Sunday 15 November 2020

Pizza Night and Thanksgiving Menu Planning

 Quarantine supper tonite... Live from NYC...

Today started out mild with mixed sun and clouds...  chilly...  jacket weather...  did the food roundup for Mom...  brought it over to her today to visit and socialize for a bit...  she was in good spirits...   by the time we left the wind was howling with gusts up to 50 mph...  Mom’s building complex creates a wind tunnel...  had to hold onto the hubs arm to not be blown over...  so intense...  still incredibly windy right now and through tomorrow...  following the wind early winter arrives with temps dipping into the low 30’s at night...  brrrr...

Discussed the menu for Thanksgiving...  wanted her input so she would feel included...  bringing over cooked carved turkey...  stuffing...  sweet potato bake...  green bean casserole...   cranberry sauce...  her aide will make us all a salad...  Derby Pie for dessert (thanks Lara Welch Bertani for the inspiration) 

Mom and her aide (Kamal) will eat at the table and we’ll eat at the kitchen counter...  more than six feet apart...  with the balcony door opened a bit and the hallway door open to allow for plenty of fresh air circulation.  Lots of leftovers to leave for Mom and Kamal to enjoy for at least two more days... all of us feeling excited about the coming meal.

Got back later than expected so tonite...  order in...  pizza...  humongous garlic bread sticks...  spinach pinwheel...  salad...  the family special from our local pizza shoppe...   gave the delivery guy 30% tip...  half a pizza leftover for another meal...  need to think about how to fix up the garlic breadsticks into something a whole lot more interesting...  side dish with another supper this week maybe... 

Now the shopping begins...  turkey is already in the freezer waiting to be cooked...  the list is long...  will be completed tomorrow to avoid crowds...   making several items in advance...  sweet potato bake is better made the day before...  cranberry sauce can be made a couple of days ahead...  Derby pie can be made ahead...  day of will be stuffing, turkey and green bean casserole...  looking forward to the planning... baking and cooking...  might even make biscuits... whatcha think Ava Truckey?

How was your day?   What on your plate?  Thoughts?

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