span nearing  eight feet.

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a mini wrap... the hubs enjoying his hot cup with oatmeal and a banana 🍌 a break from spreading mulch out under the bushes alongside the house...  stinky business...  excellent for plant health.  Popping off to take the hubs to PT mid afternoon...  his session over just as the skies opened up.  

Supper tonite... ricotta summer squash and tomato frittata...  spicy Italian sausage on the side for the hubs...  the few remaining shrimp for yours truly...  served alongside the last of the MenΓ’ge Γ  Trois Cabernet 🍷 delightful...  special thanks to Xouxie for the gift of Cinnamon Muffin Melt Mix...  which became a delicious Sour Cream Cranberry Banana Crunch Cake...  moist and tender crumb...  crunchy sweet spiced topping.

A quick reminder...  if you haven’t been vaxxed yet...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... mask up...  limit interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 28 May 2021

Appetizers... Cheese, Nuts, Berries... Dinner... Grilled Chicken Thighs, Avocado Tomato Cucumber Red Onion Salad on a bed of Romaine

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Windy...  pouring rain...   49°F on the thermometer...  WHAT IS HAPPENING???   Two days ago it was 90°F...  forgot to post that night...  fried brain...  Luckily it wasn’t humid... so the temperature was tolerable... and cooled off nicely by supper time.  

Spent the day in the garden and greenhouse...  moving the last of the babies into bigger pots...  replanting flowers in the new planter...  staking the tomato plants and cucumbers...  giving everyone huge gulps of water and babying them so they grow up to be big and healthy...  the hubs trimmed the bushes and the forsythia... they all grow antennas which get snipped as they appear.  

Supper preceded by appetizers out on the deck...  MΓ©nage Γ  Trois Cabernet...  cheese...  almonds... berries...  giving us a chance to rest up and shower before our meal of grilled chicken thighs and an avocado tomato red onion cucumber salad on a bed of chopped romaine...  the end of a terrific day of gardening accomplishment... a favorite πŸ™ƒ

Don’t forget to make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... mask up...  glide through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Shrimp Salad with NYC Bagel & Melted Provolone... Watermelon Slices

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Hot times in the City...  high 80’s and humid...  sticky day...  started with sun and a light breeze... ended with thundershowers and desperately needed rain...  caught a shot of the pair of cardinals new boy sitting atop the neighbors dish...  bright red plumage just dazzling in the sun...  song stronger and more complex today...  somewhere in the neighbors yard there is a morning dove nest...  haven’t spotted her yet but hear her cooing each morning...  such a soothing sound.  No squirrel yet...  waiting to see her youngsters soon as she’s ready. 

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana 🍌 out on the deck today...  Mr Sam relaxing under a chair in the shade...  the hubs enjoying oatmeal and raisins with his banana 🍌 and hot java...  then disappearing into his workshop for his latest project...  fixing Mom’s dryer.  Tried doing it at her place, but no room to work and insufficient tools...  so brought it home to disassemble and analyze.  Today he did just that and ordered the needed part... new bearings...  to me... a jumble of wires... clueless... he is amazing at repairing!  

Spent the day finishing the filing and shredding from tax season...   this years bills and paperwork in...   2019 paperwork out...  tax records saved for more than 7 years shredded as well.  It’s wonderful to finally finish πŸ™ƒ and have the office desk back in its usual chaotic order πŸ˜‚ scattered with reminders...  calendar...  client files...  bills and the like.  Enjoyed a few precious moments in the greenhouse checking on the babies... making sure all are watered...  Finished up appointments just as the skies opened up...  scooting Mr Sam indoors just in time.  

Supper tonite...  shrimp salad with celery red onion and a mayonnaise dijon mustard and lemon juice dressing...  topped with celery leaves and parsley...  served alongside a toasted NYC bagel with provolone melted into the nooks and crannies...  delicious...  watermelon slices for dessert... special thanks to Silvia Rubiales Bussell for the idea of watermelon sticks... worked like a charm... easy to eat and juicy! 

The City that never sleeps is back on insomnia mode once again...  subways back on 24 hour service...  restaurants at full capacity...  theatres opening...  movies making a come back...  museums reopening...  life returning to the Big Apple 🍎 Vaccines work!  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  gallop through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What on your plate?    Thoughts?

