Saturday 28 November 2020

Orange Glazed Mini Pound Cakes... Greenhouse update

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...

Another grey day in the Big Apple...  raw feel to the air...  few folks out walking...  quiet Saturday.  Spent some time out on the deck with Mr Sam...  he wasn’t interested in staying out once the greenhouse door closed...  he meowed loudly...  we headed for the back door...   too uncomfortable for relaxing outdoors...   even the heavy sweater didn’t keep the chill at bay. 

Dear friends of ours surprised us with mini pound cakes as a treat for the hubs post op...  so sweet...  made some fresh orange glaze... an idea from the scones...  gave them a drizzle...  so yummy...  the rich buttery texture of the dense pound cake against the orange juice and zest in the glaze...  a perfect combination.  

The greenhouse is still growing... albeit slowly during this Persephone phase...  picked the remaining tomatoes today...  time to let them redden up on the kitchen table with their ripened buddies...   the collards, turnip greens and arugula still leafing out...  carrots and radishes seem to be napping for the cold season and thyme is happy to be out of the breeze.  Rosemary remains on the deck in her pot while sage and oregano live on happily in the garden.  The brussel sprouts...  still tiny...  will have to be pulled before the first hard frost... not here yet...  but watching the weather forecast.  All in all the greenhouse has been a source of delight and deliciousness throughout the season...  almost December and still going strong...  amazing.

We have dined on thanksgiving turkey and sides for three days now and are still enjoying every minute of it...  tomorrow might be a new dish from whatever is left...  thinking of some kind of casserole...  maybe with veggies and a bechamel. 

The hubs is doing well...  first two days were tough... lots of discomfort and some pain...  doing much better today...  appetite is back...  no pain meds today...  just ibuprofen...  able to walk to the bathroom and back a couple of times to wash up and change clothes...  feeling more like himself.  So grateful surgery is passed and he is on the mend.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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