Friday 15 October 2021

London Broil… Pasta Salad… Green Salad and Mr Sam in his Box

 Resurgence supper tonite… Live from NYC…

Friday…  warm…  sunny… calm…  temps in the high 70’s… a treat in October… throngs of sparrows chirping in the trees… two mockingbirds noisily calling to one another…  our local squirrel 🐿 busily digging… little round holes 🕳 popping up all over the grass… burying acorns 🌰 

Mr Sam relaxing on the deck… snugged into his favorite box…  napping while the hubs sorts through garage storage… breakfast ☕️ 🥪 on the fly as he picks what to save… what to toss…  relaxing near Mr Sam… sipping iced coffee🧋planning supper’s menu 🔖

Family supper tonite… Mark & Andrea… Danicha & Eduardo… a BBQ on the deck…  cheese and parsley sausage ring appetizer…  london broil (rare please) pasta salad with peas, corn, roasted tomatoes, Kalamata olives, queso de frier, black beans and mustard vinaigrette… crisp green salad…  Noble Vines 337 Cabernet 🍷(named for the vine roots brought over from Bordeaux) dessert…  tiramisu from our local patisserie… espresso and coffee

WE GOT BOOSTED Thursday… went to our local Walgreens… by appointment…  no wait…  in and out in under 45 minutes…  feeling good… arm a bit sore… no complaints… not vaxxed yet??  Please speak to your health care provider about scheduling your dose… a dear friend of ours who became ill with covid a few months back is still recovering ❤️‍🩹 this is a serious disease 🦠 and don’t forget… Flu 💉 before boo 👻 

Mask up… limit interactions… sail through the market and wash those germy hands 💕😷

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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