Monday 30 November 2020

Sage Turkey Sausage Broccoli Mushroom Tortellini Casserole

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Just love the sound of driving rain hitting the windows...  the awning...  the roof...  the thrumming of the drops against the house...  cars splashing by on the Avenue...  the wind howling through the naked trees...  gusts rattling the windows...  rainy days are relaxing...   quiet...  time to snuggle up with a soft blanket...  a good book...  get lost in its pages.  

Mr Sam has been upset...  pacing around the house meowing...  looking for his Daddy...  sulking in the basement...  today brought him upstairs in my arms to visit the hubs...  surprise!  Mr Sam purred so loud we both could hear him plainly...  got his head rubbed and a quick snuggle then wiggled away back downstairs to relax and have a treat.  He seemed satisfied...   for now...  he is quite attached to the hubs.   

Today was relaxing...  no reasons to go out in the driving rain and wind...  a chance to catch up on phone calls and paperwork.  Staying in touch with workers compensation...   and the hubs boss...  keeping them in the loop...  time to review bills...  make payments...  finished most of the Xmas shopping for the grands on cyber Monday...  their mamas are terrific at sending us links to their hearts desires! 

Supper was a casserole...  two sage turkey sausages pan cooked and sliced...  one head fresh broccoli florets steamed...  fresh tortellini uncooked...  8 oz mushrooms sliced...  one can campbells cream of mushroom soup...  1/2 cup milk...  1 tsp black pepper...  a good sprinkle of Penzey’s poultry seasoning...  10 dashes of Tabasco...  1/2 cup water from steaming the broccoli... all mixed together...  frizzled onions atop...  baked at 350°F for 30 minutes till bubbly and hot...  let rest for 20 minutes then serve!  It was delicious...   creamy with a bit of heat...  the frizzled onions giving the dish a lovely oniony pop...  we ate most of it...   one small scoop left for tomorrow’s lunch!  

Covid stats continue to explode...  Gov Cuomo today asking retired Nurses and Doctors to work...  giving those in Covid wards a chance to rest...  we are exhausting our health care workers and system...  only six months to go...  vaccines on the horizon...  please stay safe...   wear a mask...   limit social interactions to your household...  and wash those germy hands!  

How was your day?   Whats on your plate?   Thoughts?

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