Saturday 30 January 2021

NYStrip Steak with Kasha a Green Salad and a Poached Pear

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Ccccold day here in the Frozen Apple...  high temp (can we call 30°F high?) was 30°F...  low tonite down in the teens πŸ₯Ά feeling very Arctic out there in the netherworld...  no animals or even birds today...  deep winter has arrived in all its frigid glory.  

Coffee meeting cut short today with calls from family...  nurse came to give IV fluids prior to covid treatment tomorrow...  hopeful easier times ahead... a call from Mom...  shower head broke...  luckily post shower...  Happen to have one available to install tomorrow...  from our bathroom remodel...  lucky break.  

Visited the market today...  as usual waited till dinner hour...  relatively empty....  picked up supplies for Mom and some fill ins for us...  quick trip to the wine store (got to get what’s really important!) making sure we are set for at least six days...  gives sanitation time to plow...  big snow accumulator coming...  beginning Sunday night into Wednesday...  expecting up to 10”.

Strip steaks on sale today...  instant dinner!  Made a favorite grain to go with...  kasha...  a crisp green salad with sun dried tomatoes, cucumbers and red onions...   picked up a discount bag of mixed citrus with one lonely pear amongst...  poached it for the hubs...  apparently it was delicious.  Tried a Cabernet Sauvignon from Line 39 with supper...  delicious...  loved their Sauvignon Blanc too.  

Covid has reached our extended family...  seeing the impact of the virus close up is chilling.  Please folks...  follow CDC and NIH recommendations...  double mask up...  limit time in the market...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 29 January 2021

Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls and Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Extreme cold accompanied by endless blue skies...  whipping winds...  house creaking and groaning...  window panes vibrating...  tree branches flailing their naked arms.  

Quick coffee ☕️ and oatmeal with craisins before taking the hubs to physical therapy...  too cold to run errands...  returned home to chores and plant care before pick up time...  hubs had an excellent work out... lots of stretching and muscle building...  a bit sore...  but pleased.  Had tea and discussions for supper...  the deep cold veered us hard into stew and soup territory.

Made whole wheat dough last Saturday...  spent six days fermenting in the fridge...  tonite part became whole wheat dinner rolls to accompany our Winter White Bean and Sausage Soup.  This was the first try with whole wheat flour...  pleased with the results...  nutty...  a bit of tang... made for a lovely somewhat firmer dinner roll...  perfect for sopping up hot soup 🍜 

Covid still keeping part of our family in its tight little grip...  both husband and wife exhausted but seeming to inch closer to recovering each day...  pins and needles...  while we wait.  A tough road to travel.

Different strains of the virus giving the US more virulent challenges...  you know what to do...  double mask up...  limit interpersonal interactions...  short trips to the market... and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Julia’s Brownies

 Got the best surprise in the mail today!!   BROWNIES from the amazing kitchen of Julia Nusbaum...  they are scrumptious and arrived in purrfect condition...  can’t thank you enough sweet Julia ❤️❤️❤️

Roasted Salmon with Mayo on Toasts with Capers... Spicy Chicken Legs, Stuffed Meat Roll, Glazed Plantains and Crispy Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Cloudless skies...  deep blue horizons...  a price to match...  frigid cold...  blustery winds...  in the office...  sun beaming through windows...  warm and snug while cold winds rattle the panes...  a V formation of geese flying high overhead...  heading south to warmer climes...  few pigeons and sparrows on the overpass...  seeds thrown by a neighbor.  Deep winter has arrived...  tonight’s low 18°F...  time for hibernation and warm blankets.

Coffee meeting today...  leftover night...  cleaning out the fridge...  sides to be decided upon last minute.  The hubs retiring to his workshop...  adding a missing facia board to the desk...  measuring...  cutting...  sanding...  eventually followed by staining and waxing.   The project proceeding nicely...  hubs able to stand today braced for almost two hours...  followed by elevation and rest...  healing moving forward.

Contactless drop off of cream puffs last night to Mark and Andrea...  a little something sweet to lift the spirits ❤️

Lunch...  leftover roasted salmon mixed with mayonnaise...  spread on toasts... topped with capers...  the olde bay seasoning coming through nicely.  

Supper a melange of pieces from past dinners...  spicy chicken legs...  sweet glazed plantains...  stuffed meat roll...  a crisp garden salad with Caesar dressing and the last few greenhouse tomatoes...  accompanied by our favorite Sauvignon Blanc.  Incredibly delicious NYTimes Brownies received in the mail today from Julia Nusbaum...  made for a decadent and chocolatey dessert...  a sweet treat from a sweet friend ❤️

Family infected with covid still fighting the virus at home...  some small improvements today...  oxygen levels somewhat better...  less exhaustion...  keep those positive thoughts coming folks...  they help ❤️

The South African variant of covid has arrived in the US...  more virulent and significantly more contagious...  CDC and NIH advising to wear 2 masks... surgical underneath a two layer cloth mask...  limit time in grocery stores...   be more vigilant about cleanliness...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Meat Roll Stuffed with Ricotta with Mashed Yams and Summer Squash Pizza

 Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Sun beckoning with promises of warmth...  stepping outside for mail bringing reality into sharp focus...  a chill wind blowing through thin pants and sweater...  hustling back inside...  indoors a warm blanket.  

