Wednesday 31 March 2021

Tagliatelle with Olive Oil, Kalamata Olives, Roasted Tomatoes, Black Pepper and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bright blue skies...  no jacket required...  lots of folks out and about...  walking dogs...  running errands...  flock of sparrows bathing in the dust at the bottom of the drive...   chittering as they hop about...  dove nesting on the neighbors arbor...   she sits on her eggs through downpours and sunshine...  pair of red tailed hawks riding thermals circling overhead.  

Coffee ☕️ cottage cheese and black pepper as we discuss supper.   Gums still tender...  best choices for dinner include options for softer foods.  Busy day ahead...  dropping the hubs off for PT...  scooting over to the bank...  then on to the pharmacy to pick up a script for mouthwash.   A short line...  one couple in front...  pleased to be able to get out quickly.  

Quickly?  Nope...  disaster... First... disagreement over script pricing...  second... confusion in dosage...  third... errors in number of days...  fourth... several scripts unwanted...  finally...  complete meltdown...  eventually being asked to step aside to allow the line to move ahead...  the pharmacist stepping in to address the multitude of issues...  30 minutes later  <not quickly at all>  finally leaving to dash back to pick up the hubs.   So glad I squeezed in a moment to pick up milk...  whew πŸ˜… 

The babies getting taller each day...  stretching their necks out of the nursery to look about and find the sun...  still only dressed in cotyledons...  waiting for the first real set of leaves to appear...  then onto their spots in the greenhouse to grow into full size seedlings.  

The hubs working furiously on the new planter...  4’ long...  15” wide...  18” deep... hip height... it will rest on 4 legs above the ground giving easy access to the plants within...  positioned along the side of the garage will allow for sun most of the day.  Excited to plan the vegetables it will hold.

Supper tonite...  fresh tagliatelle with olive oil, black pepper, roasted tomatoes with basil,  Kalamata olives and Parmesan...  tomato avocado and lime salad...  a glass of Cabernet 🍷 alongside...  dessert...  macaroons and decaf coffee for the hubs.  

Covid now spreading throughout half the states...  more contagious variants infecting unvaccinated folks at an alarming rate...  expected to spread to the rest of the US in the coming week or two...  CDC director warning we are headed into a fourth wave...  this time also affecting children between 10 and 19 years.  All adults over 50 eligible in NYS currently...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution.  Until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit interactions...  dash through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 29 March 2021

Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup and A Very Blustery Day

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

As Winne the Pooh would say... it was a blustery day.  Bright skies...  warm sun... but that wind chill...  brrrr...   jacket essential...  scarf too... keeping the neck warm...  brought the winter survivors out of the greenhouse for sun and fresh air...  the babies in the dining room await their chance coming up this weekend.  Rosemary and thyme bushes back on the deck adjacent to the back door...  squirrels digging in their soil already...  little round holes magically appearing in the morning.

Too cool for coffee ☕️ on the deck today...  the hubs and yours truly retreated to greenhouse benches to enjoy our cup without the breeze.  It was warm and pleasant inside...  the sun making its presence felt...  a relaxing few moments amidst our busy days.  

Trip to the dental hygienist today...  teeth getting a deep cleaning...  gums a bit tender post scraping...  soft foods on the menu for supper.  Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup...  the perfect supper.  Incredibly flavorful...  gentle to eat...  warming... soothing to irritated tissues.  The hubs enjoying leftover red cabbage slaw and matzoh with butter along with his hot bowl.  

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, became quite emotional today during her press briefing...  warning folks that a fourth surge of covid is likely as some states lift mask mandates and spring breakers return from vacation.  The numbers not telling the story we would like to hear...  increases in almost half the states happening.  Please folks...  the virus is not gone...  this is not over...  we all must remain vigilant...  taking precautions and keeping the safety of our loved ones in mind as we make choices.  When you are eligible...  make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  double mask up...  limit interactions... glide through the market...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What on your plate?    Thoughts?

Chag Pesach Sameach... Gefilte Fish, Noodle Kugel, Red Cabbage Slaw, Charoset, Young Chicken, Asparagus & Macaroons

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...  

