Tuesday 5 January 2021

Turkey Meatballs, Broccoli Slaw and Pita... Uncle Jerry Passes

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

An odd day...  clouds...  sun peeking through...  enough to warm the house with the shades up...   light breeze...  air cold and snappy...  sipping morning  coffee...  contemplating the day.   Schools reopened here in the Big Apple...  elementary school down the block...  mid afternoon...   kids bundled against the cold...  some walking home after class...  others with parents in cars...  waving snacks...  idling along the curb...  everyone gone in a flash of coats, scarves and mittens.

Today was a tough one...  had to go to Moms and tell her sad news...  no fancy bread to bring over...  no cookies to share...  just tears... her younger brother passed in Los Angeles Monday from Covid...  big family supper over the holidays to celebrate...   fabulous food...  desserts...  lots of hugs and laughter...  grandparents, parents,  grandkids...  about 14 of the family...  indoors...  no masks...  everyone contracted the virus.  Grandpa didn’t make it...  Grandma is recovering slowly...  Covid took his life in 10 short days.  Mom is devastated...  her brother is gone... no warning... so quickly.  

We sat together unable to hug one another or provide physical comfort...  masked... vulnerable...  heartbroken...  finally moving to the dining room table for her supper...   salad...  meatloaf...  roasted potatoes...  roasted rainbow carrots...   and a slice of cheesecake with her chamomile tea.   When she seemed settled... her aide by her side...  it was time for the hubs to have his supper.  

Arriving home a bit late the kitchen beckoned...  the satisfying feel of preparing our daily meal breaking the solemnity of the afternoon.  Squeezing salt into the broccoli slaw to “cook” the broccoli took attention and focus...  mixed and poured on the dressing of mayonnaise, Dijon mustard and fresh lemon juice...  slaw resting on the kitchen table.   Staring at the package of raw ground turkey...  drawing a blank...  no idea what to create...  suddenly...  meatballs...  a supper plan forms as the fog lifts...  mixing the egg...  bread crumbs...  spices... the mix is ready...  forming the first two meatballs...  gah... no salt or pepper...  brain fog...   rinse and repeat...  finally ready...  meatballs into the oven...  roast at  400°F for about 15 minutes...  warm two pitas and add tzaziki...  voilá...  a cohesive meal... whew.   

As the new strain of Covid crisis crosses the US more families will tell this story...  a happy occasion...  delightful food and drink...  decadent desserts...  but the price... so far... one life.  Please folks...  assess...  you know what to do...  mask up...  give gifts of goodies on the porch blowing kisses from the curb...  wave madly at those you love from afar...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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