Another morning of coffee and oats...  advance planning for tonites supper...  time for a meat and potatoes meal...  meat roll wins the day.  The hubs in his shop...  couple of hours working on his project... refinishing a desk...  braced leg performing well...  Mr Sam supervising.

Between appointments...  taking time to deep clean our bedroom...  freshening up the space...  going through drawers...  more decluttering on the horizon.

Supper tonite...  ugly but delicious meat roll ...  tried a new twist...  stuffed the meat roll with ricotta cheese...  incredibly moist...  top of the roll split open...  cascade of whey erupting...  flowing onto the sheet pan...  taking much of the cheese with it.   The roll tasted so wonderful...  so awful looking...  we both laughed...  ate the ugliest parts first...  the better looking half left for another meal.  Served along side... mashed yams...  summer squash pizza...  Sauvignon Blanc to accompany our meal.  The last of the cream puffs and tea for the hubs.  A few empty shells frozen for future applications. 

Vaccines still hard to come by...  the new variants of covid spreading faster than ever.  Family still battling the virus at home...  nights are the worst 😒...  the sweats...  chills...  dizzyness...  teeny progress forward today...  hoping.  Don’t become a statistic...  double mask...  limit time at the market...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Spicy Chicken Legs Roasted Broccoli and Glazed Sweet Plantains

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Flurries...  for about three hours...  that’s all the Big Apple got from the monster storm that shredded the Midwest and South with tons of snow and tornadoes...  by afternoon...  drizzling and chilly...  this is NYC in the winter...  grey skies...   rain...  slush.  Ran errands...  the hubs had PT...  dropped him off...  zoomed over to the post office...  sent a couple of packages out...  then to the market for a few odds and ends...  finally back to pick up the hubs at PT and head home.   Amazing how much can be accomplished in an hour! 

This mornings coffee and oatmeal meeting was indecisive...  no votes for anything in particular.  Old menus brought forth no ideas.  Consensus was... whatever is on sale at the market...  wide choices.  Chicken legs caught the eye...  as did a quick sale bag of assorted plantains and bananas...  and another of mixed broccoli and broccoli rabe...  and so supper evolved.

Spicy chicken legs with sweet plantains in orange marmalade glaze and roasted broccoli made for a balanced supper.   Got carried away with the spice a bit...  hubs loved it...  needed some cooling from sour cream for this gals palate.  Feeling the burn πŸ”₯ (or is it Bern πŸ˜‚)

Family still battling covid...  not out of the woods yet...  hoping for better news tomorrow.  Vaccines πŸ’‰ can’t arrive soon enough...  need an inoculation for Mom and the hubs...  being patient as our new POTUS guides the train back onto the tracks.  

Please take care of yourselves folks...  I know I sound like a broken record...  but with good reason...  a crack in the armor and covid sneaks right in.  Going to the market?  Double masks...  hand sanitizer...  some kind of eye protection...  do your part...   stay healthy...  we need you πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 25 January 2021

Salmon with Blistered Grape Tomatoes, Roasted Eggplant, Summer Squash Pizza Style and Cream Puffs Filled with Vanilla Mousse

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Sunny morning bled into a cloudy afternoon...  storm advancing on the Big Apple leaving mounds of powdery drifts in its path...  icy roadways...  cars and trucks slipping off highways....  white out conditions.  Yet...  we expect a mix of rain...  sleet... eventually snow...  followed by sleet and finally more rain...  a layer cake of weather beginning and ending with rain.   Not sorry...  shoveling snow...   a less than favorite activity...  the hubs leg braced and still a bit wobbly...  accumulations not a pleasant outcome.  

Coffee and oatmeal with craisins and cinnamon gracing the breakfast table as we chart a course toward supper.  Time for baking once again as our last vestiges of dessert disappeared over a week ago.  Salmon gets the unanimous aye vote with sides to be determined.  

The hubs spending time in his workshop waxing the table he refinished over these past several weeks...  staining complete...  assembly on the horizon.   Working in short spurts...  as standing too long taxes the knee.  Mr Sam venturing outside for a brief stint on the deck...  enjoying the sun...  a loud meow letting us know the chill had become unpleasant.   Enjoyed the brightness shining through the office windows early on...  fading through the afternoon.