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Spatchcocked Grilled Chicken, Roasted Eggplant Squash Onions Peppers with Sliced Mango & Berries

 Restoration supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Trying out a new title...   opinions please...  

Another stunner in the Big Apple...  low 70’s...  delightful...  light breeze...  no jackets required...  spotted a stellars jay...  squalking...  flaring his wings...   a pair of house finches with their little red caps...  must be mating season for sparrows...  they’re busy on every light pole... males hopping on and off their mates...  incredibly quick...  haven’t seen our local squirrels for a few days...  tending to their broods.  

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana...  the hubs enjoying his hot cup with cottage cheese and a banana of his own...  zooming to drop him at PT...  then off to the market for a quick shop before picking him up.  Feeling better today...   knee not as unstable...  therapist explaining that collapsing occurs when the muscles tire.  

Checked in on the greenhouse babies post transplant...   peppers and basil nice and perky...  good news all around.  Picked up a bag of mixed garlic, onions and shallots today...  one of those 5lbs for $2...  inside were three garlic heads...  5 of the cloves had sprouted little green tips...  planted them...  we shall see if they grow new bulbs and shoots 🀞 Crimson clover seeds planted in a pot by the greenhouse door earlier this week sprouted already...  they will be feed for the bees 🐝 

Supper tonite...  spatchcocked chicken on the grill with roasted eggplant, peppers and summer squash...   glazed plantains...  sliced mango and berries for dessert. Served alongside MΓ©nage Γ  Trois Cabernet 🍷 

The US is emerging from the Covid pandemic...  more than 50% of adults are fully vaccinated... almost 70% have received at least one dose...  restaurantsd have re-opened at full capacity...  inoculated people are gathering in groups to socialize and enjoy one another...  vaccinations work!  Not jabbed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  zip through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 24 May 2021

Sauteed Grape Tomatoes and Cauliflower over SautΓ©ed Ground Turkey and Brown Rice with Sliced Mango

 ??? supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Still searching for a new title...  many really excellent suggestions so far...  

Please give your suggestions and thoughts too πŸ˜·πŸ’•

Cool down arrived...  from 90’s to 60’s...  maybe the old thermometer has a zipper installed?  From hot and sweaty to cool and comfortable...  so grateful...  wasn’t ready for the intense heat just yet.  

Spotted the pair of cardinals singing back and forth to one another...  their new male offspring sporting bright red plumage...  practicing his song not far away...  his chirps growing more confident with each passing hour.  Mockingbirds have nested in the neighbors hydrangea bush...  saw them scoot into it this afternoon.  Makes sense...  they’ve been around often lately squalking at one another...  reminds me of having neighbors no one cares for (we don’t...  we’re lucky) when they’re loud and noisy πŸ˜‚

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana...  the hubs enjoying his hot java with a tomato, salami and cheese omelette...  nursing his leg a bit today...  overdid it a smidge over the weekend πŸ˜• time to rest and recuperate.  Busy day...  lots of catch up chores to be done now that tax season has passed...  finished laundry...  cleaned out the AC filters...   made a couple of MD appointments...  still need to finish the filing...  least favorite post tax chore...  there is always tomorrow πŸ™ƒ

Spent late afternoon in the greenhouse...  moving the pepper plants and basil from cribs to full size beds...  they look happy and relaxed  in their new digs.  Tomatoes growing taller...  cucumbers reaching for their trellis...  will have to help a bit...  leeks sending up new shoots...  all the babies looking healthy and strong thus far 🀞

Supper tonite...  sautΓ©ed ground turkey with smoked paprika, chili powder, ground oregano, ground coriander, garlic, onion, salt and pepper...  on a bed of brown rice...  topped with sautΓ©ed cauliflower florets and grape tomato halves...  dessert...   mango slices πŸ˜‹

As the US approaches 70% of adults vaccinated, infections and hospitalizations are down to levels not seen in over a year...  vaccinations work!  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  glide through  the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?  Title? πŸ™ƒ

London Broil, Cole Slaw on Romaine with Grape Tomatoes

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

ANNOUNCEMENT:  This will be my last quarantine post...  it’s time to change the title...  suggestions?  stay tuned πŸ™ƒ

Hot fun in the summertime...  thought it was spring???   89°F yesterday...  90°F today...  thankfully big cool down coming tomorrow...  mid 60’s!!  Whiplash weather...  apparently heat doesn’t bother birds...  singing... squalking...  twittering...  chirping...  lovely chorus of sounds to greet the day.

