Saturday 21 November 2020

Fridge Clean Out Supper: Roasted Chicken, Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Roll Ups, Brie and Fig on Crackers, Glazed Plantains, Cheesy Garlic Croutons and Crisp Green Salad

 Quarantine supper tonite...   Live from NYC...  

Bipolar autumn...  bright sun...  warmth...  temps in the low 60’s...  calm winds...  no jacket required...   just days after below freezing temps chilled us to the bone.  Soon the v formations will fly south... wintering elsewhere...   fat squirrels will snug into their nests...  sleeping through the depths of winter...  do they dream of acorns?   Raccoons and possums will also take to  their beds snoozing away the cold.  The last of the leaves will twirl to the ground leaving slumbering trees until spring.

Spent the day getting the hubs ready for his surgery on Tuesday...  MRI...  blood work...  the usual pre op suspects...  covid test Sunday at the hospital drive through...  then BOOM...  knee repair and six weeks post op in the monster brace while the leg heals.  

Our thanksgiving plans are cancelled...  CDC recommending we all stay within our households to stem the spread of covid...  the kids cancelling their Friendsgiving celebration in favor of staying alive until 2021...  smart moves. 

I will drop off Mom’s thanksgiving supper at her apartment... the hubs will be on the couch at home... leg elevated...  visit very briefly (mask on) then return home for us to share a zoomgiving with Mom.  

Supper was a fridge clean out meal...  leftover roasted chicken sliced...  cream cheese wrapped by smoked salmon...  Brie and fig on crackers...  few glazed plantains...  those leftover garlic breadsticks from the pizza place turned into croutons (can we say croutonized?) and a fresh crisp garden salad with greenhouse tomatoes (in late The hubs finishing off his meal with a slice of meh apple pie...  he is such a trooper...  says he likes it 😀

Watching the news tonite as covid stats spike all over our country...  hoping that folks take the advice of CDC seriously...  MD’s and nurses begging people to follow precautions as they work themselves past exhaustion trying to keep patients alive...  traumatized and sobbing when they can’t succeed.  

No one wants to be part of those who might become ill 2-3 weeks post holiday...  hospitals have no more room for patients...  reminiscent of spring 2020 here in NYC...  terrifying times.  Even if folks believe they are safe...  they might not realize how at risk they actually are...

Folllow protocols...  wear a mask... limit social interactions...  think of those exhausted healthcare workers asking us all to stay home...  and wash those germy hands 😷💕

How was your day?   What’s on your plate?   Thoughts?

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