Spent time playing in the kitchen following work and chores...  cream puffs a labor of love...  fussing over the pΓ’tΓ© choux...  whipping the cream for the vanilla mousse filling...  baking one sheet at a time to be sure the oven door stays shut!  Piercing each puff to let steam escape...  waiting until dessert to fill them...  no soggy bottoms! 

Meatless Monday’s... does fish count as meatless?  We have decided the answer for us is yes...  roasted salmon with Olde Bay Seasoning...  summer squash baked with olive oil...  oregano...  shredded mozzarella... topped with parsley and red pepper flake...  blistered grape tomatoes and roasted eggplant.  Summer squash not a favorite of mine...  made pizza like was delicious...  highly recommend.  Complemented by a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and our dessert of cream puffs filled with vanilla mousse assembled immediately prior to consumption.

Covid has inched closer to home...  several family members contracting the virus.  Thankfully all are doing well and expected to fully recover at home.  The newer strains more virulent...   please folks...  follow CDC guidelines... you know what to do...  mask up...  limit social interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Baked Penne Bolognese and Green Salad with Salted Grated Egg Yolks

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC... 

Cold today...  winds finally abated...  sunny...  saw a cardinal pair in the old oak tree next door...  oblivious to the chill...  hopping from limb to limb...  calling to one another...  bright red against the leafless branches...  a flash of fire against the brown bark.  

Morning coffee with cheese eggs... toast and supper planning meeting... went very well today.  All aye votes for baked pasta with leftover bolognese ricotta and mozzarella.  Perfect easy supper after visiting Mom.  She is perky...  enjoying her days...  her best friend coming up to visit a couple of times each week...  sharing books...  news...  stories of family.  Waiting for her vaccine πŸ’‰ to resume more activities.  Brought a couple more books over...  she now has quite a stack...  at least 15 ready for perusing.  

Supper tonite included salt cured egg yolks (thanks Manuela) which were delicious and lent a nice salty eggy bite grated onto the salad...  as well as our pasta bake and a lovely finish to our bottle of Pinot Noir...  followed by news and Dr Birx on Face the Nation...  interesting...  revealing.  

Covid still claiming lives...  please take care of yourselves...  the CDC now encouraging folks to wear double masks in places like markets and stores...  began today...  2 layer surgical mask covered with a 2 layer cotton cloth mask in the market...  certainly kept the face warm!  Stay safe folks...  vaccines on the horizon πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 23 January 2021

Mexican Night... Bean and Cheese Burritos 🌯

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Blustery...  bone chilling cold...  wind buffering the house...  creaking boards...  rattling windows...  gusts up to 40 mph...  no one out walking today...  even the wildlife stayed in bed...  skies bright...  sun but no warmth...  a great day to relax and unwind.

Supper tonite...  an easy Mexican style dinner of bean and cheese burritos with accompaniments...  lettuce, tomato, red onion, avocado, salsa, sour cream and mango...   simple...  leftover barley soup made for a warming side...  our glass of Pinot Noir rounding out the meal.  

Covid numbers on the rise...  America has topped 24 million cases...  scary times...  vaccines πŸ’‰ on order...  waiting for the shot...  in the interim you know what to do...  mask up...  limit personal interactions and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Friday 22 January 2021

Pasta Bolognese with Napa Cabbage Slaw and Orange Segments

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

🎢 Blue skies smiling at me 🎡nothing but blue skies do I see...  sunshine today was bright...  cheerful...  warming the office through windows...  outside temps in the mid 40’s...  almost no breeze.   Few folks out...  scarves...  hats...  gloves...  walking briskly to keep warm...  masks visible.  One of the side benefits of masks...  warmer nose and mouth during the cold months...  frigid winds not able to bite the face.  

Morning coffee today with a treat...  smoked peppered salmon and cream cheese on thin slices of last nights bread...  a delicious breakfast.   Unanimous votes for pasta bolognese and Napa cabbage slaw with red wine for supper...  so glad to have the hubs interested in helping with the daily menu.  

The hubs assembled a glass topped console table today as we shared afternoon tea...  replacing an eclectic grouping of tables and plant stands...  more decluttering...  paged though another pile of books πŸ“š to give away...   it’s a reader problem...  every room in the house has a pile of books...  most of them already read...  time to share them.  

Supper tonite...   as requested...  pasta bolognese...  Napa cabbage slaw...  a lovely 2017 Pinot Noir and orange segments for dessert.  We barely ate half the pasta...  another casserole in the works later this week...  maybe roast an eggplant to add to the dish? 

Still haven’t made dessert...   but...  decisions have been made.  The winner?  Cream puffs filled with pastry cream...  when?  Not sure...  maybe tomorrow...  the plan was to make them today but...   the console table arrived...  a couple of hours of rearranging...  plant watering and fussing...  and the afternoon was gone.  

