Monday 23 November 2020

Cajun Andouille, White and Red Bean Soup with Roasted Asparagus and Warmed Pita Bread

 Sunny day...  bright blue skies with few clouds high overhead...  most trees now naked...  their arms reaching out toward the suns rays...  a hawk coasting on thermals sailing by as we drive to the doctors for the hubs medical clearance.  Little round holes punctuate the lawns as squirrels bury acorns in every available spot...  geese honking overhead urging the leader onward as they fly in v formation...  wind gusting... whipping up leaves only to let them flutter to the ground once again...  a blustery autumn day here in the Big Apple.   

Tomorrow is the big day...  the hubs goes in for the fix in the morning and by late afternoon should be on the way home.  Cooking and baking for Thanksgiving will be the thing to do while the surgeon does his magic...  relaxing...  occupies the thoughts...  less worry.  

Got the last of the ingredients today...  everything is ready...  Derby Pie...  cranberry compote...  sweet potato bake...  green bean casserole...  a small 10 lb turkey...  sausage stuffing...  excited to make the meal though we will be eating... just us...  Mom and her aide at her apartment (I will bring her plates for supper) and video chatting...  for safety...  our friends and the kids all doing the same...  eating with their own households.  

Tonight was Cajun andouille, white and red bean soup...   gave the leaves of half the turnips in the greenhouse a haircut to add to the pot...  served with warmed pita bread and a side of roasted asparagus...  warming and comforting for the hubs before tomorrow’s big day.  

How was your day?   What on your plate?   Thoughts?

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