Blustery...  rainy...  cool...  tree buds swelling preparing to burst forth with spring flowers...  garlic ramens and chives tall heads popping up between short grasses...daffodils and crocus blooms bobbing under the weight of raindrops...  low clouds encircling the tops of Mom’s co-op complex... the buildings disappearing into the sky...  crowded parking area...  so many folks coming to visit Grandmas and Grandpas for Passover.

Packing up supper to bring to Mom’s...  gefilte fish & spicy horseradish...  noodle kugel with dried cranberries & ricotta cheese...  red cabbage slaw with carrots and red onion...  charoset... a mixture of chopped walnuts, apples, honey, cinnamon, allspice and grape juice (no wine for Mom)...  roasted young chicken...  roasted asparagus... matzoh...  and for dessert homemade chocolate chip macaroons.  

It was delightful...  familiar...  heartwarming...  such a pleasure to simply BE together...  the five of us...  the hubs...  Mom and her sweet aide...  Andrea (Mark away for the weekend for a bachelor party) and yours truly.  We drank wine...  chatted...  ate our meal...  told stories...  shared news...   Mom drank it all in...   enjoying the festivities...  the company...  simply being alive and able to enjoy her family again.  Grateful really isn’t enough of a word to describe the overwhelming feelings we shared on this second day of Passover...  as a dear friend recently said...  “out of the darkness and into the light” 

Hoping your holidays...  whether Palm Sunday or Passover...  we gratifying and delicious πŸ˜·πŸ’•

Sunday 28 March 2021

Salami, Extra Sharp Cheddar, Apple Slices and Triscuit & Wine

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Sun peaking in and out from behind clouds today...  cooler than the 81°F of Friday...  quite pleasant...  saw friends from around the corner today walking with kids and grands... so nice to see people getting out again... enjoying the mild weather.  

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana out of the deck...  the hubs enjoying his hot cup...  reviewing our holiday menu... Mr Sam snoozing underneath one of the deck chairs.  

Spent time in the greenhouse... tidying up...  ready for new seedlings...  most of our babies in the dining room have popped their heads up...  giving them a bit more time to get stronger before they fly free.  

Spent the day cooking and baking...  bringing the Passover meal to Mom’s Sunday...  just immediate family...  all fully vaccinated...  keeping it small...  goodies to share...  enjoying playtime in the kitchen.

Supper tonite...  as gathering of leftovers...  beginning with an appetizer plate of extra sharp cheddar...   Genoa salami...  triscuit...  gala apple slices and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc...  the main...  tuna salad...  Za-atar chicken tenders diced with chopped celery and dilly mayonnaise...  romaine leaves...  sliced tomatoes...  and matzoh with whipped butter and Himalayan pink salt...  as quick and easy supper after a busy day of cooking.

To those of you celebrating Passover...  chag pesach sameach... to those of you celebrating Easter...  happy Palm Sunday...  please stay safe...  keep your celebrations small...  keep your loved ones safe...  make that appointment when eligible and #GetYourJabOn  in the interim...  double mask up in public...  limit interactions...  skate thought the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 26 March 2021

Pork Schnitzel, Oven Roasted Potatoes and Roasted Asparagus

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

81°F on the thermometer...  sunny...  folks outside enjoying the bright skies...   no jackets required...  by afternoon the winds kicked up...   gusting over 40 mph...  opening the windows...  airing out the house... still in the high 50’s late at night...  a glorious day.

Iced coffee ☕️ and a granola bar out on the deck mid afternoon following  appointments...  Mr Sam put off by the wind... meowing to return to the kitchen.

Market day...  breezed in and out...  few shoppers...  Mom’s list short this week...  ours longer...  readying for Passover dinner Sunday at Mom’s... an abbreviated version of our Seder...  we are only five attendees this year...  vs our usual crowd of more than a dozen...  grateful to be able to be together at all after this year of covid and isolation.  