The new strain of covid from the UK now deemed 50% more contagious...  30% more deadly...  geez...  seems like we are getting pummeled...  now more than ever vaccines πŸ’‰ matter.  NYC will be getting more doses next week...  currently there are none.  CDC recommends double masking or masks with at least 2 layers...  you know what to do...   mask up...  limit personal interactions...  take a brisk walk when it’s sunny...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 21 January 2021

Pork Chops with Napa Cabbage Slaw and Fresh Bread

Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bright sun...  light wind...  thermometer shivered up to 40°F...  hot breakfast...  coffee and oatmeal with milk, craisins and cinnamon...  selections for supper...  pork chops getting the overwhelming ayes.  

Dropping the hubs at physical therapy...  errands...  a quick walk in the park at the edge of a small lake...  beautiful pair of swans (Did you know swans mate for life? ) couple of mallards...   the perfect afternoon photo sun... picking up the hubs...  heading home for afternoon tea.  

This bread πŸ₯– ...  the culmination of an experiment...  a suggestion to age the dough a few days in the fridge to develop depth...  success!  The intensified flavors of the yeast permeating the loaf creating a remarkable texture and taste.  Loved it πŸ˜‹

Supper tonite...  pork chops in cast iron...  Cajun spice mix...  Napa cabbage slaw with red onion and parsley...  tomatoes in balsamic...  a lovely glass of Sauvignon Blanc to toast new hopes.  

The pandemic continues to rage out of control...  4300 souls lost today...  estimates are that covid will take half a million Americans by Valentines Day...  please stay safe...  follow protocols...  the new strains more contagious than ever...  you know what to do...  mask up...  take walks on sunny days...  cook delicious food...  minimize interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?  Thoughts?

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Tomato and Garlic Sausage... Spicy Split Chicken Breasts... Roasted Peppers and baby Red Potatoes with Citrus Desssert

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC... 

Bright ineffective sun...  brisk northern wind...  just outside the office window...  squirrel sitting on the front lawn facing the sun...  fur on his tail shimmering in the wind and light...  still as a statue...  remained just over 10 minutes...  then scampered into the big oak next door disappearing into a nest.  

Sipping morning coffee...  chatting with a client...  she ran out of ground coffee...  food pantry only opened Tuesdays...  lives close by...  out of work.   Later in the day on the way from the market...  stopped by...  delivering a bag of ground coffee...  in our freezer...  we use beans and pods...  glad to share.

Tonites supper...  tomato and garlic sausage...  spicy split chicken breasts...  roasted peppers...  roasted baby red potatoes...   accompanied by a crisp Sauvignon Blanc... our favorite Line 39...  dessert plate of oranges mandarins and blueberries.

Watching the inauguration of our 46th President and first female Vice President...  that cracked glass ceiling finally shattered...  the Celebration of America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ...  a moving tribute to all those who put their lives on the line to keep America functioning...  an uplifting hopeful tale of appreciation.  We still have many challenges ahead...  may each of us contribute to the healing of our nation with a kinder gentler spirit in all interactions. 

As the Big Apple faces the days ahead without vaccine supplies...  we run out tomorrow...  we all know what to do...  mask up...  limit personal interactions...  be a cheerleader from the sidewalk...  visit via video chat...  leave goodies on the stoop...   and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?    Thoughts?

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Roasted Chicken Thighs with Broccoli and Red and Sweet Potato Wedges & Fruit Plate of Mango, Grapefruit, Mandarin and Blueberries

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Cloudy morning...   brief snow flurry...  afternoon peeks of sun...  clear cold night...  weather resembling a tasting menu...  some of this...  a bite of that...  squirrels confused...  coming out to search for nuts only to be caught in flurries which disappeared after only five minutes.  

Coffee meeting held a unanimous vote for dinner on a plate...  no soup tonite...  chicken thighs...  roasted veggies please and thank you.  Late afternoon tea meeting...  hubs had his first physical therapy appointment and evaluation...  went very well.  PT twice a week for twelve weeks to increase range of motion... strengthen and restore muscle function and improve balance.  Tea upon our return...  extensive discussions of dessert in the coming days...  cream puffs?   lemon mousse?  pie?   decisions...  decisions. 

Supper tonite roasted in the oven...  chicken thighs with olive oil...  Penzey’s poultry seasoning...  paprika...  turmeric...  garlic...  onion... salt and pepper...  broccoli...  red and sweet potato wedges.   Fruit plate of grapefruit... mango...  mandarin and blueberries for dessert.  Served alongside our favorite Sauvignon Blanc...  Line 39...   dinner shared over a WhatsApp call with our dear Andrea...  A stick of butter on the counter along with a packet of Knox gelatin...  and a box of vanilla pudding...  haven’t decided what to make yet...  thinking...  there’s cream in the fridge and lemon curd too...  hmmmmm... 

