Sunday 17 January 2021

Chicken Soup with Turkey Meatballs, White Beans and Farro & Simple Caesar Salad with Parmesan and Anchovies

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Peeks of sun between the blanket of clouds...  chilly...  blustery...  sparrows  chasing one another through tree branches...  standing atop metal light poles...  chirping...  don’t they feel the cold through their feet?   Flocks of gulls swooping through the air...  coming inland before the winds pick up...  folks huddled into their jackets and scarves...   masks on to enter the market.

Picking up groceries for Mom today...  bits and bobs for our larder as well...  her aide enjoying the kitchen...  making fresh meals each afternoon...  she is a terrific cook...  Mom is lucky to have such creative and caring help 🥰 We had a lovely visit while Mom enjoyed her supper...  chatted about current events...  FaceTime with the hubs...  he is home resting his leg...  discussed vaccines...  the waiting list at Northwell...  she had tea and a cookie for dessert...  enjoying her selection of books 📚 

Suppers from the weekend...  chicken vegetable soup with white beans, farro and turkey meatballs...  so warming and hearty.   Tonite a simple Caesar salad (saw the idea on a post and loved it) with Parmesan and anchovies...  cause anchovies make everything better 😋 breaded pollack and swiss on a bun with tartar sauce...  our version of a fast food fish filet...  not pretty...  but yummy 🤤 

We are working on a puzzle...  Starry Night by Van Gogh...  quite difficult... today we finished the perimeter...  so many pieces look alike...  using the time at home to declutter...  taking breaks to puzzle with the hubs...  he is trying his best to stay busy doing simple chores in between resting the leg.  Self care so vital...  making time to relax...  taking alone time...  waiting for spring and planting season to arrive...  the greenhouse marking time until the Persephone phase ends in mid February...  days lengthening...  plants and people waiting.

Covid vaccinations 💉 are making their way into the Big Apple slowly but surely...  NYC has opened many sites for folks to sign up and get the shot...  the roll out has been bumpy but we are hopeful that it will smooth out as time progresses and the vaccine supply increases.  More American souls have been lost to Covid these past few weeks...  the CDC estimates that a total of half a million will be lost by the end of February.  

Don’t be among those mourned...  you know what to do...  makes up...  limit social interactions...  keep your distance...  and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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