Monday 25 January 2021

Salmon with Blistered Grape Tomatoes, Roasted Eggplant, Summer Squash Pizza Style and Cream Puffs Filled with Vanilla Mousse

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sunny morning bled into a cloudy afternoon...  storm advancing on the Big Apple leaving mounds of powdery drifts in its path...  icy roadways...  cars and trucks slipping off highways....  white out conditions.  Yet...  we expect a mix of rain...  sleet... eventually snow...  followed by sleet and finally more rain...  a layer cake of weather beginning and ending with rain.   Not sorry...  shoveling snow...   a less than favorite activity...  the hubs leg braced and still a bit wobbly...  accumulations not a pleasant outcome.  

Coffee and oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon gracing the breakfast table as we chart a course toward supper.  Time for baking once again as our last vestiges of dessert disappeared over a week ago.  Salmon gets the unanimous aye vote with sides to be determined.  

The hubs spending time in his workshop waxing the table he refinished over these past several weeks...  staining complete...  assembly on the horizon.   Working in short spurts...  as standing too long taxes the knee.  Mr Sam venturing outside for a brief stint on the deck...  enjoying the sun...  a loud meow letting us know the chill had become unpleasant.   Enjoyed the brightness shining through the office windows early on...  fading through the afternoon.

Spent time playing in the kitchen following work and chores...  cream puffs a labor of love...  fussing over the pâté choux...  whipping the cream for the vanilla mousse filling...  baking one sheet at a time to be sure the oven door stays shut!  Piercing each puff to let steam escape...  waiting until dessert to fill them...  no soggy bottoms! 

Meatless Monday’s... does fish count as meatless?  We have decided the answer for us is yes...  roasted salmon with Olde Bay Seasoning...  summer squash baked with olive oil...  oregano...  shredded mozzarella... topped with parsley and red pepper flake...  blistered grape tomatoes and roasted eggplant.  Summer squash not a favorite of mine...  made pizza like was delicious...  highly recommend.  Complemented by a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and our dessert of cream puffs filled with vanilla mousse assembled immediately prior to consumption.

Covid has inched closer to home...  several family members contracting the virus.  Thankfully all are doing well and expected to fully recover at home.  The newer strains more virulent...   please folks...  follow CDC guidelines... you know what to do...  mask up...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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