Tomorrow is Inauguration Day...  a new administration comes to America...  hoping the vaccine supplies improve...  Mom needs her shot and so does the hubs (and me too 😁)  This pandemic needs serious attention and a national plan to help citizens stay safe and healthy.  In the interim...  you know what to do...  mask up...  blow kisses from inside the car...  wave excitedly from the sidewalk...  leave goodies on the stoop...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 18 January 2021

Vegetable Barley Soup with Savory and Spicy Sausage

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

The sun finally showed her shining face...   bright skies...  crisp air...  temps in the low 40’s...  light breeze...  took a drive with the hubs...  enjoying the day...  a slow walk around the outside of the house afterward...  brace holding the knee steady...  walking stick in hand...  up the steps one at a time...  carefully making progress.  

Still decluttering...  sorting through cookbooks...  giving away a few (posted here on NYTCC for first dibs) to be perused by new eyes...  glad to share.  

This mornings coffee meeting...  indecisive...  neither of us sure about supper.  Afternoon tea changed little...  both feeling the food blahs.  Finally supper time approaching...   decided on vegetable barley soup with sliced sausage...  one savory...  one spicy.   Running out of greens...  had a bit of extra romaine...  chopped it into the soup...  worked well alongside the onion...  dark red kidney beans...  carrot...  Penzey’s Fox Point spice mix... white wine and vegetable stock.

Covid spreading like wildfire...  over 2 million dead worldwide...  the pandemic is growing...  vaccine πŸ’‰ roll out has been spotty...  too many bumps in the road...  pandemic fatigue setting in...  don’t succumb...   you know what to do...  mask up...  don’t socialize indoors with folks without masks...  limit personal interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Sunday 17 January 2021

Chicken Soup with Turkey Meatballs, White Beans and Farro & Simple Caesar Salad with Parmesan and Anchovies

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Peeks of sun between the blanket of clouds...  chilly...  blustery...  sparrows  chasing one another through tree branches...  standing atop metal light poles...  chirping...  don’t they feel the cold through their feet?   Flocks of gulls swooping through the air...  coming inland before the winds pick up...  folks huddled into their jackets and scarves...   masks on to enter the market.

Picking up groceries for Mom today...  bits and bobs for our larder as well...  her aide enjoying the kitchen...  making fresh meals each afternoon...  she is a terrific cook...  Mom is lucky to have such creative and caring help πŸ₯° We had a lovely visit while Mom enjoyed her supper...  chatted about current events...  FaceTime with the hubs...  he is home resting his leg...  discussed vaccines...  the waiting list at Northwell...  she had tea and a cookie for dessert...  enjoying her selection of books πŸ“š 

Suppers from the weekend...  chicken vegetable soup with white beans, farro and turkey meatballs...  so warming and hearty.   Tonite a simple Caesar salad (saw the idea on a post and loved it) with Parmesan and anchovies...  cause anchovies make everything better πŸ˜‹ breaded pollack and swiss on a bun with tartar sauce...  our version of a fast food fish filet...  not pretty...  but yummy 🀀 

We are working on a puzzle...  Starry Night by Van Gogh...  quite difficult... today we finished the perimeter...  so many pieces look alike...  using the time at home to declutter...  taking breaks to puzzle with the hubs...  he is trying his best to stay busy doing simple chores in between resting the leg.  Self care so vital...  making time to relax...  taking alone time...  waiting for spring and planting season to arrive...  the greenhouse marking time until the Persephone phase ends in mid February...  days lengthening...  plants and people waiting.

Covid vaccinations πŸ’‰ are making their way into the Big Apple slowly but surely...  NYC has opened many sites for folks to sign up and get the shot...  the roll out has been bumpy but we are hopeful that it will smooth out as time progresses and the vaccine supply increases.  More American souls have been lost to Covid these past few weeks...  the CDC estimates that a total of half a million will be lost by the end of February.  

Don’t be among those mourned...  you know what to do...  makes up...  limit social interactions...  keep your distance...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 16 January 2021

Baked Pasta Bolognese with Avocado Red Onion Tomato Salad and Mango Orange Blueberry Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Gray day in the Big Apple...  mild temps...  folks walking in pairs...  masks on...  getting in that last bit of fresh air before the rains arrive tonite...  watched two squirrels chase one another up and down the tree outside the office windows...  ignorance is bliss...   completely unaware of any human difficulties...  Mr Sam chirping at them from his side of the window 😸

Continuing on with decluttering...  making space...   enjoying the process...   the supper discussion over coffee ☕️ deciding on baking the leftover pasta bolognese into a gooey cheesy casserole πŸ₯˜ accompaniments to be decided later.  Afternoon tea with the last pieces of apple tart...  a midday recap of earlier activities...  choosing sides for the menu.