Iced coffee πŸ§‹and a banana out on the deck...  the hubs enjoying hot tea ☕️ and oatmeal with raisins...  so nice to have the upper deck finished...  herbs  back in their spots...  adjacent to the back door for easy snipping...  lemon tree and Gardenia outgrowing their pots...  spent time in the greenhouse giving the tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, carrots and peppers a good long soak...  mint and marigolds doing well...  nasturtiums getting tall...   time to repot the peppers and basil...  outgrowing their cribs and ready for full sized beds.

Spent time with Mom today...  bringing her weekly groceries...  chatting over dinner while she ate...  sitting in the living room relaxing after her meal...  her sweet aide joining us for some lively conversation...  back at chair yoga twice weekly...  enjoying a bridge game in her apartment once a week...  life becoming fuller after a year of fear and isolation.  

Supper tonite...  cole slaw atop slices of London broil on a bed of romaine and grape tomatoes...  needing a cool supper after a hot hot day.  On the side a glass of Grandmas Iced Tea...  so refreshing πŸ˜‹

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...  covid infections down to lowest numbers in a year!  Vaccines work!  Not vaxxed yet? Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  in the interim...  mask up...  limit interactions...  skate through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

Friday 21 May 2021

Spicy Chicken Tenders, Avocado Tomato Red Onion Salad, Penne with Olive Oil Roasted Peppers and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Picture perfect day...  77°F...  cloudless azure skies...  comfortable and mild with a light breeze...  no jackets required...  birds chirping...  singing...   mockingbird fledgling swooping low over the yard trying to strengthen flight wings...  baby squirrels just beginning to peek out of their nests...  soon they’ll be scampering down the trees... flicking tails...  looking for food.

Iced coffee ☕️ after dropping the hubs off for early PT...  mini salami wrap and green tea post workout for him...  Mr Sam snoozing in the corner of the kitchen... sulking since the deck is off limits while it dries and cures...  laundry day...  paperwork...  phone calls...  seems like some chores never go away 😳

A weeks worth of work finally finished... looks fabulous!  The hubs completed scrubbing the upper deck yesterday...  today two coats of clear waterproofing sealant...  keeps it fresh... both of us so incredibly pleased.

Supper tonite...  avocado, tomato, red onion salad with lime vinaigrette...  delicious grilled spicy chicken tenders...  penne with olive oil, roasted peppers, black pepper and Parmesan  (forgot to take photos) with dear friends who recently married and now live two blocks away!  What a delight πŸ₯°

Covid on the decline!  Light at the end of the tunnel? Hoping the virus doesn’t take hold here in the US again 🀞 and that we are truly out of the woods...  not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  speed through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Seared Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Corn, Roasted Potatoes, Baked Butternut Squash and Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

Weather perfection...  75°F virtually cloudless...  the Big Apple earned this day after yesterday’s temps...  folks perkier in the mild weather...  jaunty steps...  smiling faces...  neighbors out freshening up gardens after sagging in the heat...  sprinklers and hoses washing down wilted greenery...  birds reveling in fresh puddles left behind...  bathing...  sipping...  enjoying the day.

The hubs finishing up scrubbing the upper deck... light in color again and new looking...  waterproofing clear coat to be applied tomorrow.  Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana out on the deck...  Mr Sam snoozing on his carpet in the corner behind the kitchen door...   hubs enjoying his hot cup and mini wrap out on the deck...  sitting for a bit...  taking a break...  by late afternoon job completed!  Time for yours truly to hose down the greenhouse...  decking...  furniture and plants removing a fine layer of sawdust covering the area.  Looks terrific!  

