Sunday 29 November 2020

Red Cabbage Slaw and Leftover Turkey amid COVID Fatigue

 Quarantine Supper tonite...  Live from NYC...

Bright...  sunny...  light breeze...  fluffy clouds swimming gently across azure skies...  squirrels busy chasing one another across tree tops...  birds chirping...  hopping from branch to branch...  a group of young boys running round the block...  their daily jog...  folks in light jackets and masks walking in small groups...  out to enjoy the sun...  Sunday in the Big Apple...  tomorrow... back to work. 

Did Mom’s grocery run and delivery today...  she thoroughly enjoyed her thanksgiving meal delivery...  two days of suppers... one breakfast of leftovers.  The Derby Pie was a big hit too.  We chatted...  balcony door ajar...  hallway door open...  cool breeze keeping her safe from whatever critters might be lurking...  she seems relatively happy...  visits from friends perking up her days...  lots of reading and walking her daily laps round her apartment...  her two lovely aides keeping her safe and well.  

Came home to prep supper for the hubs later than planned...  we ended up with red cabbage slaw and leftover turkey...  Derby Pie and decaf for dessert.  Eating on a bed tray in our bedroom...  the hubs is feeling much improved...  pain quite manageable without even ibuprofen through the day...  one dose of pain meds to sleep... feeling pleased with his progress.

Covid hospitalization stats are rising dangerously throughout our country...  hospitals are at capacity in many areas...  medical staff shortages have begun to appear in hard hit areas...  and the number of new cases is rising exponentially.  

Folks...  this is so serious...  please...  please...  

THINK about what can happen if YOU aren’t careful...  if YOU don’t wear a mask...  some folks believe they can recover...  and maybe they do...  maybe they don’t even show symptoms... 

What happens to the person you infect who doesn’t recover...  what happens to their little girl?  To their spouse?  To their mother or father?  

What happens when you infect your friend and they infect their Mom or Dad who dies...  can you live with that?  

We CAN win this battle against the virus...  but we MUST do it together... we must follow the CDC guidance and do what is recommended...  

Wear a mask...   limit indoor social interactions to only those in your household...  when outside and socializing keep numbers small (under 10) and always wear a mask...  wear a mask at work...  don’t touch your face or eyes when outside of your home... and when you return home immediately wash your hands (and face) for 30 seconds with lots of soap and water.   

This is NOT hard...  we must all do our part regardless of what local government suggests.  We ALL long for normalcy and have pandemic fatigue...  but killing your best friends Dad because you didn’t follow protocols will wreck YOUR life and theirs!  Please...  think about the consequences of your actions and be sensible and safe 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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