Supper tonite...  baked pasta bolognese mixed with ricotta... shredded mozzarella on top...  sprinkled with black pepper...  350°F for about 25 minutes till bubbly...   tomato avocado and red onion salad with lime vinaigrette...  a refreshing break from the decadent pasta...  a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon accompanying the meal...  mango orange and blueberries for sweet citrusy dessert...  mandarin orange spice tea for the hubs. 

Our usual musical choice for dinner...  nighttime jazz...  overpowered by the thrumming of raindrops on the windows and roof as the storm arrived.  Mr Sam undeterred...  waiting patiently for his hors d’oeuvres...  little bites of supper...  followed by his own meal.  

Watching the news as this post is written...  the ‘green zone’ around the Capital and downtown DC...  military lining the streets...  covid infections sky rocketing...  vaccine distributions slow and irregular...  such stressful times.

It is imperative that we all practice self care...  unplug from the news as needed...  take time to soothe with enjoyable activities...  spend time chatting with friends via video or phone...  read novels...   take walks (weather permitting) create delicious meals...  seek help if overwhelmed...  limit outings...  create value with the time at home.  Stay safe and healthy...  the tunnel is long...  but there is light at the end...  and hope.

Mask up...  limit personal interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Thursday 14 January 2021

Seared Pork Chops with Mashed Yams and Green Beans

 Quarantine supper tonite...  live from NYC...

Vanilla skies...  almost 50°F today...  spring feel in the air...  deep winter on the horizon...  squirrels out enjoying the warmth...  Mr Sam on the deck soaking up the sun...  greenhouse warm and snug...  plants thriving through  the Persephone phase...  hawk circling overhead...  lifted on thermals.

Following our supper discussion at coffee...  pork chops on the menu...  seared in the cast iron with olive oil, salt & pepper and Penzey’s Pasta Sprinkle...  delicious sauce made from last weeks beef stew...  with wine...  sweet potatoes mashed with butter and cinnamon...  steamed green beans rounding out the plate.  The hubs was happy...   meat and potatoes...  his favorite!  Mandarins for dessert and a glass of Cabernet to compliment the meal 🍷 

The hubs is doing well...  able to bend the knee part way with minimal discomfort...  stairs still a challenge...  one at a time with brace support and balance enhanced from his Boy Scout carved totem...  just the right height for him as an adult.  

Too many are leaving us due to covid...   the virus is spreading faster than ever...  hospitalizations and death rates soaring...   you know what to do...  mask up...  zoom with friends and colleagues...  leave treats on the stoop...  wave and blow air kisses from the curb...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Chicken Soup and Queso Frito with Herbed Biscuits and Mandarins

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Blanket of clouds...  temps in the mid 40’s...  invisible sun...  chilly office...  squirrels leaving gifts on the front steps...  pile of shells...  little nibblers out and about searching for food...   no birds today...   asleep in their nests...  as the day waned the cloud cover thickened allowing the heat island to retain warmth...   tomorrow forecasted to approach  50°F...  woo hoo πŸ˜„

Worked on the puzzle late today...  a gift for the hubs...  helping finish the exterior border...  so difficult...  limited progress...  thoughts of supper floating...  chill weather seeping into bones...  soup on the menu.  

Homemade chicken stock...  onion...  garlic...  celery...   carrot...  bok choy...  fresh ginger...  Parmesan cheese rind...  white beans...  Yukon gold potatoes...   white wine...  salt & pepper...  ground rosemary...  sage leaves...  oregano...  thyme...  arugula and bok choy leaves wilted in off the heat before serving.   Fried queso frito a delicious salty crispy treat with herbed biscuits from last nights supper...   crisp Sauvignon Blanc rounded out the meal with mandarins for dessert.  

Covid stole more than 4300 souls today in America...  Vaccinations increasing...  still months to go...   UK strain now in more states and counties...  you know what to do...   mask up...   limit personal interactions...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Pasta and Eggplant Bolognese, Deconstructed Herbed Biscuits and Grapefruit Mandarin Blueberry Plate

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Smelled a hint of warmth today...  temps in the mid 40’s...  light breeze...  sun and clouds battling it out...  taking turns...  perfect day to run errands...  quick trip to the bank ATM...  UPS to drop off packages...  picked up a couple of new coffee pods from a neighbors stoop to try...  waved thank you... blew kisses from the curb...  Solimo...  Amazon’s house brand...  the hubs will taste test tomorrow... maybe a hit?  Or a dud...  we shall see.  

Took a walk in town...  few folks out...  wrapped up in scarves and masks...  new bakery...  fancy 3” wide thick cookies with fillings...  $4 each...  no flavors attracting attention today...  maybe next time.  Several restaurants built outdoor eating areas at the curb...  plexiglass windows...  roofs...  wood panel walls...  heaters...  doors...  attempts at survival...  all virtually empty.