Supper tonite...  pork tenderloin dry rubbed and seared in the cast iron...  along with roasted corn...  roasted potatoes and baked butternut squash.  Served alongside Grandma’s Iced Tea...  a family favorite...  combination of brewed Irish breakfast tea...  lemon juice and grape juice over ice...  sweet and sour...  perfectly refreshing!  Dessert...  Ina Garten’s Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake...  sinfully delicious...  special plating for the hubs dessert πŸ₯°

Covid infections are significantly down...  lowest rate in a year!  Vaccines work!  Not vaxxed yet?   Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  in the interim...   mask up...  fly through the market...  limit interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 20 May 2021

Shrimp Salad with Mixed Greens

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Hot time in the city...  almost 90°F...  bright blue skies... virtually cloudless...  folks out gardening...  mowing...  barbecuing...  kids biking...  riding scooters...  laughing and calling out to one another as they pass by on their way to the park...  two mockingbirds flirting in the trees out back...  loudly  squawking to one another...   finally flying off into the distance...  a pair of cardinals busily feeding their youngsters...  haven’t spotted the nest yet...  or the robins nest which must be close by.

Out on the deck...  iced coffee and a banana...  the hubs sipping his hot cup along with cottage cheese and blueberries...  Mr Sam stretched out in the shade away from the suns glare under our chairs.  The hubs setting up a couple of old sheets on tent poles to shade him while he scrubs away at the deck...  stripping off the grime and sealant from last summer...  a grind of a job...  every couple of hours bringing him a glass of iced green tea... some water...  a mini wrap...  an apple...  in between clients and chores. 

Sat out on the deck enjoying a glass of wine 🍷 with the hubs...  sunset approaching...  a moment to relax and unwind after a busy day.  

Supper tonite...  shrimp salad with celery and red onion atop a crisp salad of mixed greens... romaine...  endive...  radicchio... both in a dijon mustard  mayonnaise and lime juice dressing...  cooling and refreshing after a hot day.  

NYC is back in business as of today.  The city that never sleeps returns to 24 hour subway service... 100% occupancy in restaurants...  concert and theater venues opening up...  museums permitting more entrants...   life slowly seeping back towards a new normal.   Masks still required on all trains, busses and subways...  and recommended for all those who are unvaccinated.  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  make up...  limit interactions...   jog through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Kielbasa with Fresh Tomato Sauce and Brown Rice

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Hot times in the city...  mid 80’s...  bright sun...  few clouds...  feeling like summer...  squirrels digging in the garden...  looking for buried nuts...  stuffing their bellies with polly noses...  one chubber sitting on the deck rail polly nose between his/her paws nibbling the seed part and tossing the wing over and over...  a little pile of wings accumulating in the grass below.  Fledglings abound...  some gaining flight skills...  others barely landing on their feet as they plop atop the garage roof.

Out on the deck...  iced coffee ☕️ and a banana... the hubs enjoying his hot java with a mini wrap... hard to comprehend how hot coffee cools him off...  he says it works...  Mr Sam curled up under a chair on a carpet square...  snoozing on and off in the warmth.   The hubs taking a well deserved break from the arduous task of scrubbing the deck while we chat and munch.

Errand day...  dropping off gloves for Mom’s sweet aide...  then off to the market for our weekly shop...  10% off on Tuesdays for seniors 😁 

Picking up fish, a pork tenderloin to be marinated, some dairy, a few grocery  items and a kielbasa for supper per hubs request...  love the garlicky flavor of the polish sausage. 

Home just in time to take the hubs to PT...  he is probably close to 85% recovered per the surgeon...  the last 10-15% is about 50% of his strength and stability and PT is making all the difference...  so grateful for his recovery.

Simple supper tonite...  pan seared kielbasa with sautΓ©ed fresh tomatoes over brown rice...  a glass of Line 39 Cabernet alongside...  dessert...  Echinacea tea and crystallized ginger...  sweet and spicy.