Supper tonite...  pork schnitzel with oven roasted potatoes...  fresh roasted asparagus and a glass of Pinot Noir to accompany...  decaf coffee for the hubs and a piece of KAF chocolate cake 🍰 

Thursday the US surpassed more than 3 million jabs in arms in one day!  Almost all states are readying for all adults to be eligible for vaccinations in the coming weeks...   when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution.  If you or someone you love does get infected...  contact your local hospital or doctor and ask about monoclonal antibody treatment...  reducing the risk of hospitalization and serious disease by more than 80%...  and free to any American. 

In the interim...  double mask up...  glide through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 25 March 2021

NYTCC and Snowdrops

 There has been a lot of talk about the NYTimes divesting itself of the NYTCC since the announcement was made a couple of weeks back.  An offering of my own thoughts...  the future of this group is completely up to all of us πŸ˜·πŸ’•

I believe initially the NYTimes began this group by soliciting subscribers to join the NYTCC (that’s how I joined) promoting signing up for NYTimes Cooking...  which as you know... has its own paywall of $40/year.  At first the group was all about NYTimes recipes and members of NYTCC promoted them thru cooking and posting about their experiences.

Many of us, me included, did sign up for NYTimes Cooking to have access to all their recipes.

Over time the NYTCC grew to more than 77,000 members...  the posts and cooking changing with new members...  more recipes arriving from other countries... which is fascinating... from other chefs and cookbooks...  eye opening...  eventually NYTimes recipes became part of the whole...  instead of the main dish. 

In my opinion... at that point it became a big expense for the NYTimes to manage...  if they weren’t getting enough of an increase in sign ups for NYTimes Cooking...  to offset the cost of running the site...  why bother.

So it appears that it became a business decision to let the group go...  I don’t think it has to do with folks not complying with the rules all the time (all groups have that issue) but more of...  it just didn’t pay to keep salaried admins and mods on the payroll vs the increase in NYTimes Cooking subscriptions.

BTW... I did write to NYTimes Cooking to ask them if they would consider a new group behind the paywall for NYTimes recipes only...  at the moment there is no plan for a new group...  yet...  but keep you’re eyes peeled...

I believe most of us plan to remain and see how the group reforms with new mods and admins... volunteers... who will continue to volunteer unless we members become difficult to moderate...  then they’ll quit... cause no one needs to do this for free AND get aggravated...  and we don’t want that.

So, it’s up to all of us to be grown ups and treat others the way we want to be treated here...  pretty simple, eh?  

Snow drops in the garden...  heralding spring πŸ˜·πŸ’•

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Leftover Chicken, Steak, Mushroom SautΓ© and Teeny Fairy Egg

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Rainy day in The Big Soggy Apple...  overcast morning...  early afternoon...  a soft drizzle gently wetting the garlic ramens and chives sprouting through lawns...  by early evening the rain began in earnest soaking avenues and sogging backyards.  Rainy days are quiet...  peaceful...  few folks out and about...  a break from the clamor of humanity...   the blaring of traffic.

Coffee ☕️ inside today...  cottage cheese with black pepper and roasted tomatoes...  the hubs schematics for a new planter for the backyard coming along nicely...  looking quite usable...  just the right height for a short planting gal.  

Supper tonite a hodgepodge of leftovers turned into a sautΓ©ed rice medley.   Samin’s chicken...  bits of leftover steak...  a pound of  mushrooms needing attention...  half a serving of brown rice...  a few leftover veggies... a scrambled egg... a bit of English mustard and a little veggie sauce...  just enough for two...  accompanied by a glass of Pinot Noir 🍷 Dessert a slice of KAF chocolate cake and decaf coffee for the hubs.

An interesting oddity within a raw egg tonite...  cracked into a small dish to scramble...  while scrambling to add to the skillet...suddenly this teeny egg appeared...  unsure of what it was...  set it aside... flushed that egg... started fresh with another egg.  Found out from a few brilliant FB friends that  occasionally an immature egg becomes trapped within another egg... at the suggestion of one such friend the teeny egg was dissected...  inside it had a teeny yolk and a teeny albumin... so interesting πŸ€” πŸ€“

Covid numbers are rising in about half of US states...  please take precautions...  make that appointment as soon as you are eligible and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...   until then...  double mask up...  trot through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Samin Nosrat’s Buttermilk Brined Chicken, Salad, Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower & Chocolate Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sun spent her day playing peek a boo with cloud...   each time she hid, the creatures on earth felt the chill of her absence...  whenever she came out from behind cloud the creatures celebrated, dancing and singing with joy.  Sun was having so much fun she forgot about the earth creatures...  she played all day and when she grew tired she went to sleep.  The earth creatures were cold and shivered while sun slept.  When the new morning came sun was too tired from playing the day before and rested letting cloud have the day to himself.  The earth creatures were sad and cloud seeing this sadness, wept.   And this, earth children, is why we often have cloudy rainy days after a day of mixed sun and clouds.  

