Tuesday 12 January 2021

Pasta and Eggplant Bolognese, Deconstructed Herbed Biscuits and Grapefruit Mandarin Blueberry Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Smelled a hint of warmth today...  temps in the mid 40’s...  light breeze...  sun and clouds battling it out...  taking turns...  perfect day to run errands...  quick trip to the bank ATM...  UPS to drop off packages...  picked up a couple of new coffee pods from a neighbors stoop to try...  waved thank you... blew kisses from the curb...  Solimo...  Amazon’s house brand...  the hubs will taste test tomorrow... maybe a hit?  Or a dud...  we shall see.  

Took a walk in town...  few folks out...  wrapped up in scarves and masks...  new bakery...  fancy 3” wide thick cookies with fillings...  $4 each...  no flavors attracting attention today...  maybe next time.  Several restaurants built outdoor eating areas at the curb...  plexiglass windows...  roofs...  wood panel walls...  heaters...  doors...  attempts at survival...  all virtually empty.

Supper tonite the hubs request...  pasta with bolognese sauce...  our take...  ground turkey...  onion...  garlic...  one chopped eggplant...  oregano... basil...   thyme...  salt & pepper...  red pepper flake...  red wine...  can of tomatoes...  little shells...  sauce catchers...   par cooked and finished in the sauce...   a good handful of Parmesan...  on the side canned biscuits (I know, I know) layers disassembled...  brushed with olive oil and Penzey’s Pasta Sprinkle...  baked for 12 minutes at 375°F...   crunchy...  ricotta mixed with basil and a bit of olive oil...  finally dessert...  grapefruit...  mandarins and blueberries...  all served alongside a bright Cabernet Sauvignon.   

The UK strain is here in NYC...  numbers rising...  underground maskless parties fueling the spread...  too many are experiencing pandemic fatigue...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit errands and trips out of the house...  use hand sanitizer...  blow kisses via video chat...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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