Tuesday 26 January 2021

Spicy Chicken Legs Roasted Broccoli and Glazed Sweet Plantains

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Flurries...  for about three hours...  that’s all the Big Apple got from the monster storm that shredded the Midwest and South with tons of snow and tornadoes...  by afternoon...  drizzling and chilly...  this is NYC in the winter...  grey skies...   rain...  slush.  Ran errands...  the hubs had PT...  dropped him off...  zoomed over to the post office...  sent a couple of packages out...  then to the market for a few odds and ends...  finally back to pick up the hubs at PT and head home.   Amazing how much can be accomplished in an hour! 

This mornings coffee and oatmeal meeting was indecisive...  no votes for anything in particular.  Old menus brought forth no ideas.  Consensus was... whatever is on sale at the market...  wide choices.  Chicken legs caught the eye...  as did a quick sale bag of assorted plantains and bananas...  and another of mixed broccoli and broccoli rabe...  and so supper evolved.

Spicy chicken legs with sweet plantains in orange marmalade glaze and roasted broccoli made for a balanced supper.   Got carried away with the spice a bit...  hubs loved it...  needed some cooling from sour cream for this gals palate.  Feeling the burn 🔥 (or is it Bern 😂)

Family still battling covid...  not out of the woods yet...  hoping for better news tomorrow.  Vaccines 💉 can’t arrive soon enough...  need an inoculation for Mom and the hubs...  being patient as our new POTUS guides the train back onto the tracks.  

Please take care of yourselves folks...  I know I sound like a broken record...  but with good reason...  a crack in the armor and covid sneaks right in.  Going to the market?  Double masks...  hand sanitizer...  some kind of eye protection...  do your part...   stay healthy...  we need you 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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