Wednesday 6 October 2021

Pizza Night… tagliatelle with tomatoes olives and Romano cheese

 Quarantine supper tonite…. Live from NYC…

Improvement…  sun successfully making an appearance today…  humidity lowering from revoltingly damp to mildly uncomfortable… deciduous trees beginning to show their autumnal hues…  daily deluge of falling acorns dropping onto cars… folks heads… piling up on roadways and sidewalks… 

Breakfast out on the deck… mild temps making the backyard pleasant… Mr Sam relaxing in his favorite cardboard box under a chair across from us… iced coffee🧋and a granola bar… the hubs enjoying his mini turkey wrap with roasted tomatoes and hot java ☕️ Garage project moving along well… hubs rewiring plugs and switches… hanging shovels… creating shelves… organizing supplies… looking much better…

Market day for us & Mom… finding blueberries 🫐 the size of nickels… great buys on ground turkey 🦃 a bunch of 5 lb bags of produce for $2 on the quick sale shelves… small red skin potatoes 🥔 bok choy 🥬 romaine lettuce… tomatoes 🍅  cauliflower and broccoli 🥦 making the budget work! 

Popped over to Moms for an early evening visit… dropping off her goodies… Mark & Andrea joining us…  giving Grandma the big news…  they got married… pandemic style… a small group with an officiant… party to be scheduled when we can all gather safely… Grandma thrilled to hear the big news 🗞 smiling ear to ear to see her grandson happily hitched 🥰

Left Moms a bit late… stopped off for pizza at the local spot… NY pizza… a delicious treat… quick and tasty… perfect choice 🍕 

Last nights supper…. Tagliatelle with fresh tomatoes… kalamata olives… romano cheese… red pepper flake and a bit of red wine… the hubs adding sautéed ground beef to his plate… 

Jabs work! Get yours today 💉covid has decreased markedly over the past month… virus 🦠 has no place to spread when folks are vaxxed… been more than six months? Time for a booster  #GetYourJabOn  don’t forget… flu before boo 💉 times a wastin’… mask up… limit interactions… glide through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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