More than a dozen states have seen zero new cases of covid in the last few days...  a true milestone.  Vaccines work!  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution.  In the interim...  mask up...  limit interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?  What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 17 May 2021

Turkey Meatloaf, Avocado Tomato Cucumber Onion Salad, Fresh Tomato Sauce, Roasted Corn and Citrus Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Delightful...  75°F...  few puffy clouds...  fledglings can be quite insistant when they’re hungry...  and they’re always hungry...  sitting atop the garage roof shrieking for their mama to come and feed them...  and here she comes bearing gifts...  poor thing...  barely having time to eat herself while her babies get nice and fat.  Good thing they’ll be off on their own soon...  she’ll be exhausted by then...  needing a nice long nap and a big meal.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a mini wrap for each...  the hubs enjoying his with hot joe...  out on the deck...  Mr Sam stretched out soaking up the sun...  the hubs taking a break from the grueling task of scrubbing the deck prior to resealing.  Scooting off to the line at the post office...  tax day...  they’re in the mail and it’s OVER...  until next year...  the simple joys in life...  now to file it all away and forget it...  yessss 😁

Supper tonite...  turkey meatloaf with roasted corn and fresh grape tomatoes sautΓ©ed till they pop... with olive oil, salt, pepper, basil and thyme...  tomato, avocado, red onion, cucumber salad with lime vinaigrette...  a glass of Line 39 Cabernet accompanying....  dessert...  citrus plate of grapefruit, mandarin, orange 🍊 and blueberries 🫐 so fresh πŸ˜‹

More than half of adults in America have received at least one dose of covid vaccine stemming the tide of new infections here in the US...  so fortunate to be able to get vaccinated and resume some semblance of normalcy in our lives.  Not vaxxed yet?  Make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... mask up...  limit interactions...  scoot through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Kebab House Supper with Joey

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Spectacular day...  blissfully warm with a cooling breeze...  squirrel babies peeking out from their nests...  robin fledglings making maiden flights...  mockingbirds sporting a flash of white tail and wing feathers as they swoop down to land on rooftops...  sparrows hopping about in the garden scouting for lunch...  neighbors waving from porches...   everyone out enjoying the sunshine.

Iced coffee ☕️ for her...  hot java for him...  alongside...  turkey wraps...  out on the deck...  Mr Sam warming his toes in the bright sun...  stretched out in fully pussycat glory 😻

A quick trip to the market for Mom then over to her place to visit and fill the larder.  Looking perky and comfortable in her matching spring green capris and top... we sat and schmoozed for a couple of hours...  discussing news...  travel plans...   bridge games...  her friends news...  and wishing her sweet aide a very happy birthday πŸ₯°

Supper tonite...  a treat!  Met Joseph Bassin at a local spot we love... Kebab House...  a delightful Turkish restaurant not 10 minutes from our home.  The owner and Joseph have been friends for several decades and we were treated to a raft of specialty dishes that were divine.  Many restaurants have not survived the pandemic here in NYC...  so pleased that this one did.  

The food...  magnificent...  prepared by the owner...  a master chef... we enjoyed... dolmas... ezme... leeks...  celeriac...  floured and fried liver bites...  and feta cigars...  sumptuous appetizers...  lamb cis...  and lamb shank wrapped in eggplant...  two mouthwatering entrees served alongside rice and a fresh salad...   accompanied by a full bodied Turkish red... very much like a Cabernet.  The final touch a dessert buffet of baklava...  kadayif (shredded filo layered with chopped nuts and syrupπŸ˜‹) and fresh apricots with sliced almonds...  the hubs enjoying Turkish coffee...  Joseph sipping Turkish tea...  what a fun night!    Waddled home too full for even a glass of water πŸ˜‹❤️

Covid infections and hospitalization down over 80%...  vaccines are working...   make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  mask up...  limit interactions...  scoot through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 14 May 2021

Salmon, Farro and Corn with Citrus Berry Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

🎢It’s beginning to feel a lot like springtime...  everywhere you go🎢

Gorgeous day here in the Big Sunny Apple 🍎 temps in the low 70’s...  no jacket required...  warm breeze on the skin... sun on the face...  simply joyful...   a cacophony of bird song...  squirrels 🐿 out munching on flowers and polly noses...  neighbors having gathering of friends and family amidst the incredible weather.  

Iced coffee out on the deck...  the hubs enjoying his hot cup with a refreshing tomato onion salad and shredded chicken from last nights supper.   Mr Sam enjoying a good stretch and snooze on the warm deck boards.  It’s Friday...   aye votes for fish tonite!  