Iced Coffee ☕️ out on the deck today...  Mr Sam warming his bones on the heated boards...  the hubs enjoying a turkey and salami on rye along with his steaming cup.  Mom’s dryer had a bit of a meltdown over the weekend...  stuffed with lint, it refused to function...  thank goodness we didn’t have a fire.   Time to teach the aides how to empty all the lint traps to prevent debris  from clogging the dryer again...  apparently there are two... who new? Lucky for Mom the hubs was able to clean it out and make the needed repairs.  

Spent the late afternoon post work in the greenhouse...  removing semi-hardy perennials... rosemary and thyme...  to their spots on the deck... collards, arugula and beets to an exterior table for full sun...  washing down the greenhouse benches, floor, walls and ceiling to remove any lingering buggies from last year...  readying it for the babies currently sprouting in the dining room.  Left it open to dry for about 8 hours...  just closing up and turning on light and heat lamps to warm the space...  expecting rain tomorrow after today’s warm afternoon.

The hubs PT session went well today...  tuckering him out after a day in his workshop de-linting Mom’s dryer.  He is making good progress.  We are both very pleased.  

Last night we had our very first dinner with family...  DIL’s Dad, now recovered from a serious bout of Covid, looking happy and well...  able to enjoy supper and an evening of laughter and conversation...  we are all so incredibly grateful for his continuing improvement as he regains his strength.     His wife looking so much more relaxed now that her husband is on the road to full health πŸ₯°

Samin Nosrat’s Buttermilk Brined Chicken finally graced our supper table tonite...  served alongside roasted broccoli and cauliflower and a crisp green salad with roasted tomatoes...  roasted red peppers...  red onion and basil...  complemented by a glass of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷 Probably the moistest chicken breasts we have ever enjoyed.  Chocolate cake by KAF for dessert along with crystallized ginger and Echinacea Tea for the hubs.  

Covid variants continue to infect folks across the US...  this is not the time for lax protocols...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then... you know what to do...  double mask up...  skip through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 22 March 2021

Chopped Liver on Rye with Salt Cured Egg Yolk Shavings & Sliders with Extra Sharp Cheddar Roasted Tomatoes and Romaine & Mango Salsa

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

60°F today...  another stunner...  got 15 minutes of sun on the hands arms and face...   gobbling up all that fabulous vitamin D...  definitely helps eradicate those blahs...  lots of folks out today...  kids bouncing basketballs on the way to the park...  others riding bikes...  neighbor out on his second floor balcony cutting tiles for the new bathroom...  another sitting out on the porch enjoying fresh air...  a couple houses over someone repairing a lawn mower...  outside activity slowly resuming amidst the continuing pandemic.

Iced coffee ☕️ and a banana out on the deck...  the hubs sipping his hot cup while Mr Sam stretches out on the warm boards letting the heat seep into his little furry soul.   Chopped liver on rye with shaved salt cured egg yolks atop...  a special treat for the hubs brunch... taking measurements for the new planter...  sorting through accumulated lumber for pieces to fit the project.   Spent time in the greenhouse...  letting in some fresh air...  giving the winter survivors another gulp...  last years arugula finally gone to seed just in time for this years plantings.  Just a bit more cleaning out to complete before this years plants arrive.

Spent the afternoon with Mom... she is ready to begin her bridge game again...  several friends qualifying as fully vaccinated...  safe to visit her apartment and enjoy a game at the dining room table unmasked!   She is cautiously thrilled.  Brought over her weekly groceries... getting to enjoy a big squeeze and a kiss...  life slowly dribbling back in her complex. 

