Saturday 9 January 2021

Beef Stew with Flatbreads and Jewish Apple Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Ineffective sun...  brisk wind 💨 huddled into the collar of the jacket...  scarf sealing out the cold...  mask on...  gloved hands carrying vinyl shopping bags keys and hand sanitizer...  off to the market for the weekly shopping excursion.   Approaching the store...  gloves off...  keys and sanitizer in jacket pockets...  cold numbing the tips of fingers...  grasping the handle of the cart...  whoosh...  into the store...  heat enveloping a chilled body granting relief.  

The perfect time to peruse the aisles...  supper time...  most folks are home prepping...  eating...  limited shoppers...  zipping through the aisles...  short list today...  mostly Mom’s items.  Produce...  the favorite...  bargain shelves...  loads of mandarins...  potatoes of every stripe...  summer squash...  5 lbs per bag...  each $1.99...  cucumbers...   mushrooms...   apples...   snagging a bag of mixed potatoes...  one of mandarins...  a mixed bag of peppers and mushrooms...  and a bag of small Granny Smith apples.  The lady beside me grins behind her mask...  we both feel excited about our finds.  

Returning home to unpack and heat the remaining stew for supper...  the hubs relaxing on the couch after his exercises...  happy to pitch in and help peel and slice apples for our Jewish Apple Cake.  Scented with fresh orange juice, zest and cinnamon...  the kitchen smells like heaven as it bakes for 90 minutes.  The beef stew even better tonite...  flavors enhanced by the storing and reheating...  devoured alongside a couple of flat breads and a glass (or two) of Claret.  Cake eaten just slightly warm with a cup of Mandarin Orange Spice tea for the hubs...  light...  floral...  with just enough spice to remind of apples and cinnamon. 

The new Covid strain has come to Long Island...  first cases today in Suffolk County... you know what to do...  mask up...  leave goodies on the porch...  blow air kisses at the curb and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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