Completing the last set of taxes needing to be mailed by Monday...  whew...  so glad tax season is finally winding down.  The hubs continuing his work shop organization plan...  so much to sort through.  

Supper tonite...  roasted fresh salmon filet with lemon πŸ‹ olive oil... salt pepper and olde bay...  farro prepared with veggie stock...  fresh corn 🌽 wrapped in foil and roasted with olive oil salt and pepper until charred...  dessert and citrus and berry plate to refresh the palate...   served alongside a fresh orange 🍊 juice and sparkling water spritzer 

#GetYourJabOn and join the maskless folks...  it’s heavenly to take a walk in my own neighborhood and feel the warm breeze on my skin...  until then... mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Lemon Pepper Chicken, Cauliflower au Gratin , Roasted Eggplant and Avocado, Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sunny...  warm... bright azure skies...   70° feeling like spring...  trees leafing out...  fledglings making maiden flights...  thick grassy lawns being mowed...  bluebells...  whitebells...  chive flowers...  azaleas...   hostas...  peonies all blooming vibrantly.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana... the hubs enjoying cottage cheese with his hot java.  Out on the deck...  chaos...  time for stripping and refinishing...  plants askew...  tables and chairs piled...  lower deck completed...  upper deck stripped... awaiting sealing...   in between scooting the hubs to PT... running errands...  back home to continue scrubbing...   a tough job but keeps the deck looking fresh and cared for each season.  

Supper tonite...  lemon pepper chicken with the remaining cauliflower au gratin...  roasted eggplant with olive oil salt and pepper... tomato cucumber red onion avocado salad with lime vinaigrette...  and a lovely glass of Line 39 Cabernet.  Echinacea tea and a piece of crystallized ginger for the hubs dessert.  

#GetYourJabOn  the CDC now giving the green light to fully vaccinated folks unmasking...  woot woot...  if you haven’t been jabbed you’re still at risk so get that appointment...  take care of yourself and those you love...  mask up and wash those germy hands πŸ˜„πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

Wednesday 12 May 2021

CDC Announces Vaccinated Folks May Unmask

 On Thursday 13th of May 2021 the CDC announced that those Americans who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer need to mask up 

To all those who bravely decided to #GetYourJabOn  thank you for making the world a better place today than it has been for the past 15 months

To those of you who are still frightened regarding vaccination...  

Some facts...

265,000,000 Americans have received a vaccine...  join us...  

Of those who received a vaccine 99.9997% had no complications...

Of those who got covid...  2.5% passed away and another 5% have long term health complications...  your future is all in your hands 

Choose wisely πŸ˜·πŸ’•

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Penne with Roasted Tomatoes, Roasted Eggplant, Shredded Chicken, Parsley and Romano

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC... 

Bright sun with accumulating clouds as afternoon progressed...  low 60’s...  too chilly for jacketless outings...  neighbors out chatting over fences...  kids riding bikes...  skateboards...  taking their basketballs πŸ€ to the local playground...  trees adorned with baby leaves just beginning to fill out...  robins...  sparrows...  mockingbirds...  starlings...  all chirping and whistling in the branches.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana... the hubs enjoying his hot java with oatmeal a banana and blueberries...  a few moments to relax before taking the hubs to PT.  Finishing up the last few tax return prior to the BIG day ahead...  final copies to be reviewed for submission.  Picked the hubs up from PT...  lunch time...  turkey and salami mini rolls with endive black pepper and a little mayonnaise...  just enough to hold us till supper.

Supper tonite...  a melange of leftover shredded chicken breast...  roasted eggplant seasoned with salt pepper & olive oil... a splash of balsamic out of the oven...  roasted fresh tomatoes...  seasoned with olive oil salt and pepper...  poured...  liquid renderings and all...  over al dente penne then tossed with freshly grated Romano cheese and fresh chopped parsley to finish.  Bright fresh flavors accented with a glass of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷  

Covid infections have declined substantially in NYC since the implementation of vaccines...  such a bright light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel...  be part of the solution...  make it to one of the vaccine centers and #GetYourJabOn  until then you know what to do...  mask up...  limit interactions...   glide through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?