As usual we returned home a bit late after our visit...  a quick supper of sliders on rye with lettuce...  oven roasted tomatoes...  extra sharp cheddar slices...  a side of mango salsa...  a delightful glass of Cabernet 🍷 Dessert...  Wild Berry Zinger Tea and two coffee biscuits for the hubs.

Covid positivity for the NYC variant averaging 15% in some areas of the city...  we are fortunate to be in a low risk zone...  for now...   even post vaccine πŸ’‰ we are still taking precautions in public...  masking up...  limiting public interactions and washing hands...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit personal interactions...  sail through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 21 March 2021

Za-atar Chicken and Avocado Tomato Red Onion Cucumber Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

First day of Spring!!  Buds ripening on trees...  bees 🐝 buzzing about readying for the season...  sun ☀️ warming the earth 🌎 Life reawakening...   neighbors out working on projects...  the sound of tools piercing the afternoon...   folks chatting as they walk by...  a wave and smile behind their masks.  Taking a walk with the hubs...  at the elementary school... kids laughing at the playground...  shooting hoops... swinging...  sliding...  playing handball...  spring has sprung in the Big Green Apple 🍏 

Coffee ☕️ and a banana out on the deck...  enjoying the sun...  light sweatshirt only...  Mr Sam stretched out on the warm boards...  the hubs sipping his coffee as we discuss plans for a new planting box adjacent to the garage.  Spent a bit of time in the greenhouse...  giving the survivors of winter a big drink...  encouraging their continued growth.

Supper tonite chicken breast tenders marinated in a Za-atar salt pepper olive oil paste...  orecchiette with oven roasted tomatoes and basil...  and an avocado πŸ₯‘ tomato πŸ… red onion πŸ§… cucumber πŸ₯’ salad alongside...  so refreshing.  Served with a glass of Line 39 Cabernet 🍷 lemon zinger tea and 82% chocolate piece for dessert. 

The Brazilian variant has been detected in NYC today...  this one labeled an evader...  possibly able to outwit the immune system.  When you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution to end this crisis...   until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  gallop  through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 20 March 2021

Salmon, Asparagus and Tater Tots with Chopped Liver on Triscuit and Salami Appetizer

 Quarantine supper tonite tonite...   Live from NYC...

Thermometer made it all the way to a shivering  42°F...  sun peeking out from in between clouds...  basking in warmth streaming through office windows...  cold and blustery outside.  Folks huddled into jackets and scarves...  hair flying in the wind...   teachers hustling back to cars after school...  clutching papers against the breeze...  too much chill to enjoy the sun ☀️ 

Coffee ☕️ oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon...  needing a hot breakfast to insulate against cold bones...  brought the hubs to the lab for blood work...  zipped over to the bank then onto the market for the weekly grocery grab...  a few bits and bobs for us and Mom’s weekly list.  

Supper tonite...  a schmear of chopped liver on rosemary and olive oil triscuit with a slice of Genoa salami made a delightful starter alongside a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.   Salmon with oven roasted asparagus and the last of the tater tots...  a quick as easy supper given such a late start after the trip to the market.   Dessert...  a mandarin and a piece of 82% cocoa chocolate.  

Covid variants still spreading rapidly...  Europe having their 3rd surge amidst lockdowns...  about two to three weeks ahead of the US...  vaccinations proceeding ahead of schedule just passing the 100 million mark yesterday...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  dash through the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 18 March 2021

Crustless Chichen Pot Pie & Salad with Avocado and Lime Vinaigrette

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

A grey rainy day in the Big Wet Apple...  splotches of color on the sidewalk as folks skitter by...  umbrellas ☂ hiding their masked faces...  the rhythmic swipe of wipers as cars 🚘 pass...  the exhaust a cloud of steam against the dark pavement...  thrumming raindrops against the office windows providing a musical backdrop.

Coffee ☕️ a crunchy peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich...  the hubs breakfast treat...  chicken πŸ“ the dinner choice of champions.  Dropping the hubs off to PT...  heading over to the post office...  a couple of errands to mark the day.   