Supper tonite the hubs request...  pasta with bolognese sauce...  our take...  ground turkey...  onion...  garlic...  one chopped eggplant...  oregano... basil...   thyme...  salt & pepper...  red pepper flake...  red wine...  can of tomatoes...  little shells...  sauce catchers...   par cooked and finished in the sauce...   a good handful of Parmesan...  on the side canned biscuits (I know, I know) layers disassembled...  brushed with olive oil and Penzey’s Pasta Sprinkle...  baked for 12 minutes at 375°F...   crunchy...  ricotta mixed with basil and a bit of olive oil...  finally dessert...  grapefruit...  mandarins and blueberries...  all served alongside a bright Cabernet Sauvignon.   

The UK strain is here in NYC...  numbers rising...  underground maskless parties fueling the spread...  too many are experiencing pandemic fatigue...  you know what to do...  mask up...  limit errands and trips out of the house...  use hand sanitizer...  blow kisses via video chat...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Monday 11 January 2021

Riced Cauliflower Mushroom and Chorizo Risotto

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Bright sun...  ccccold & breezy...  temps started out the day in the high 20’s...  never hit  40°F...   early winter is ending...  over the next weeks the deep cold will arrive.  Few birds out today...  squirrels snoozing warm and snug in their nests...  parents hustling to pick up kids from school in the afternoon...  no leisurely walks today...  hats and gloves donned...  face masks a pleasure...  keeping the cold at bay.   In the office the sun streaming through the windows but little warmth to be found...  the hubs snuggling into his sweatshirt and winter woolies.  

In between work...  laundry day...  catching up on chores while ideas for supper drift through thoughts.  Meatless Monday a goal...  not the hubs favorite choice...  we discuss and settle on a new recipe...  cauliflower rice and mushroom risotto... with chorizo and Parmesan... a satisfactory compromise of tastes...  a bit of heat...  creaminess...  the savory mushrooms adding an earthy complexity...  delightful.  

Covid continues to surge in the US taking souls at an alarming rate...  NY topping 40,000 souls lost statewide...  other states - California - Texas - Arizona right behind...  protect yourself and your loved ones until you get vaccinated...   you know what to do...  mask up...  drop goodies off on porches...   blow kisses from the sidewalk while waving wildly and jumping up and down...  and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

Filet of Fish, Tater Tots and Apple Breakfast Tart

 Quarantine supper tonite...  live from NYC...

Bright blue cloudless skies...  light wind...  mid 40’s...  few folks out on a cold  Sunday...  brief wave to the neighbors bundled up against the chill...   checked in on the greenhouse...   spinach leaves still growing...  albeit very slowly...  turnip leaves bright green and lively...  arugula getting taller...  collards much larger than in the fall...  beet leaves slowly getting bigger...  carrot tops furrier... the greenhouse is surviving the Persephone phase intact...  another six weeks or so until it passes...  fingers crossed 🀞 

Mom is doing well...  waiting for her vaccine...  enjoying supper tonite with her sweet aide...  tilapia...  farro...  garden salad and a couple of fried plantains...  lucky to have a gal who loves to cook... and is good at it too πŸ˜‹

Sliced apples leftover from last nights cake...  perfect for a breakfast pastry...  came out delicious...  a version of the Apple cake...  less sugar...  mandarin zest and juice...   more fruit than batter...  a yummy breakfast. 

Got back a bit late...  time for supper with the hubs...   our version of Filet of Fish...  lemony pollock with bread crumbs...  tartar sauce...  jarlsberg...  on a fresh sesame seed bun...   with tater tots...  supper of champions 😝

The UK strain of the virus has spread to more states...  more infectious...  just as nasty...  you know what to do...  mask up...  air kisses via video chat... and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Saturday 9 January 2021

Beef Stew with Flatbreads and Jewish Apple Cake

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Ineffective sun...  brisk wind πŸ’¨ huddled into the collar of the jacket...  scarf sealing out the cold...  mask on...  gloved hands carrying vinyl shopping bags keys and hand sanitizer...  off to the market for the weekly shopping excursion.   Approaching the store...  gloves off...  keys and sanitizer in jacket pockets...  cold numbing the tips of fingers...  grasping the handle of the cart...  whoosh...  into the store...  heat enveloping a chilled body granting relief.  

The perfect time to peruse the aisles...  supper time...  most folks are home prepping...  eating...  limited shoppers...  zipping through the aisles...  short list today...  mostly Mom’s items.  Produce...  the favorite...  bargain shelves...  loads of mandarins...  potatoes of every stripe...  summer squash...  5 lbs per bag...  each $1.99...  cucumbers...   mushrooms...   apples...   snagging a bag of mixed potatoes...  one of mandarins...  a mixed bag of peppers and mushrooms...  and a bag of small Granny Smith apples.  The lady beside me grins behind her mask...  we both feel excited about our finds.  