Boneless skinless chicken breasts...  staring up at me from the sheet tray...  defrosting on the cooktop...  my least favorite bit of chicken.  Determined to keep it moist and delicious...  the mind wanders... a thought...  chicken pot pie...  but we are trying to keep at least part of our meals lower in carbs...  a light bulb πŸ’‘ moment...  crustless chicken pot pie?  Why not πŸ“ 

And so...  presented for your consideration...   crustless chicken pot pie...   diced seared chicken breasts...   peas...  corn...  herbs and spices...  in a thick creamy chickeny sauce...   topped with Parmesan and panko.   It isn’t the most visually appealing dish... but the flavor was so warm and comforting...  and we didn’t even miss the crust!  Served alongside an avocado, roasted tomato, roasted red pepper, cucumber, red onion salad on a bed of romaine seasoned with lime vinaigrette...  a perfect counterpoint to the rich casserole...  a glass of wine 🍷 capping off the meal.

Covid variants increasing once again in 15 states thus far...  the UK variant dominant...  in NYC our homegrown variant spreading  rapidly...  the local infection rate in the tri-state higher than most of the US...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution... in the interim...  double mask up...  dance through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 16 March 2021


 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

The roar of the Lion...   extra brutal...  the thermometer shivering under sunless skies...  making it only into the mid 30’s...  brisk wind...  the few remaining fall leaves scattered on the pavement swirling...   then dropping to the ground to rest...  cars whizzing by...  folks once again huddled into jackets... hoods up...  scarves and gloves... mask covering noses and mouths...  only eyes visible as they dart into cars to escape the chill. 

Coffee ☕️ oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon...  discussions of supper lost in the excitement...  the microwave has finally arrived at the store for pickup...  four weeks to the day...  we are off to claim our prize.   Happily ensconced in its new location, our appliance looks much like it’s older sibling  who recently passed after 35 years of excellent service.  We hope this younger version is as fortunate.  

Picking up the hubs from PT...  hail bouncing off the windshield...  clattering on the car roof...  the deck covered with tiny marbles...  crunching across the boards...  slipping into a warm house...  escaping from the cold.  

It’s PIZZA night!  Our pie (a bit late... but a celebration of Pi Day nonetheless) sponsored by the NYTimes Cheesy Pan Pizza...  a layer of shredded mozzarella...  followed by a layer of sautΓ©ed ground pork with garlic, onion, oregano, salt and black pepper...  topped with oven roasted jammy tomatoes and basil...  roasted red peppers...  another layer of mozzarella...  a good sprinkling of Parmesan and chopped parsley.   Baked at 450°F for about 20 minutes then rested for 15 minutes before serving.  Crunchy crust...  gooey cheesy interior...  satisfying on this cold miserable day. 

NYC’s own covid variant currently accounting for about 40% of new cases...  vaccinations helping to slow the infection rate...  still too high locally...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  double mask up...  gallop through the aisles at the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?



Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup with Toasted Tortillas

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

37°F on the old thermometer...  winds finally abated...   just plain cold...  enjoyed sitting in the office...  five windows of sunlight streaming through to warm this chilled body while working in the office...  the steam heat’s hiss a musical accompaniment to the drudgery of paperwork. 

Coffee ☕️ and a banana...  turkey on rye for the hubs...  100% of votes for soup to warm our cockles...  wherever they are...  hoping to FINALLY pick up our missing microwave tomorrow...  it’s been a month since we placed the order.  Fingers crossed 🀞 

Supper tonite Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup with wilted arugula and oven toasted pita πŸ«“ with olive oil, salt and pepper...  a glass of Sauvignon Blanc to accompany...   dessert...  a slice of Derby Pie...  the orange juice and zest subbed into the recipe for the bourbon a delicious enhancement of the chocolate walnut filling.  

The NYC variant now accounting for 40% of new infections locally...  more contagious and more virulent... it concerns local health officials...  administration of vaccines being ramped up in areas where this variant is most pronounced...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  be part of the solution...  until then...  double mask up...  limit all interactions...  skip through the market and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 14 March 2021

Pi Day... Salmon, Glazed Plantains and Tomato, Cucumber, Red Onion & Avocado Salad with Derby Pie

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 


Blustery winds continuing  to blow unabated here in the Big Windy Apple...  creaking boards...  groaning walls...  the house yielding to the pressure of the oncoming blast...  steam radiators singing...  the chill penetrating windows and doors...  the howling hurricane unceasing.

Coffee ☕️ with asparagus & gouda omelette for brunch...  dinner discussion...  salmon wins by a landslide.  Off to Moms for our weekly grocery delivery and a few repairs by the hubs.   

Arriving as she is having an early supper...  enjoying a crisp salad and full plate of salmon, veggies and farro...  her sweet aide eating with her.   While the hubs is repairing...  we three chatted as they ate...  waiting until she was almost finished... came the announcement, “TODAY is the day” Confused she glanced up, “For what?”   “A hug” was the reply...  she beamed...  “one for each month we missed... when you are ready” 

After her supper we sat and talked for a while...  finally she stood up and we embraced...  a good long hug for each of us...  and a final one before we left...  first time in a year...  our weekly visits had been warm and loving but without the ability to touch one another.  Today that finally ended πŸ₯°

Coming back late to the house our supper needing attention...  the hubs knee a bit sore from repair work at Mom’s...  resting up while dinner got underway.   Oven roasted salmon with Olde Bay Seasoning...  glazed plantains...  tomato, cucumber, red onion and avocado salad with lime and olive oil...  a silky Cabernet...  for dessert a Derby Pie for Pi day πŸ₯§ with decaf coffee for the hubs.

NYC has a new covid variant spreading rapidly throughout the five boroughs...  more contagious and more virulent than original covid...  this is not the time for ditching precautions...  we are so close to ending this scourge...  we need everyone to keep doing those things that keep us all safe...   even when vaccinated...  mask up in public...  sail through the market...  limit public interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 13 March 2021

Venison Medallions and NYTimes Asparagus Goat Cheese and Tarragon Tart

 Quarantine supper tonite...    Live from NYC...

Today was THE day...  it’s been two weeks to the day since our second jab πŸ’‰  we are officially able to spend time indoors with small groups of other vaccinated folks... unmasked!  

This milestone deserved a special meal...  the hubs spending his day helping our son run new electrical wiring for his basement lights...  dropping him off it was a joy to be able to hug Mark...   both of us maskless...  after all this time.

To celebrate...  time to break out the sous vide...  venison tenderloin...  a gift from our son...  along with his recipe.   While the meat cooked...  playtime in the kitchen...  NYTimes Asparagus Goat Cheese and Tarragon Tart...  a delicious savory treat.  

Supper with Mark in our dining room...  first time in a year...  the venison perfectly rare at 122°F...  brushed with an olive oil, salt, garlic and rosemary dressing...  then seared quickly in the cast iron...  fabulous...  melt in the mouth tender...  the asparagus tart a perfect accompaniment...  served alongside red cabbage slaw and a delightful Cabernet.  

Our DIL busy crafting beautiful decorations for a dear friends wedding...  we missed her smiling face but look forward to our next meal together...  imagine that...  able to have a meal together indoors...  finally!  

The familiarity of being able to simply sit in the living room...  laugh...  chat...  no masks...  feeling incredibly grateful and filed with joy to be reunited with family once again.  

The vaccine πŸ’‰ is the way out of the madness...  when you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  until then...  you know what to do...  double mask up...   skip through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 12 March 2021

Pork Chops, Eggplant with Balsamic Drizzle, Tomato Jam, Roasted Green Peppers, Red Cabbage Slaw and Citrus Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

The last day of warm temps...  66°F...  mild afternoon...  jackets optional...  folks out biking 🚴 in shirtsleeves...  taking walks...  squirrels 🐿 racing across yards leaving little round holes where nuts 🌰 were buried...  tonite  35°F...  howling winds πŸ’¨ returning as the Lion 🦁 subdues the lamb πŸ‘ once again.  March known for extremes...  springlike in the northeast...  48” of snow expected in the Rockies...  if you live in Colorado... buckle up buttercup! 

Coffee ☕️ out on the deck...  glorious sunshine ☀️ warming the bones.  Mr Sam enjoying the heat stretching out across the deck boards.  The hubs enjoying a rare treat...  peanut butter and strawberry preserves on rye for breakfast...  savoring every bite.  A request for pork chops receiving 100% of aye votes.