Returning home to unpack and heat the remaining stew for supper...  the hubs relaxing on the couch after his exercises...  happy to pitch in and help peel and slice apples for our Jewish Apple Cake.  Scented with fresh orange juice, zest and cinnamon...  the kitchen smells like heaven as it bakes for 90 minutes.  The beef stew even better tonite...  flavors enhanced by the storing and reheating...  devoured alongside a couple of flat breads and a glass (or two) of Claret.  Cake eaten just slightly warm with a cup of Mandarin Orange Spice tea for the hubs...  light...  floral...  with just enough spice to remind of apples and cinnamon. 

The new Covid strain has come to Long Island...  first cases today in Suffolk County... you know what to do...  mask up...  leave goodies on the porch...  blow air kisses at the curb and wash those germy hands πŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?    What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Chicken Brussel Sprout and Potato Hash from the Uninspired Cook

 Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Sun peeking through...  warming the office while work absorbs the hours...  coffee and what the hubs calls...  weird oatmeal...  waiting to be consumed.  The weird oatmeal...  oats soaked overnight in beef gravy from last nights stew...  heated in the microwave...  rested...  then warmed through...  savory oats... love it.  He wrinkles his nose at it while he eats his oats with milk, cranberries and cinnamon... also delicious.  

Hours later...  the office chair glued to pants...  creaking upwards to stretch between the dreaded “to do” list...  time to defrost something for supper.  Chicken...  not feeling inspired today...  boneless breasts...  least favorite cut...  maybe an idea will arrive?  Perusing recipes...  there are thousands from which to chose  ~yawn~   none jump out shrieking...  COOK ME!  Gah...  we do need to eat.   Maybe later.

Later arrives... still uninspired...  peek in the fridge for ideas...  sprouts look ready for use...  so far...  chicken and sprouts...  potatoes...  BOOM... hash!  Finally inspiration arrives at the last moment...  time to cook.  

Cube the chicken...   season...  salt...  pepper...  garlic... onion...  turmeric...  paprika...  Cajun spice mix...  brown in olive oil...  set aside.   Sprouts halved... face down...  more olive oil...  salt... pepper...  crank up the heat... cover almost all the way...  lightly brown... add to chicken in a pan warming in the oven.  Finally potatoes...  diced...  more olive oil and seasonings...  salt...  pepper...  garlic... onion... paprika...  medium high heat...  cover on most of the way... sizzling...   finished...  chicken... sprouts back in the pan...  toss to mix and serve...  a no recipe recipe for chicken sprout potato hash for an uninspired supper quandary.  It was good...  and we had to eat, so... it worked.

Covid stole 4000 souls from us today in America...  last night the hubs, Mom and I signed up for vaccines at our local hospital.  We are on the waiting list...  those with two risk factors are at the front of the line after health care workers...   Mom needs the protection...  90 years old... stroke and cancer survivor...  the hubs too...  diabetic... high blood pressure...  I qualify now as a health care provider but won’t take my vaccine before Mom and the hubs...  they need it more.  Please sign up at your local hospital...  get vaccinated...  protect yourself and the folks you love from unintended consequences.  In the interim...  you know what to do...  mask up...  give air kisses from the sidewalk...  and wash those germy handsπŸ˜·πŸ’•

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

Beef Stew with Egg Noodles

 Quarantine supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Bright...  sunny...  a bit of a chill...  mid 40’s today in the Big Apple.  Watched two squirrels chase one another up and down the big oak tree...   tails flicking...  scampering around the trunk...  up and down the branches...   sparrows chirping loudly in the leaves...  almost scolding...  standing on the deck...  scarf...  jacket... gloves... enjoying the sun on my face...  coffee in hand...   steam rising against the blue sky.

Hubs got an A+ from his surgeon today...  brace now set to bend 50%...  physical therapy begins!  Best oatmeal and craisins ever...  celebratory  brunch...   needed some good news...  for a change.

Had the desire to make yesterday’s beef stew today...  a labor of love...  five hours of browning...  deglazing...  simmering...  adding flavors...  came out fabulous!  Bottom round roast...  onions...  garlic...  celery...  fresh greenhouse herbs...  rosemary...  sage...  thyme...  white wine...  homemade mushroom stock (from the stuffed mushrooms this past week)...  chicken stock...  simmered long and low...  carrots added 15 minutes before serving...  last into the pot...  crimini mushrooms sautΓ©ed in butter and olive oil...  celery leaves to wilt...  served over extra wide egg noodles...  divine...  and enough for at least one more meal. 

America surpassed 4000 souls lost today due to Covid...  the pandemic is raging out of control...  PLEASE...  take this seriously...  you know what to do...  mask up...  wave from the curb...  air kisses from far away...  and wash those germy hands πŸ’•πŸ˜·

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?