The hubs off to physical therapy...  time to dash through the market...  groceries for Mom and fill-ins for us...  it’s a race...  getting through before PT is over and it’s time to collect the hubs...  one hour total including driving time...  10 minutes each way...  completed today... 0 minutes to spare 🚘 

Supper tonite...  pork chops in the cast iron...  dry salt brined 30 minutes prior to searing...  what a difference in moistness!  Thanks America’s Test Kitchen for the tip!  Roasted eggplant πŸ† with balsamic drizzle...  tomato πŸ… jam...  red cabbage slaw...  dessert... a palate cleansing citrus plate...  blood orange 🍊grapefruit and strawberries πŸ“ 

100 million doses of vaccine have been jabbed into arms πŸ’‰ as of today! 

We are on track to get all adults who want a vaccine to be able to #GetYourJabOn by the end of June 2021...  that will be a July 4th to celebrate...  when you are eligible sign up and be part of the solution...  until then...  you know what to do...   double mask up...  glide through the market...  limit all interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 11 March 2021

Porterhouse Steak, Roasted Asparagus, SautΓ©ed Mushrooms & Asparagus Stems and Orecchiette with Sun Dried Tomatoes, Artichoke Hearts, Black Pepper, Parsley and Parmesan

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Can you believe it?  Just shy of  70°F...   spectacular...  if these past few days were a taste of spring...   today was a big chomp!   Neighbors outside beginning spring clean up in yards...  smiling and waving to one another...  shaking off the winter doldrums...  reveling in the warmth of the day.

Coffee ☕️ out on the deck...  the hubs with his steaming cup...  drinking in the sunshine...  Mr Sam sprawled out on the warm boards...  discussions of dinner amidst the days plans.  Errands to run...  chores to attend to...  warm enough for steak on the grill!  YESSSS πŸ₯© our inner carnivores pleased with the choice.

6pm...  cocktail hour...  Bombay Sapphire and tonic with lime...  our first of the season...  celebrating the warm springlike day 🍸 

Supper tonite...  porterhouse rare...  perfectly grilled...  fresh orecchiette with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, black pepper, parsley and Parmesan...  oven roasted asparagus...  sautΓ©ed mushrooms and chopped asparagus stems...  a pleasure to enjoy a grilled steak πŸ₯© 

Watched the Presidents speech tonite...  very emotional...  recalling all the loss and devastation that covid has wrought...  vaccinations now more important than ever...  getting ahead of new variants and infections a priority for our country.   All adults shall be eligible for their vaccine πŸ’‰ by May 1st!  When you are eligible make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn  Be part of the solution...  until then... you know what to do...  double mask up...  trot through the market...  limit all interactions... and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Flat Chicken, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Broccoli Slaw and Mr Sam’s New Door

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Double nickels on the thermometer...  light breeze...  just cool enough to warrant a jacket...  stepped outside on the deck between clients to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the day.  The lamb is holding his own against the lion for the time being...  not fooled though...  we have had our share of late March snowathons before...  time will tell 🀞 

Coffee ☕️ and a banana 🍌 a quick breakfast before first video chat...  thinking about how and when to restart seeing clients in person...  too soon yet...  we all miss it.  

The hubs built a gift for Mr Sam today...  a safety door to keep him from the basement stairs...  two plexiglass panels so he can see downstairs but can’t fall.  It’s just the right height...  three feet tall...  a latch so us humans can pass by without risking his health.  What a sweet cat papa 😽

Supper tonite...  a flat chicken...  oven roasted to a crispy skin finish...  spiced red potatoes...  crusty outside... melt in the mouth interior...  crunchy broccoli slaw...  along with our usual glass of wine 🍷  

Covid vaccinations πŸ’‰ proceeding ahead of schedule...  excellent news...  when your state permits... make that appointment and #GetYourJabOn 

Life beginning to slowly trickle back toward some semblance of normalcy...  until you’re eligible... you know what to do...   double mask up...  sail through  the aisles at the market...  limit all interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?